Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 132 Rat Wolf

Faced with Dylan's doubts, Xiao Xiao did not give in. Instead, he closed the booklet in his hand and began to explain patiently: "If you think about it with normal thinking, it has nothing to do with mice."

"But what we are facing is a winter hunt organized by the school. You should know that the winter hunt in 2003..."

"No, we don't know." Zheng Qing immediately interrupted.

Xiao Xiao glanced at him sideways, without any change in the speed of his speech, and continued: "... During that winter hunting, there was a demon hunting team responsible for cleaning up an area upstream of Linzhong Lake. According to the description in the manual issued by the hunting committee, , the ones assigned to the demonic hunting team should be a group of water foxes... What did you think of when you heard the water foxes? "

"Fox in the water." Zheng Qing answered honestly.

Not surprisingly, his answer was unanimously despised by all the hunters present.

"It should be 'Zhu Nou'," Zhang Jixin hesitated. Seeing Zheng Qing's confused expression, he quickly explained: "This kind of animal is introduced in "The Classic of Mountains and Seas·Dongshan Classic", 'Three hundred miles south,' said Gengshan is full of vegetation, green water, and huge snakes. It looks like a fox and has fish wings. Its name is Zhu Ni. Like a fox, but with fins, it is also called a water fox in some places in the south.”

"Tsk, tsk," Zheng Qing sighed after listening to Zhang Jixin's explanation: "I can't see it, I can't see it, a guy like you with a big head and muscles can actually recite such a long paragraph... Come on, come on. , let me check, don’t be possessed by something unclean. After all, you are also the main hunter of our hunting team. If you leave early, the pressure on others will be too great!"

As he said that, the young public-funded student took out a few evil-dispelling charms from the gray cloth bag and pretended to slap them on Zhang Jixin.

Of course, this is just a joke between companions. Elder Zhang stretched his face a little, and the public-funded student honestly retracted his paws.

"You are the main hunter this time, I am just a small hunter." Zhang Jixin complained: "Moreover, "The Book of Mountains and Seas" only has a few words in total, and it is completely different from the "Wizard Encyclopedia" or "Wizard Code" Isn't it better than... My brother said that if you want to be an excellent hunter, "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" is the most basic requirement. How can you be a hunter if you don't even know the most representative creatures in the wizarding world? "

These words were quite impassioned.

However, these words also took the topic that was originally a little off-center and took it a little further. Xiao Xiao, who was presiding over the discussion, had to cough a few times to draw everyone's attention back.

"Stop chatting! You can indulge yourselves after the winter hunting with feelings!" As he said, he glanced at Zheng Qing and Zhang Jixin fiercely, and continued the previous topic: "Can you think of 'Zhu Ni', a hunter with evil spirit?" The people in the team naturally wanted to get it, and they even thought of water civets other than Zhulu. Therefore, the hunting plans and tools they prepared in advance were all aimed at creatures like Zhulu... But no one counted them. The 'water foxes' in this brochure are actually a group of 'worms'."

"As you know, Zhu Nu's talent is to create panic, and he prefers illusions and mental attacks; while Zhi's ability, in addition to insinuations, is especially good at harming people with his energy... Due to improper handling, all the hunters of the demon hunting team that year , they were spit out poisonous gas by those monsters, and when they ended up, each of them was covered in sores, and they were extremely miserable. "

"Fuck! What a scam!" Dylan couldn't help shouting.

"Is that the mythical insect that you are insinuating? Why? How did you get fooled?" Zheng Qing did know about the strange insect "wormy", but he couldn't connect it with the name water fox for a while.

"The other name of the fern is 'water fox', and some places call them 'short fox'," Xiao Xiao explained: "In the "Encyclopedia of the Wizarding World", the fern and Chenghuang, 犭 also are wolves, Zhulu and other creatures It is listed in the genus Fox. However, although it is a fox, the difference between the fox and the ordinary fox is greater than the difference between the golden monkey and the great wizard. It is difficult for ordinary people to think of that kind of small insect. "

"So, what you are saying is that the 'monkeys' in the brochure given to us by the hunting committee this time are definitely not the 'monkeys' we thought they were?" Zheng Qing finally began to draw inferences.

"What do you think?" Xiao Xiao asked back: "If it were really a group of orangutans, with our search capabilities, we would have found them long ago... But we haven't found them yet, so those unicorns are definitely not orangutans."

"What could that be?" Fatty Xin scratched his chin in distress, turned his head, and looked uneasily at the snow-covered forest outside the protective circle.

The cold north wind slowly rolled through the treetops and snow, picking up a few dead leaves and a few snowflakes, making a series of whining noises, making the background of this small world even more eerie and terrifying. .

The fat man couldn't help but shiver and quickly turned his head back.

In this room, Dr. Xiao Da has already begun to make a new deduction: "Since it cannot be understood with normal thinking, we must trace the source and start with the word '狌'."

"The word '狌' is pronounced as xing, the same as 'gorilla'; as pronounced as 'sheng', it is the same as '验'."

"It's easy to understand the orangutan. It's a big monkey. I won't explain it here...and if you choose a glider, then many clues can be connected together."

"As we all know, the rhinoceros refers to the weasel, also known as the weasel. The ancients liked to eat rats and looked like wolves, so they were called rat wolves. Coincidentally, because the return of silence came earlier this year, a large-scale rat infestation broke out near the school. It’s so harmful that even the clothes-wearing rat clan who were originally hiding in the underground world have begun to appear in the near future.”

"Hunters follow the trail of their prey."

"The rat is here, can the rat wolf be far away?"

"In other words, the third kind of 狌狌 you mentioned is not pronounced as 'gorilla', but '生生'?" Zheng Qing was a little confused and had a headache: "If this is the case, we should look for the third The mongoose must be a rat, why are you looking for a rat?”

"Because when we find rats, we find our prey." This time, it was Zhang Jixin who answered him: "The rats and wolves that can survive in the Silent Forest are not their stupid relatives in the outside world...Raising rats as food rations in winter is Basic operation. So, if we can find big mouse holes, we will most likely find those 'monkeys'."

Xiao Xiao didn't speak, just nodded silently.

Zheng Qing smacked his lips and hung the Colt python in his hand back to his waist: "According to your analysis, we will be very busy in the future... We have just turned around a few times, and there is a cave that can fit a wild boar or orangutan. Not many, but there are plenty of holes for mice!”

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