Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 18 Eyes turned red?

There are more and more figures on the lakeside.

Patrol members wearing various colored robes, gray-robed school staff rushing back and forth, teaching assistants holding various tools, black-robed professors with their hands behind their backs and solemn expressions, suppressed and intense outbreaks were happening in almost every corner. Everyone's faces were very ugly during the quarrel.

The heart of the First University, the core area of ​​Jiuyou Academy, was unexpectedly invaded by a wild monster.

People in the Foreign Affairs Office of the school working committee can almost imagine the headlines in the newspapers tomorrow morning.

First, the special plane for admission was invaded by monsters, and then a group of wild sand bugs caused trouble on the campus. Within two days, the school had done something like this again.

Like a sieve, any cat or dog can come in and take a spin!

Professor An imagined the roars of the school bosses, and his chubby round face wrinkled. He jogged all the way, going back and forth between the teaching assistants who were investigating and collecting evidence and the school guards who were searching again, hoping to get some better news.

"Which laboratory's test products were leaked?"

"Do you know the origin of this wild monster?"

"Are there any other wild monsters nearby?"

He kept repeating the above questions, but all he got was a silent shake of the head.

This made him increasingly frustrated.

Time slipped into the night bit by bit.

Not only did the atmosphere at the lakeside not cool down, but it became even more lively.

Dozens of small boats shuttled back and forth on the sparkling lake, causing more ripples.

The fish people at the bottom of the lake were quiet and seemed not to notice these guys disturbing their dreams at all.

Bundles of colorful magic spells rose from the boat from time to time and exploded in mid-air; invisible fluctuations swept over the big lake repeatedly.

Even standing in the corridor, Zheng Qing would feel the hairs on his hair rising from time to time and his skin going numb.

On the lawn, several thin dogs wearing gray vests lowered their noses and walked around on the lawn. Their ears were spinning crazily like kites, but their tails were held between their hind legs and dragged motionless on the ground.

The branches of the bushes were covered with light bugs. These little bugs insert their sharp mouthparts into the bark of the tree and suck the sap. Their translucent abdominal skin bulges and slowly blooms with a green shimmer; as time goes by, the shimmer becomes brighter and brighter. , until it turns into light cyan light groups as big as fists. These light clusters clustered together, illuminating the entire lawn.

A row of bamboo cages with narrow mouths and big bellies are neatly stacked in the corridor.

Milky white bugs formed a stream of light, flowing out from the cage mouth, centering on the location of the kappa demon, and spreading out in all directions according to the standard Fermat spiral.

The closer the bugs are to the central wild monster, the redder they are, and the red ones turn black; the closer they are to the outside, the whiter their colors are, and the bugs in the distance almost seem to blend into the moonlight in mid-air. 【】

"Those color-changing bugs above are so interesting." Zheng Qing raised his neck, stared at the fading colors in mid-air, and whispered, "They look like blurred watercolors."

"That's the research result of Assistant Professor Hilda... They are some mutated fireflies." The gray-haired assistant stood quietly beside Zheng Qing, as if he had no intention of going to the lawn to get busy.

Seeing Zheng Qing's confused look, he nodded slightly, stretched out his hand, and introduced himself: "Zhang Yu... we meet again... we met on the special plane for admission."

"I remember, I remember." Zheng Qing nodded repeatedly and said gratefully: "I have never had the opportunity to express my gratitude to you... My name is Zheng Qing."

"Everyone knows you," Zhang Yu said with a smile: "The freshman who won the Merlin Medal this year... is very famous among the teaching assistants."

Zheng Qing's face turned red again.

At this time, a few words floated into his ears intermittently:

"...Definitely not from the laboratory...Every wild monster there has been cast a spell that limits the range of activities...The only consequence of crossing the boundary is a ball of meat paste..."

"...I'm not talking about escape from the lab...I'm talking about whether it's possible in the lake..."

"...Fishmen...I can't say for sure..."

Looking back, two gray-robed school guards who were on a search mission were arguing quietly.

He tried hard to prick up his ears, but in the end he couldn't catch any more information.

Then he thought of the gray-haired teaching assistant next to him and what he had said not long ago.

"I remember... you said before that this wild monster was not caused by the fish-man?" Zheng Qing hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't suppress the curiosity in his heart and asked: "Isn't this wild monster transformed by a kappa? ?”

"I'm only a few years older than you, so don't use honorifics... I haven't congratulated you on suppressing this wild monster yet." Zhang Yu smiled gently and patiently explained: "The first time you raised the alarm, The special correspondent of the First University entered the elder cave of the fishman tribe... When we arrived here, the special correspondent had confirmed that the fishmen had nothing to do with this matter. "

"But aren't kappas under the jurisdiction of the fishmen?"

Zhang Yu turned his head and glanced at the wild fireflies that lit up again in the orchard. He paused and said, "The magical creatures in the lake are indeed within the jurisdiction of the fishmen... but not every kappa is a fishman. slave."

Lin Guo seemed to be a little distracted just now, and suddenly said loudly: "There is nothing scary about fish-men... The last time Zheng Qing patrolled, he single-handedly defeated a fish-man that was so tall and strong..."

He tried his best to gesture at the terrifying figure of the fish-man, and his voice sounded very loud.

Zheng Qing coughed twice loudly.

"It can be seen that he is well-deserved." Zhang Yu noticed the embarrassment of the young wizard, and his eyes immediately turned to the lawn and fell on the wild monster whose life and death were unknown. His voice was full of praise: "This should be your honor this year. This is the second wild monster you suppressed... I highly recommend you to participate in the freshman competition at this month's school hunting party. Depending on your level, you will definitely achieve good results."

Zheng Qing didn't speak. He felt his cheeks were a little hot.

Fortunately, a familiar figure came over and broke the awkward atmosphere.

"Zheng Qing... why did something happen again?!" Thomas pressed his broad palm on Zheng Qing's shoulder. After seeing the boy's slightly surprised and uneasy expression, he immediately laughed: "Just kidding... Are you injured? Are you feeling unwell? The professors are still there for further investigation, so let me first see if you two need anything..."

The two freshmen shook their heads in unison.

"Even if there is nothing abnormal, I suggest you go to the campus hospital to stay for one night," Zhang Yu's voice was always so calm and unhurried: "After all, you two don't have enough experience in facing wild monsters alone... I don't know if you may have been injured secretly. ”

Zheng Qing shrugged, noncommittal, and looked back at Lin Guo.

The little wizard seemed to have discovered something. He walked around Zheng Qing and stared at him carefully, looking up and down.

Zheng Qing was a little embarrassed by what he saw.

"Is there a problem?" he asked quietly.

Lin Guo frowned and stared at Zheng Qing's face for a long time, and finally said in surprise:

"Why are your eyes turning red?!"

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