Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 195 The Mouse and the Cat

Soon, Zheng Qing, or the other young wizards in the room, knew the reason for the vampire's surprise.

Because I don’t know when it started, there was a faint whimpering sound in this small shop. Occasionally, there is the beating sound of traditional musical instruments such as gongs, leather drums, cymbals, and harps.

The sound of the suona is very sharp.

The sound of the gong was loud.

The sound of the wiper was harsh.

When these voices with different timbres and ranges are intertwined together, they play a tune full of euphemism. It makes people's hair stand on end after hearing it, but they can't help but want to listen for a while longer.

Originally, when the blood flames were burning, they would also emit a similar strange sound, like the howling of souls, which somewhat obscured the tune. But as the tune became louder and louder, the sound of the burning blood flames could no longer be concealed.

The Duke of Milton was the first to notice this.

He sat cross-legged on the high counter, tilting his head, raising his eyebrows high, and his face was full of surprise.

Although the young wizards standing around him were also curious about those strange tunes, they all knew that now was not the time to investigate the source of those tunes.

Now we should take advantage of the vampire's distraction to increase our chances of escape.

The members of the Ouroboros Hunting Team were busy helping their captain to relieve pain and heal his injuries. The three members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team took out the talismans and talismans at the bottom of the box. Zheng Qing, in the elf With the help of two witches, they fumbled and replaced their rune guns with rune bullets made from explosive runes.

As for classmate Li Meng, she was in a daze holding a certain kitten from the beginning to the end. This was fine, Zheng Qing was afraid that the little witch would be too active and cause trouble for everyone.

It wasn't until both rune guns were loaded with rune bullets and everyone was fully armed - the whole process took about ten seconds - that the young public-funded student had the time to care about the vampire. Then, he followed Duke Milton's gaze and saw the source of the unusual tune.

A group of big rats wearing red, green, and yellow vests lined up neatly and filed out of a newly opened hole in the corner. There were about a hundred rats in the entire queue, and walking at the front of the queue was a group of rats knocking.

At this moment, their tune has been changed to the 'Radesky March' - not to mention, although the Radesky played with the erhu and leather drum sounds a little less majestic, it is still in the details. It has a more subtle feeling, making it sound like your heart is being pulled.

In the center of the team of mice is a sedan chair with eight carriages.

The sedan has no roof, and only a purple agarwood carriage is set inside. Sitting on the chariot was a chubby little mouse the size of a fist, with wrinkles all over its body. From a distance, it looked like a walnut with its green skin peeled off.

"Our store must have insurance." The first thought in the young public student's mind was not to trace the origins of the rats, nor to think about how to escape, but to worry about the side that had been repeatedly drilled and repaired by the rats. Will the walls collapse from fatigue?

Even metal can collapse from fatigue, let alone some brick-and-earth mixture.

After all, it is related to whether the large investment of the Exoneration Hunting Team will be wasted, so we have to be cautious.

Of course, he would only murmur these stingy thoughts in his heart and would never say them out on the spot. After all, there was a witch he was attracted to standing next to her. If she acted too fussy, it would make everyone look bad.

"Which mouse is Tink-ears, or Tink-ears?"

This was the second thought that came to Zheng Qing's mind.

There is no doubt that this group of dressed-up mice who suddenly appeared in the store while beating gongs and drums must be related to the "Ear Brothers" who had been struggling for a long time. And if Zheng Qing guessed correctly, the 'walnut' mouse sitting in the agarwood chariot was probably the 'mouse clan big shot' that Dingdang Er had longed for before.

“Who is that ‘walnut rat’?”

This was the third thought that came to Zheng Qing's mind.

Different from the first two thoughts, as soon as this thought came up, someone rushed to give him the answer.

"Rat Immortal?"

Although Duke Milton used questioning words, his tone was very certain: "I have admired you for a long time... I have always heard that the underground world of the First University is in the hands of a mysterious rat tribe. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to see you like this today. It’s a worthwhile trip for a big shot.”

The queue of dressed mice slowly stopped and stopped between the young wizard and the tall counter.

The 'Walnut Mouse' sitting on the chariot did not pay any attention to the vampire Duke who seemed to be saying hello. Instead, he drooped his eyelids and looked like he was taking a nap.

Duke Milton seemed not to notice the 'Walnut Mouse''s impatience, and continued to chatter: "...Are you planning to interfere in today's affairs? This is really strange... As far as I know, the rats of the First University have never Since he was born, he has always stayed in the world of the rat clan and never interfered with the affairs under the sun and the moon."

"And, I need to remind you, this matter is more complicated than you see..."

Sitting on the chariot, Mr. 'Walnut' grumbled for a long time, and finally coughed up a mouthful of thick phlegm, spitting it on the carpet that Fatty Xin had just bought, and at the same time spit out one word: "Bah!"

Several witches standing behind the wizards had expressions of disgust on their faces, and Li Meng even said "ugh" unceremoniously. The members of the Forgiveness Hunting Team all glared at the little mouse, wanting to press it to the ground and wipe the carpet carefully with its stain-absorbing skin.

It's just that everyone still has a sense of the overall situation and knows that now is not the time to care about such a small matter.

As for Duke Milton, who was the first to bear the brunt, he didn't seem to care about the rudeness of the walnut mouse, and he was quite self-indulgent.

"How dare you mention the word 'complicated' in front of me... Do you really think you are any smarter than a mouse just because you have a pair of wings and are positioned higher?"

Different from the dull feeling before, the 'Walnut Lord', or Mouse Immortal, who was sitting on the chariot, looked much sharper and sharper when he spoke, looking more like a mouse: "I just came here today. Business people...and other things, you can do whatever you like."

"As for intervening... As long as the cat is here, there is nothing else I need to do!"

As he spoke, the Rat Immortal tilted his head and tilted his pointed mouth to a corner of the room.

Duke Milton followed the Mouse Fairy's instructions and looked.

On a shelf in the corner of the room, I saw a yellow tabby cat squatting on the highest shelf, holding a small dried fish in its paws and chewing it with relish.


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