Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 173: Before the wave of tourists

Turn your eyes back to the present.

Amidst Dr. Xiao's complaints, the young public-funded student finally gave up on supervising the preparations of the dressing mice, stretched out the faint wrinkles in his new robe caused by squatting, and hurriedly ran outside. go.

In fact, he really likes to observe the details of a strange civilization. If he hadn't been busy right now, he would definitely squat next to these rats all afternoon with his notebook in his arms.

Maybe after today's opening ceremony, you can try to suggest to Dingdang Ears again about visiting their rat tribe's settlement. Didn't it say that a big shot from the rat tribe will come today? I'll compliment that big shot then, and I can't say anything about him. The wish will come true.

With this little thought in mind, the public-funded student lifted up the corner of his robe and crossed the threshold.

There is less than a quarter of an hour left until the end of the day.

Even in the middle of winter, the sun has to climb out of the horizon, revealing its naked appearance, hanging in the gray-white sky, and shining some very dull sunlight.

Although it was dull, it was sunshine after all, and the dazzling feeling made the wizard squint his eyes slightly.

The cheers from the neighbors, mixed with the bustling noise of the commercial street, reached Zheng Qing's ears, causing him to involuntarily open the corners of his mouth and reveal a bright smile.

After the stimulation of the light faded, the wizard opened his eyes and immediately noticed the guests who had arrived early.

"Welcome, welcome..." He bowed and took two steps with a smile on his face - according to the rules, as the legal representative of 'Ding Ding Financial and Pesticide Company', he is the only one qualified to welcome guests - to a man wearing a blue-grey robe. The skinny old man said: "You came here so early!"

The skinny old man walking towards me was none other than D\u0026K’s neighbor, Mu Mingzi, the owner of the shop at No. 98 Pedestrian Street.

Whether you move to a new home or open a new store, you will inevitably have to deal with neighbors. Zheng Qing also sent people early to send invitations to several shops around D\u0026K, inviting them to attend the opening ceremony this morning.

Whether others come or not is their choice.

But whether to send invitations or not is a matter of attitude whether you can do business or not.

"It can't be done sooner," Mu Laodao waved his hands. Although he came to congratulate him, his face was not happy at all. He looked like a piece of sun-dried and cracked wood, and his expression was a bit rigid: "...I sat at Granny Crystal's place yesterday. After a while, she said that your place will be very lively today, come early and make a time difference, it will be relaxing in a while. "

These words, said with Mu Mingzi's expression, gave off a feeling of 'early death and early rebirth'. It gave people the impression that he was not here to congratulate him, but to cause trouble.

Zheng Qing caught a glimpse of Zhang Jixin's blushing face and immediately glared at him. Then he laughed and said to a figure behind Mu Mingzi: "Grandma Crystal, you are here too! Come on, come on, please come inside... the shop On the first day of opening, there is nothing to entertain. Each guest can receive a standard "quiet mind charm". There are only 100, first come, first served! "

"You two came out on top!" Fatty Xin also shouted and congratulated him. At the same time, he hurriedly presented two red envelopes wrapped with talisman paper, then turned around and greeted the elf: "Tea!"

Granny Crystal is the owner of shop No. 96 on Pedestrian Street. She runs a shop that specializes in divination and psychics.

Although she calls herself mother-in-law, judging from her appearance, she looks like she is thirty or forty years old at most. She has an oval face, curved eyebrows, blue eyes, and fair skin, which makes her look somewhat delicate.

When Zheng Qing met this neighbor for the first time, he mistook the young 'mother-in-law' for a store clerk, which made a big joke.

I don’t know if it’s due to the influence of Mu Mingzi, the person who is close to vermilion is red, and the person who is close to ink is black; or it is a common problem among fortune-tellers. Granny Crystal’s character is also somewhat reserved. There is always a fist-sized crystal ball floating in front of her. No matter when and where, most of her attention stays on this crystal ball. When looking at people, her eyes are always a little cautious, and she will go away as soon as she touches it.

"Thank you." After receiving the red envelope from Fatty Sai, she lowered her head and thanked softly, then followed Mu Mingzi slowly to Zheng Qing's side, stretched out her hand and stuffed a small wooden box into the wizard's arms: "Gift ”

Zheng Qing hesitated for a few seconds, and then opened the wooden box directly according to the custom here.

There is a fist-sized light blue crystal ball in the box. The spherical surface is smooth and no flaws can be seen. Under the sunlight, the surface of the crystal ball shows three intersecting bright lines, dividing the entire ball into six parts of equal size.

"Hey, you guys made a lot of money!" The surprised voice of Mu Mingzi came from the side. Obviously, he did not expect Granny Crystal to give such an expensive gift.

Xiao Xiao was also attracted by the movement here.

He held the wooden box, looked at it, and then explained with a serious expression: "This is the beryl crystal ball that is the favorite of old-school fortune-tellers. It is very well polished... so we can see the interlaced lines on it. Light. If I remember correctly, the price of such a crystal ball is more than thirty jade coins."

Hearing the price, Zheng Qing's hands shook and he almost knocked over the wooden box held by the doctor on the ground.

Thirty jade coins!

As a publicly funded student, his scholarship for one year is only ten jade coins!

Even for the shop behind him, the rent for a whole year is only forty-five jade coins!

As for the standard talisman he gave to Granny Crystal, the wholesale price in Wandering Bar is one golden bean per piece. In other words, his one golden bean turned into three hundred golden beans in the blink of an eye.

Money grabbing doesn't get any faster than this.

The happiness was so sudden that for a fleeting second, the wizard's first thought was to sell the crystal ball, then open a shop and hold another opening ceremony - this time, he would scatter invitations all over the place. A pedestrian street.

Of course, this delusion was suppressed again by his reason in the blink of an eye, and sank into the deepest abyss of consciousness.

As the saying goes, no reward comes without merit.

Also, showing courtesy without reason is either adultery or theft.

Although Granny Crystal did not look like a traitor and thief, Zheng Qing felt that he should be more discerning when facing a strange society and strange neighbors after leaving the ivory tower.

"This gift is a bit too expensive!" He closed the box and stuffed it into Granny Crystal's arms: "You have already given us a lot of honor by coming today...what else should I give you as a gift."

"Really? Then I don't need to give gifts?" Mu Mingzi asked with a dull face. Zheng Qing felt that if his expression was more vivid, the effect might be better.

Of course, several young wizards ignored Mu Mingzi's seasoned 'cold witticisms', but looked at Granny Crystal eagerly.

"Gift." Granny Crystal did not accept the wooden box, but quietly slid back a step and let go of Zheng Qing's outstretched arm.

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