Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 187 The storm is coming

Outside the shop, the cold wind blew, making it cool in winter.

In the small shop, two short and fat wizards stood opposite each other, looking at each other.

The wizard standing on the left is alone, wearing a black robe with the symbol of the three-pronged sword embroidered on it, and his face has the usual unruly temperament of powerful department staff.

The wizard standing on the right was surrounded by four or five figures, including a wizard with black hair, thin eyes, and fair skin, a thin wizard with lively eyes, and a wizard wearing a yellow robe with brown and white hair.

But no matter how many differences there are, the short and fat wizards on the left and right sides have one thing in common - they are both short and fat.

Oh, and, their name is Andrew.

"Well, this is Andrew, the commissioner of the Trident Sword and a good friend of Mr. Thomas."

"This is also Andrew, a first-year student at the Alpha Academy, the captain of the Ouroboros hunting team, and a very good hunter."

Zheng Qing suppressed a smile and introduced each other's names to the two guests on the left and right in a serious manner, with a rather theatrical expression on his face. Although it made no sense, he always thought it was very interesting for the two Andrews to meet.

Next to her, Jiang Yu also had a helpless smile on her face. And Xiao Xiao said hello and left this suffocating space as soon as Zheng Qing appeared. Compared with being the light bulb between young wizards and witches, Dr. Xiao Da would rather go to the warehouse and be with that fish. People chat.

The two Andrews didn't seem to notice the evil intentions of the young public-funded students.

"Ahem, my surname is An, the one who eliminates violence and is good, and his name is Drew. He is a man of both political integrity and talent, Lu Dun Zhou Yi Zhi Lu." Andrew with the three-pronged sword coughed twice and stretched out his hand to the little fat man opposite with a smile on his face, with a kind face: "It's our fate to meet you today. It's a pleasure to meet you. It's a pleasure to meet you."

As for the captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team across from him, although he usually behaves vulgarly and has a bad temper, he is not a fool, and he will definitely not show off his face to a commissioner with a three-pronged sword casually.

"Easy to say, easy to say." The captain of the Ouroboros Hunting Team also smiled and introduced himself: "Andrew Taylor, from the Taylor family of Quebec...Actually, I have just started to learn hunting, and I am not as good as Brother Qing said. "

Zheng Qing curled his lips and looked at the two Andrews who were so friendly, feeling quite bored.

"What were you yelling about outside just now? What exploded?" The young public-funded student interrupted the conversation between the two Andrews, looked at Andrew Taylor, and said angrily: "Don't you know what's going on?"

In the freshman competition of the school hunting club, the fishman Iseni once participated as the auxiliary hunter of the Ouroboros hunting team and performed very well. Zheng Qing absolutely did not believe that a werewolf who was always famous for his sense of smell and tracking could not recognize Iseni's aura.

Commissioner Andrew of the Three-pronged Sword looked at the two young wizards with a smile and said nothing.

Andrew Taylor's eyes rolled around and he looked around. He looked around and said: "Hey, I remember that the invitation you sent us said that you opened some kind of financial and pest control shop... Why does it look like this is a shop now? pet Shop?"

As he spoke, he nudged a Persian cat squatting in front of the counter with his toes, and added: "Besides, if you put a cat and a mouse in the same room, won't accidents happen?"

After being rubbed by the werewolf's toes, the originally good-tempered Persian cat suddenly became furious, howled and pounced on his legs, biting him randomly. The other big and small kittens that came with the group also had their backs hunched and their tails erect, and their bodies were covered in fur. They looked at the young wizards next to Andrew Taylor as if they were facing an enemy.

Julian sighed silently and turned his head, pretending not to see his captain fighting with the cat; the thin Omega squatted down, widened his eyes, and faced the kittens opposite with his teeth and claws; the entire Ouroboros hunter Of the team, only the fortune teller Amber seemed to be indifferent to everything happening around him. He always lowered his head, pinched his fingers, and muttered something, as if he was calculating something, looking like he was wandering in the world.

"Those are also guests of D\u0026K, please be respectful." Zheng Qing looked at a certain werewolf who was torn into a ball with the Persian cat, gritted his teeth, and emphasized every word.

"Well... you said this is not a pet store." Andrew stretched out two fingers, pinched the kitten's top coat, pulled it a little further away from him, and at the same time muttered: "The customers are either fishmen or fishmen. Cat, I heard that a group of birds came here before... This is not a shop for wizards. "

"There are also a group of mice!" Li Meng, who was also hugging a cat next to her, happily added: "I heard they are a group of mice wearing clothes and they can also speak human language..."

Commissioner Andrew of the Three-pronged Sword raised his eyebrows when he heard this, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Just when a werewolf and a kitten were scratching each other's paws, several figures appeared outside the shop and at the end of the pedestrian street.

A wizard with curly blond hair, fair complexion and slender figure slowly walked over from the end of the street. Different from his decent temperament, he did not wear a black robe like most wizards. Instead, he wore a long tuxedo, a top hat, a cane in one hand, and a book of laws under his arm. Wearing dragon leather gloves on his hands.

He walked slowly but firmly.

In another alley not far from the blond wizard, a tall wizard with messy black hair, a broad chin, squatted on a stone lion, staring expressionlessly at the house at the end of the alley. The bookstore that has been closed for a long time is in a daze.

Like the blond wizard, the black-haired wizard did not wear a wizard's robe. Instead, he wore a thick brown jacket and a pair of black trousers with no visible material.

But unlike the blond wizard, the black-haired wizard was filled with an aura of violence, like a volcano suppressing the rolling lava, or like a tiger waiting for an opportunity to hunt in a dense forest.

"The rain is about to come and the wind is blowing all over the building..."

Wander, the wandering wizard hummed a tune and walked slowly down from the office on the second floor. From time to time he greeted the regular customers sitting in the booths with a smile on his face.

"Where's the gift?" He walked to the bar and knocked on the countertop with his hand.

The multi-armed waiter silently took out a basket and a cardboard box from under the table.

Lying in the basket is a bottle of amber light, tied with yellow paper and colored silk; in the carton is a piece of Wandering Bar's specialty pastry, with a piece of finely chopped cigarette candy sprinkled between the fragrant cream, and rows of emerald green of congratulations.

The wandering wizard took the gift, nodded with satisfaction, turned around and took a step outside.

Then he took it back.

"now go?"

"It's better to be later..."

"Wolves come in at the front door, ghosts come in at the back door, and there is an unreasonable old man and a young lady on the left and right."

"Well, it's just a street away anyway. It doesn't matter if it's a little later."

While muttering to himself, the wandering wizard sat back down at the bar, placed the gift code on the table, ordered a cup of Green Bee, and continued humming the endless ditty.

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