Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 243 The Principal’s Speech

"A new semester means a new starting point, a new beginning."

"New students represent new ideas and new hopes."

"We old people will eventually go away."

"As history once said... This world is ours and yours, but in the final analysis it is still yours. You are like the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and hope rests on you."

"Life should be as gorgeous as summer flowers, and it should be as brilliant as fireworks."

"Here, no one will be silent."

"There is always a sky that belongs to you, waiting to bloom."

The atmosphere in the first hall was somewhat solemn.

The large light clusters under the ceiling have lit up again and are traveling along a complicated route, shedding a ray of light onto a vast white world.

Freshmen from the four colleges have walked out of the corridor and gathered in front of the unknown principal.

The robes of four different colors were clearly distinguishable. They lined up in a long and neat queue. They stood silently under the high platform and listened quietly to the voice that was somewhat old but full of wisdom:

"It is the school's luck that First University can win your favor; you finally chose this university, which is your opportunity and our opportunity."

“Have the opportunity to feel the progress of thinking in the collision and friction, have the opportunity to enjoy the long-lasting fragrance of wisdom after time has settled, have the opportunity to witness the rise of one giant after another, and the blooming of one superstar after another!”

“This is the honor and aspiration of every faculty member at our First University.”

"As you can see."

"First University represents progress and tolerance in the wizarding world."

“As the school’s triangular logo shows: no matter which angle you look at, it’s the front.”

“Each college is unique, but there is no fundamental difference between them.”

"You will all be members of First University."

"So, I hope that every new student who enters the campus can face his classmates from brother colleges with an inclusive and positive attitude."

Zheng Qing took a deep breath.

His eyes flowed over the pure white mage robes of the Alpha Academy, and he curled his lips quietly.

Ever since Lao Yao confirmed that he was under the nightmare curse, the tolerance and goodwill he had originally gained from Augustus had disappeared.

All that remained was the cold deal with Serprano.

As the ancients said, repay evil with kindness. How can we repay kindness with kindness? We can only repay grievance with straightness and repay kindness with kindness.

Being willing to tolerate does not mean agreeing to indulge.

Obviously, there are not a few freshmen who hold similar ideas to Zheng Qing. Although there was no commotion among the students, a strange atmosphere had quietly spread.

Everyone communicated with each other with their eyes and expressions, silently answering the principal's expectations.

The nameless principal sighed quietly.

"You are put into four different colleges not because you are any different."

"If you understand it this way, I can very responsibly assert that every wizard is unique and different."

"Quite the opposite."

"Each of you is a member of the wizarding world. What is the difference between wizards and wizards?"

"It's just that the school uses different admission methods, so you entered different colleges."

Zheng Qing frowned, feeling that the principal's words were very contradictory.

Knowing that different admissions methods can create division and alienation, why not use the same method to select students?

This is considered to be an artificial contradiction.

Sure enough, the principal's next sentence gave a very clear answer:

"Flowing water does not rot, and door hinges do not suffer from beetles."

"Without comparison and competition, First University may become a backwater...a green, hopeless backwater."

"Just like I said at the beginning."

"The First University is your first university, our first university, and the first university in the wizarding world."

"This university carries so much responsibility... and so much hope."

"We must keep moving forward, without stopping, always moving forward!"

At this point, the unknown principal stopped his speech.

He unbuttoned his collar, as if the fragile buttons around his neck were restraining some of his emotions.

Applause suddenly sounded like a storm, spreading from the terrace four floors up to the center of the hall.

Professors, school administrators, senior students, and freshmen who have just entered the school.

Everyone clapped their hands vigorously to vent their emotions.

This outpouring seemed to startle the principal.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and he raised his hand to stop the students from praising him.

"You are divided into four different academies." He repeated, his eyes sliding from the red-robed Nine Students team, to the white-robed Alpha team, and then to the yellow-robed Atlas team, and the blue-robed Starry Sky Academy team.

All the freshmen held their chests high and worked hard to show their most spiritual side.

"You should already know that."

"Alpha College selects students based on their talents; Jiuyou College admits new students through examinations; Atlas values ​​everyone's beliefs; Starry Sky College pays more attention to your practical ability."

A smile appeared on Zheng Qing's face.

To be able to describe the selection method of the group of fighting madmen in Starry Sky Academy in such an elegant way is indeed in the same vein as the old man in the newspaper.

"There is no doubt that this difference can better train your abilities."

"There is no need to deny that such divisions will cause some divisions in the school."

"The school will encourage you to develop your strengths."

