Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 77 Monster Hunting and Hunting Guild

The war between wizards and demons has been around for a long time.

It has been so long that most wizards have forgotten when this war started, why this war started, and other ways of coexistence between wizards and monsters.

For so long, the fight between wizards and demons has become an instinct and a habit.

This habit is reflected in the daily lives of wizards, in the form of various customs and cultural life related to demons.

For example, hunting dances, hunting songs, and hunting paintings.

For example, the Bedouin's hobby of training wild monsters, the Inuit's craft of tanning monster skins, the Aryan nobles' custom of raising high-level monsters, and the Chinese custom of avoiding monsters during the Ghost Festival.

Another example is monster hunting competitions and hunting meetings.

Monster hunting, as the name suggests, means hunting monsters.

The hunting club is one of the forms of organizing monster hunting activities.

From the ancient barbaric era to the present day and into the foreseeable distant future, the struggle between wizards and monsters seems to never end.

Over a long period of time, wizards have passed down countless dazzling and charming legends in their battles with monsters, as well as a wealth of knowledge about hunting monsters.

In order to fully pass on this knowledge, wizards came up with various methods.

The Monster Hunting Club is one of the most traditional and reliable methods.

Learn to hunt monsters through competitions.

This is the only reason why the Monster Hunting Association can exist and develop.

Spring and autumn every year are the traditional seasons for hunting monsters. At this time, huge monster hunting meetings will be held in every corner of the wizarding world.

Among them are the cross-star and cross-world 'Super Hunting Grounds' organized by the Wizards' Alliance, as well as the cross-continental hunting competitions 'World Cup' and 'Zeus Cup' organized by the Wizards' Council or the Moon Council. Of course, in addition, there are Many local wizarding groups organize regional hunting competitions on their own, such as Yingzhou's 'Unlimited Hunting' or the Romans' 'Colosseum'.

As one of the three major components of the Wizards Alliance, First University is no exception.

Every autumn hunting time, more than a month after the freshmen enter the school, First University will organize an annual ‘campus hunting party’. The wizarding world outside the school also usually calls this ‘school hunt’ the ‘College Cup’.

"As one of the 'Three Cup Hunting Competitions', there is no doubt about the professionalism of the school hunting club. Even if we are not qualified to participate in the official hunting competition, being able to participate in the surrounding competitions of the school hunting club is a great way for each of us to accumulate experience. The best moment.”

Xiao Xiao sat at the desk, holding a notebook, and patiently taught Zheng Qing all kinds of common sense knowledge about hunting.

"Three-cup hunting competition?" Zheng Qing was already a little dizzy when he heard a new name. He couldn't help shouting: "Isn't it a school hunting club? When did another three-cup hunting competition appear? Race!”

"The 'World Cup' held by the Wizards' Council, the 'Zeus Cup' held by the Moon Council, and the 'College Cup' held by First University are annual hunting competitions held by each of the three major organizations that make up the Wizards Alliance, second only to the five The annual 'Super Hunting Ground' of the entire league... what the doctor just said." Lin Guo unceremoniously insulted his team leader.

A layer of heat came out of Zheng Qing's face, and he couldn't help but pick up the herbal tea on the table and drink it in one gulp.

The elves flying around the room immediately noticed the empty tea cup, flapped their wings, flew to Zheng Qing, and filled him with tea again.

By the way, he also brought Lin Guo a plate of clean and succulent cherry tomatoes.

"Thank you." The little wizard thanked these little alchemical beings very politely, and the elf carrying the fruit plate for him happily circled in the air - which was in sharp contrast to his own leader.

Lin Guo came to dormitory 403 at around eight o'clock in the evening to attend the general meeting of the Knights of Forgiveness.

Except for the young monk Shiyuan who was chanting sutras and Dylan who was going to class, all the members of the Knights were already present.

There is only one topic tonight.

How to form the Knights' own hunting party.

But before the topic officially begins, the other members of the Knights of Forgiveness have an additional task, which is to provide their leader with a comprehensive education on magic - after all, when the hunting team was established, they really needed to face the society. Only Zheng Qing was questioned by the federation and the school working committee.

"So, the scale of the school sports meeting is actually very large." Zheng Qing said with some surprise: "I always thought it was just similar to the school sports meeting... However, I remember Lao Yao said at the regular meeting, 'Freshmen Outstanding hunters in the competition have the opportunity to join the school's five hunting teams... Are there only five hunting teams participating in the school hunting party? How come I have the impression that there are dozens of hunting teams in the school..."

"Twenty-seven hunting teams." This time it was Zhang Jixin who explained: "There are a total of twenty-seven official hunting teams registered in First University, but among them, there are only five that belong to the school itself - including one school hunting team. , four college hunting teams. The remaining twenty-two hunting teams are affiliated with major societies or other organizations."

"You can think of these five hunting teams as official hunting teams. Compared with other club hunting teams, the members of these five hunting teams are very powerful and their treatment is very generous. It is said that they are the most powerful ones in First University. A hunting team is not an exaggeration." Fatty Xin added: "Professor Yao probably means that we have the opportunity to join these hunting teams, so we must work hard..."

"That is to say, if our club's hunting team applies successfully, it will become the 28th hunting team of First University?" Zheng Qing completely ignored the other words Fatty Xin said, but focused all his attention on The number of hunting parties increased.

"Although you look ugly, you think quite beautifully." Zhang Jixin complained: "The twenty-seven hunting teams I mentioned are all 'formal' hunting teams... Do you understand the meaning of the word 'formal'? ? This means that any of their hunting teams can be dragged into the Silent Forest for ten days and a half, and then kill seventy or eighty wild monsters and drag them back to the school in a bunch. "

"After our hunting team's application is successful, we will become a 'preparatory hunting team', which is what many people call a 'low-class hunting team'." Xiao Xiao adjusted his glasses and added: "The only way is to continue to participate in hunting competitions - including similar ones. Elementary competitions like the rookie hunting competition - slowly accumulate experience and accumulate points, so that you can gradually improve the level of the hunting team. If our hunting team still exists next year..."

"It must exist!" Zhang Jixin shouted from the side.

"...Yes, I mean, when our hunting team participates in the school hunting party next year, we will have the opportunity to enter the formal hunting competition. As long as we achieve the tasks set by the hunting competition organizing committee in the formal hunting competition, we should be able to officially Promoted."

"It's very difficult." Fatty Xin held the ball in his arms and pretended to be serious at the side: "According to the historical report files of the school hunting club that I recently reviewed, only about 20% of the hundreds of hunting teams that participate in the school hunting party every year can complete the final round. The target...even the official hunting team registered in the school will fail."

"At this time, their points will also be deducted... When their points fall below the lower limit stipulated by the World Demon Hunting Association, their identities will be taken away and they will become a hard-working 'not-so' hunting team again." Zhang Jixin Don't lose any opportunity to show off your rich knowledge in this area.

"It's so troublesome." Zheng Qing laid his head on the desk and groaned: "How about we give up setting up a hunting team... I think doing odd jobs, moving tables, chairs, and handing out leaflets is enough... "

Of course, this is just wishful thinking on the part of students studying at public universities.

In the dormitory, other members of the Knights ignored the wails of their leader and began to seriously discuss other issues regarding the formation of the hunting team.

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