Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 162 White and Black

Transforming into a cat is Zheng Qing’s third plan.

Of course, in order to implement this plan, Zheng Qing still needs to prepare a suitable excuse. Just like in the first plan, he 'had' to give up his job at Qingqiu Mansion because he was going to Lao Yao's office; in the second plan, he was 'injured' in a practical class and was forced to quit Qingqiu Mansion work.

When he first finalized the third plan, Zheng Qing didn't think it was that complicated.

He only planned to take half the class off from the practical class on Friday afternoon, then secretly transform into a cat alone and sneak directly into the woods in the back garden of the school.

The forest is full of all kinds of small animals. A black cat hiding in it is like a drop of water falling into a lake without making a single ripple. Zheng Qing could have disappeared from the campus quietly.

The only person in the entire First University who knew him was a cat, and he could only be counted with the palm of his hand. And most of them had to follow Li Meng to work as coolies at the Qingqiu Mansion, so they had absolutely no chance of spotting a certain black cat wandering in the woods.

But on the one hand, it is not easy to take half a class off on Friday afternoon, and it is difficult to find a suitable excuse when explaining it to Li Meng, Xiaoxiao and others afterwards, so this plan is only an alternative among the alternatives. In the last position.

But as the first two plans collapsed, Zheng Qing had to use the third plan.

Different from the original plan, when the young public-funded student was planning to implement the third plan, he suddenly realized one thing, that is, he could still use Professor Yao as an excuse.

Because in the talisman class, the whole class knew that he left the classroom after receiving a paper crane from Lao Yao - with the endorsement of the talisman class teacher, no one would question the authenticity of the paper crane - now In the shadow of 'force majeure', young public-funded students can completely pull the banner and use it as a tiger's skin.

After Xiao Xiao and others returned to the dormitory after finishing their work, he could come back from the outside openly, and then complain to his friends that Lao Yao's errands were really not done by humans. He was taken to a hidden small dark room laboratory to stay All afternoon, blah blah blah.

Anyway, no one would go to confront the dean of Jiuyou Academy.

And no one would question the authenticity of his words - after all, even a few part-time workers at Qingqiu Mansion had to sign a silence contract, let alone the laboratory of First University.

Plus it can be turned into a cat to relax.

It’s simply a double-edged sword!

Another slightly difficult part of the original plan was that Zheng Qing needed to take half a class off. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult for students to ask for leave without a very good reason. This difficulty naturally disappeared after the Talisman class took over the practical class time.

Because Teacher Zhang in the talisman class has always been very generous to the government-funded students who memorized all the basic talismans in the first test. As long as the reason is decent, she is very happy to give Zheng Qing some preferential treatment.

The black cat happily pondered over his entire plan in his heart, while running briskly along the stone steps at the edge of the lawn to the grove deep in the back garden.

He could clearly feel that his group of cats was in that direction.

When Zheng Qing slipped out from the dormitory balcony, it was past five o'clock in the afternoon. In the school, most classes came to an end when the bell rang.

From the dormitory to the grove, groups of young wizards and witches kept emerging along the way - like a passing strong wind, carrying a noisy and bustling atmosphere - because of the red eyes, the black cat needs a lot of time. Carefully choose your path forward, try to reduce your sense of existence, and try not to cause trouble.

This time, Murphy's Law didn't happen.

Taking advantage of the gradually darkening sky and his dark fur, the black cat quietly slipped into the woods and found his group of cats.

Just like Zheng Qing saw the cats for the first time, this time, the cats were still hanging lazily among the branches. White, black, orange, three-flowered, tiger spots, blue-green eyes, and so on, there are a bunch of big and small hairballs for you and me, squatting in an orderly manner on the crotch of an old locust tree. Between.

The largest forest cat still looks like the black cat bossing its second child. It occupies the strongest protruding branch at the top of the whole tree. It puts its two front paws together, raises its chin slightly, and narrows its eyes. , feel the evening breeze blowing. Several similarly large short-haired, Chartres, and Maine Coon cats were surrounding it, looking like loyal and dog-legged dogs.

The ragdoll cat, which has not yet grown up, is not so domineering. It lies at the bottom of the locust tree, but it is also the strongest bifurcation of the trunk, rubbing ears and temples with a group of equally petite fold-eared cats and Persian cats.

The black cat came under the tree and coughed lightly.

On the tree, the big and small kittens, who were originally comfortable and comfortable, stretched their necks, widened their eyes, and looked under the tree. The black cat looked up, and saw a dense array of colorful cat eyes shining brightly in this dark corner.

If a wizard were passing by and saw such a scene, his scalp would definitely feel numb and his SAN value would drop like crazy. But when I looked at the black cat in the cat's body, I unexpectedly felt a sense of intimacy in my heart.

No, no, this feels wrong.

I'm not a cat!

Just a wizard in cat skin!

The black cat shook his head vigorously to get rid of the familiar feeling that emerged from his subconscious, and then ran with a boost, swishing up the big locust tree, stepping on the backs and heads of the big kittens along the way, and finally climbed to a place that was not On top of the tallest, but most secure and sheltered tree branch.

Then he kicked down a blue cat that was lying on the tree branch. After the blue cat meowed pitifully a few times, he shrank his head and moved to a lower tree branch and resettled.

The other cats in the locust tree also quickly returned to their original comfort after a brief commotion of more than ten seconds.

The black cat put its two front paws in front of its belly, raised its tail, and squinted its eyes, feeling the gentle cold wind flowing through the big tree.

Yes, the gentle cold wind.

I don’t know if this locust tree has been magically modified by some wizards in the school, or because this big tree once harbored too many Yin spirits, causing Yin and Yang to grow. In short, although it is already cold weather on campus now, the black cat cannot feel the biting cold around this big tree.

There was only a slight surge of coldness, brushing against the cat's fur and tree bark.

No wonder these active cats can sit in this big tree patiently.

The night is getting darker and darker, and the moonlight is getting brighter and brighter. It seems that as long as the school is within range, the sky will never lack that shining color.

The group of cats that had been silent for a long time suddenly started to stir again, waking up the sleepy black cat.

Zheng Qing stretched his neck and looked under the tree.

A small white cat about a foot tall was looking up at the tree with its neck raised.

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