Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 175 The corner is near

Arrive at Hengyang that day and call it Yuzhong.

Yuzhong is the time near noon of the day. In the standard timing system, it is the period between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.

Under normal circumstances, snakes will usually choose to hide in the grass at this time to prevent being burned by the sun.

But Xiaolong didn't do this.

The little dragon is not a dragon, but a snake.

To be precise, it is a cobra as thick as an arm and nearly two meters long. Compared with those malnourished compatriots in the outside world, Xiaolong's life can be said to be very nourishing. When you stay in the pet garden every day, you can eat well-matched, nutritious, and adequate rations. From time to time, professional school workers sent by the school will remove insects and polish the skin to remove dead skin cells.

From the beginning of school to now, in only half a year, it has already gained a lot of weight.

This also adds a lot of new troubles to the snake.

For example, some places where it could sneak away quietly are no longer able to hide its figure; the cave paths that used to be used by the school's pet snakes are now closed to it.

More importantly, it could still be coiled around its owner's neck obediently, but since its mistress injured her cervical vertebra when she coiled it around her neck one weekend not long ago, it has never had the chance again. Hanging on that white neck.

This is inconsistent with Xiaolong's identity setting.

For some unexplainable reason, it had to be a good snake, and it had to be a good snake - and for that reason, he had to make some changes: lose weight, lose weight, and lose weight.

So, when its owner Liu Feifei went to visit her at the petting zoo today and asked if she wanted to go for a walk on the pedestrian street with her and attend the opening ceremony of a store, the cobra nodded without any hesitation.

Anyway, there hasn’t been any new news recently. Going out for a walk with the owner can not only increase the intimacy, but also burn some calories. Why not do it?

But after actually crawling out of the warm stone nest, the cobra regretted it.

The icy north wind blew across its scales, lowering its already cold blood temperature even further; the silver-white sun tirelessly shed dazzling sunlight, making its skin feel tingling.

As a snake, under the attack of this two-layered world of ice and fire, the best choice is to fall asleep.

But it doesn't work.

It's no ordinary snake.

It's a snake with a dragon in its name!

With this idea of ​​self-hypnosis, the cobra twisted its body hard and slid on the cold stone pavement of the pedestrian street, completely ignoring how many pedestrians it disturbed on the street, and just followed Liu Feifei forward with its squeaking sound.

This hard work finally came to an end when we reached the middle section of the pedestrian street.

Because it and Liu Feifei's master and servant were stopped by the security guards of Beta Town.

"The pedestrian street prohibits the free movement of creatures with a dangerous level of three or above." The young security guard looked at the thick cobra on the ground with fear, and said to the witch in front of him in a serious tone: "So, if you want to bring it When you hit the road, you need to prepare a suitable pet basket.”

"The little dragon is not dangerous, he is very well-behaved." Liu Feifei defended in a low voice: "Besides, I have also read the "Beta Town Public Security Management Regulations". Cobras are one and a half dangerous creatures... The little dragon is just a little bigger."

As if to confirm his master's words, the cobra, which was originally a little groggy, tried to raise its head, spit out the bright red letter, and shook a few times in the wind.

However, the way it droops its eyelids and sticks out its tongue seems more threatening.

"Lie on the ground! Don't move! Quick, lie down on the ground!" The already nervous security guard immediately jumped to his feet, grabbed the Dharma book and shouted, waving his arms, trying to make the cobra, which raised its head, crawl to the ground again. .

The vigilante's treatment was unwise for any snake.

The cobra's body, which was still a little soft, suddenly tensed up, and its head was raised much higher. Even the eyelids that were drooped under the stimulation of the sun were raised, staring at the small black eyes. Holding the Dharma book in the hands of the security guard.

Listening to the rapid hissing from the big snake's mouth and feeling the cold breath in the air, the Dharma book in the security guard's hand finally shook uncontrollably.

A dark red line of fire jumped out of the paper, hovered in the air for two weeks, and pierced directly towards the cobra.

Liu Feifei screamed and hurriedly tried to take out her Dharma book from her bag, but it was too late.

Just when she was desperate, clear spells sounded next to her:

"Ge Shen is tired!"

Thick dark green vines shot out of the air and split into two. One turned into a large net and covered the cobra, easily tying the big snake with its head raised into a rice dumpling; the other intertwined into a shield to block the line of fire.

The dark red line of fire shot through the air, unable to avoid it, and hit the shield hard, like a soldering iron, burning the dark green shield into smoke, leaving several deep scorch marks.

Only then did Liu Feifei take out her Dharma book from her handbag.

Seeing the scene in front of her and smelling the burnt smell gradually filling the air, her legs weakened and she almost collapsed on the ground.

Just a tiny bit away, her pet was about to be pierced by the line of fire.

Next to her, a pair of arms stretched out to support the witch.

"Stand still, it's okay." The female monitor of Astronomy Class 08-1 comforted her classmates softly.


The Dharma book in the security guard's hand fell to the ground with a bang. He stood there in a daze, muttering: "I didn't mean was the Dharma book that reacted on its own..."

"The Dharma Book of the Public Security Bureau will only react automatically to demons. Do you think any of us are demons?" A short witch jumped up to the security officer and tried to make a vicious expression: "Xiaolong is It’s a pet belonging to First University and you almost killed will complain to you!”

The cobra tied in the vine net hissed twice and tried to stick out its tongue, as if responding to the little witch's words.

"Shut up!" Jiang Yu kicked the stubborn cobra with her toes, and then glared at the little witch running around: "Mengmeng, come back!"

"Oh, it's coming!" Li Meng ran back and whispered in her cousin's ear: "Cousin, look at that security guard, his clothes don't seem right..."

"Those are the uniforms of the coordinators of the Public Security Bureau." Liu Feifei on the side finally calmed down and explained: "Nicholas told me that because of the recent security pressure in Silent Forest, most of the Public Security Bureau's forces have been They were dispatched... During these days, there are only a few assistants in the town responsible for public safety."

"Hey, it turns out he's a temporary worker. No wonder his skills are so low..." Before Li Meng could finish her words, Jiang Yu pinched her ears, causing her to scream in pain.

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