Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 204 Praise of the Wandering Wizard

The Wandering Bar has always been the most well-informed place outside of First University.

As the owner of the Wandering Bar, the Wandering Wizard is naturally not a shaman with closed ears and eyes. In the understanding of young public-funded students, this old man is very slippery. If someone thinks that he is old and confused, he will definitely suffer a big loss.

Therefore, Zheng Qing just rolled his eyes at the wandering wizard's polite greetings, forgot about it, and walked into the shop with the old wizard.

As he walked, Zheng Qing said with half pride and half complaint: "You came a little late... all the good goods in the store have been swept away. Especially those mice, don't look at there are still some in the cage , In fact, all of them have been ordered, at least before the end of the winter vacation, we will have no more rats to sell. "

As the manager of the largest gray market on Phuket Island, the wandering wizard is naturally familiar with the 'extracurricular practical assignments' that students at First University complain about. Although Wandering Bar disdains participating in such a tasteless business, it does not mean that the brokers who list in Wandering Bar will ignore it.

After all, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

If the guests have needs, the boss will naturally try his best to satisfy them. Therefore, after hearing that Zheng Qing could obtain a large number of live rats, the wandering wizard expressed his intention to further cooperate with D\u0026K more than once. But in order to maintain the business of the new store, after repeated discussions with his companions, Zheng Qing finally reached an agreement with Wandering Wizard. Wandering Bar can contract all the unsalable 'rat goods' from D\u0026K. However, if D\u0026K does not sell unsold, then Wandering Bar can still purchase goods from D\u0026K. Get a quota of 50 rats per week.

This is a win-win approach that protects each other and benefits everyone.

"You can just talk to the people at the bar about such small things... Anyway, there is a contract there, so there is nothing we can't talk about." The wandering wizard waved his hand and ignored the complaints of the public-funded student calmly.

This made Zheng Qing stunned.

What he just said was just an introduction, thinking about whether he could slightly reduce the number of 50 rats in the wandering bar. After all, trading with the Rat Immortal is more profitable. However, the wandering wizard's answers made it difficult for him to speak.

When they saw the new customers, the elves who were originally cleaning up the shop squeezed out three laborers and came to serve them carrying teapots, teacups and hot towels. Poseidon, who had been rolling around behind Li Meng, also ran back and used the tables, chairs and counters next to him to jump back on Zheng Qing's shoulders, and then held up two big Ears looked at the wandering wizard curiously.

Of course, what Poseidon likes more may be the box of cakes carried by the wandering wizard.

Even Zheng Qing, who doesn't like sweet food, couldn't help but feel like he had a big appetite after smelling the sweet smell coming from the box. Not to mention the greedy little fox.

"Hmm, very interesting little thing... very interesting." The wandering wizard seemed to have discovered a new world. He lowered his head, put on a kind smile, and looked at Poseidon without blinking.

Zheng Qing's hair stood on end as he watched. He had every reason to believe that this old guy definitely knew or guessed something.

Poseidon was not afraid of strangers. He wagged his big tail and looked longingly at the box of cakes carried by the old wizard.

"Welcome, welcome to your old friend and new neighbor." Xiao Xiao hugged the account book and walked out from behind the counter, walking towards the wandering wizard. At the same time, he shook a quill in his hand and said hurriedly: "You came just in time. ...Two Ears feels that the mice we supply to Wandering Bar every week are a bit too much, and we hope that the supply can be reduced, or that Wandering Bar can resell them directly... What do you think of this deal?"

The wandering wizard did not immediately answer Xiao Xiao's question, but instead cast his gaze on the wizard's shoulder.

On Xiao Xiao's left and right shoulders, there sat a mouse wearing a green vest, holding peanuts and munching them with relish.

After noticing the old wizard's gaze, the mouse sitting on Xiao Xiao's left shoulder raised its paw and waved slightly, saying a friendly hello.

"I just said that you can communicate directly with the manager of the bar later on business matters." The wandering wizard stared at the two mice for a long time before looking away, and then politely declined: "I am here today just to congratulate you. New store opened.”

"Ah, thank you, thank you... It's all because of the good education in school." Zheng Qing stood by, talking nonsense and having nothing to do with it, laughing repeatedly.

The Wandering Wizard doesn't seem to think so.

After stuffing the wine bottle into Zhang Jixin's arms and handing the pastry box to Fatty Xin, the old wizard turned around, looked at Zheng Qing, and said seriously: "No, it has nothing to do with the school's education... After all, you have just entered school. It’s not even half a year. There are so many wizards in school who are more talented or educated than you, so why haven’t they achieved results like yours?”

"It just depends on people."

"When we first met, I believed you could achieve great things. There is no doubt about it. No, just half a year has passed. You have also won the Merlin Medal and opened a store. If a new one is released after the year I wouldn’t be surprised if you were included in the list of the Major Arcana in The Magic Wand.”

Zheng Qing's ears turned red when he heard this public praise.

Fortunately, the Medal of Merlin was good. After several months of spreading the news, Zheng Qing was able to face other people's discussions about the medal very calmly.

But the situation with the Wand or the ‘Major Arcana’ and the Order of Merlin is very different.

If the Order of Merlin is just an honor, the Arcana Minor has more tangible benefits. After all, the county magistrate is not as good as the current administrator. Students who obtain the title of Arcana can enjoy countless rights and conveniences at First University.

And more importantly, the new edition of "Magic Wand" has not yet been published.

The wandering wizard was so optimistic about Zheng Qing, which made him feel great pressure. It would be easy to say if it was really selected, everyone would just chat and it would be over. But if he had not been selected into the Arcana, the Wandering Wizard's praise today would have become a joke.

And people remember jokes far better than honors or achievements.

"Very...very, very grateful for your compliment." The young public-funded student stammered his thanks, and then tried to change the topic to other places: "If it weren't for your bar, we wouldn't be able to rent the shop here...haha Ha ha."

What he meant was that because of the Wandering Bar, the business of the shops in this area was very poor, so the rent was very cheap.

The wandering wizard quickly understood the unfinished meaning of the young wizard.

"Those are the prejudices of ordinary people." The old wizard sneered at this.

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