"However, the school will not tolerate the uncontrolled collision between your different ideas and traits!"

"The school will not allow these differences to become divisions, divisions and hostility."

"You need to understand the nature of different colleges, see your own weaknesses, and know your shortcomings."

"Gifts and talents create the silver cross of the Alpha Academy. Talent is passed down in the blood, and talent is accumulated in wisdom... But they will bloom with freedom. Alpha, don't be complacent in the cross, and learn to look at it with an equal eye. In this world, you must find your own beliefs and then practice your wisdom.”

The freshmen in white robes stood tall and solemnly, looking extremely proud to be the first to receive the principal's evaluation.

"Equality and fairness are the basis of all examinations and the foundation of Jiuyou Academy. But too much internal competition will consume your energy, the strict grading system will constrain your thoughts, and the heavy course load will suppress your inspiration... …Students, you are still young, life is not just about the present, there is also poetry and distance! Let your free souls fly, find the light of your soul, and chase your dreams among the stars and the sea!”

A burst of warm applause broke out from the team of Jiuyou Academy.

This remark was very much to their liking.

Of course, like all speeches, these words are of no use to the students of Jiuyou Academy who are deeply tortured by exams.

I just had a bowl of chicken soup for the soul with everyone.

"Faith is Atlas's choice. But there are always people who confuse this concept and simply place their faith on the unknowable and nameless existence above us; or they regard hope, freedom, and the truth, goodness and beauty of the world as some kind of faith. ... This is a hypocrite. True faith is choice... I will not force you to seek common ground while reserving differences, but I hope that you can truly understand what you serve - they are all loving Fathers, and you should also be loving children. "

There was silence among Atlas's ranks.

All the freshmen looked at the principal with serious expressions.

No one opposed or protested, and no one supported or cheered.

Just like the usual style of this college.

Silent, quiet, and solid as a rock.

"And Starry Sky Academy. I like your simple and rough style!"

There was a roar of laughter and applause from the team at Starry Sky Academy.

Zheng Qing glanced at them enviously.

Maybe the whole university, those blue robes, dare to be so unscrupulous in front of the president!

The principal smiled, raised his hand, suppressed it, stopped the restlessness of the young wizards of Starry Sky Academy, and added:

"However, I hope that after the battle is over, when you rest, you can think more about life and look up at the stars; remember that your battlefield is outside the school, and your enemies are monsters... and more importantly, Vice Principal Shi Hui once again protested that the school's budget exceeded the standard. What can I do? I am also desperate... So I hope you will reduce the loss rate of school public property and the occupancy rate of the school hospital this semester, so that our lovely Ms. Shi can face Smile more!”

This time, the freshmen from the four colleges laughed, and even the students and professors standing higher up on the second and third floors also laughed.

Zheng Qing smiled softly and looked up at Ms. Shi Hui behind the nameless principal.

She had a straight face, her lips pursed tightly, and her face was expressionless.

Without her support, the laughter in the hall quickly dissipated.

"Gifts and talents, justice and equality, faith, and fighting spirit!"

"This is your choice at First University!"

"The red circle, the silver cross, the golden triangle, the blue star... You young people who have just entered school should feel the connotations of various colleges, understand your respective glory, inherit them, pass them on, and carry them forward. ”

"You are the future and hope of the wizarding world."

"This is what the school requires of you, and this is what the universe requires of you."

"When you stand here and look up at the stars, I don't ask you to see the future path from the complicated stars, nor do I expect that the corners of your robes will not get wet by the water of the river of destiny. I just hope that you will not let down the steps you step on. "

“This is the place to start and the only place.”

"Now, the dean of your college will issue the school badge and the college badge to the new students!"

Above the first hall.

In the semi-enclosed gallery under the terrace.

Assistant teacher Hilda held her chin and looked curiously at the principal in the center of the hall.

"Do you feel that... this year's principal is a little different?" He rubbed Thomas next to him, and the copper ring on his ear hit the silver nail on his cheek, making a crisp sound: "I feel that the content of this year's speech is a little fuller. ...Well, it has more meaning.”

"Perhaps this is the true level of the principal." Thomas smiled softly and did not answer Hilda's question directly.

"Silence!" Zhang Yu's gentle voice sounded behind the two of them: "There are hundreds of wizards in this hall whose ears and eyes are smarter than yours... I don't want any bad rumors to spread among the teaching assistants."

Hilda smiled dryly, raised her hand, and made a zipper motion near her mouth.

Thomas stared silently at the tall figure in the center of the hall.

His eyes were faint and his expression was deep.

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