Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 240 The situation is a bit complicated

The following suggestion was a joke. Even Zheng Qing, who made the suggestion, couldn't help but shudder, shook his head, and gave up his idea after the words came out.

But one of the four uninvited guests apparently took this suggestion seriously.

"Can you go down and stamp your feet?" Niu Tou blinked, shook his head, and looked at his companions happily: "How about we go down and keep standing up there, the cold wind has made my horns stiff."

The corner of Zheng Qing's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what to say for a moment - he really wanted to complain about the bull's head. The horns were originally stiff, but if they were blown by the wind or frozen, what would it matter?

In view of the difference in status between the two parties, Zheng Qing finally gave up this plan.

Unlike him, Niu Tou's companion was very decisive.

The beautiful snake said nothing, and suddenly raised her black cloak. The thick tail behind her just flicked the talkative guy off the branch. The bull's head got down to the ground as he wished.

It's just that it fell on its head, and its wish of stamping its feet to keep warm was not fulfilled.

After climbing out of the snow pit, the cow's head did not climb back onto the branch. Instead, it went straight to a thick pine tree, lowered its head, and rubbed its horns against the rough and greasy pine bark.

The fine needle-like pine leaves fell rustlingly with the movement of the cow's head, covering the snow with a layer of long-lost green. Under the moonlight, it is very interesting to look at this strange scene.

After rubbing one side and then the other, the bull's head turned around, and its big bell-sized bull's eyes happened to meet the young public-funded student's fixed gaze.

"The horns are like those vampire teeth. Wiping them from time to time is the best way to maintain them." Niutou waved his hand nonchalantly and said to Zheng Qing: "Do you want to give it a try?"

"That's not the point!" Zheng Qing's head was full of black lines: "Besides, I don't have horns either."

"Oh, yes, you don't have horns!" Niu Tou said suddenly as if he had realized it.

This stupidity was breathtaking. Zheng Qing looked up at the other people on the branches to see their reactions. But to his surprise, the other three figures on the branches seemed to turn a blind eye to the funny behavior of their companions under the tree. Still staring at Zheng Qing intently, he made no other move.

This made the young public-funded student feel hairy and confused.

"What are you here for?" He stood up, patted the snowflakes on his body, and took a tentative step towards the tauren: "Robbery? Kidnapping for extortion? Murder? You can't just stand here and perform a mime, right? !”

While he was talking, his hand seemed to be unintentionally placed on his lower back. It seemed that his muscles were familiar after sitting for a long time, but in fact it was pressed on the handle of his Colt Python.

There are still six binding spell bullets in the magazine that were stuffed before - Zheng Qing particularly regrets this, he feels that he should stuff more powerful spell bullets in it. But after all, there are still six binding spells, one for each, and there are still two left, which is enough for him to run farther.

Yes, from the beginning, Zheng Qing did not expect to be captured by these people, nor did he expect that he would be able to show off his power and fight against four uninvited guests who did not know the depth of the situation. His only thought was that he could sneak away while the other party was not paying attention.

Considering that they only made Thomas and others fall asleep, Zheng Qing clearly realized that now was not the time for him to pretend to be a hero. He just needs to take care of himself.

As long as he ran out of the opponent's sight and relied on the piles of talismans with different uses in the gray cloth bag, he had 100% confidence in evading the opponent's search - after that, whether he found an opportunity to rush back to the school to find reinforcements , or hide until the end and wait for the opponent to be forced to retreat. Zheng Qing has not thought that far yet.

Fifty meters.

After walking another fifty meters, Zheng Qing was more than half sure and fired four shots in a row, hitting the four uninvited guests.

If he could get within fifty meters of those four guys, he felt that he could even increase the success rate to 90% or higher.

With this innocent thought, the young public-funded student held his waist, twisted his body, pretended to stretch his muscles, and slowly approached the cow head under the tree.

But before he had gone three meters away, a large and generous hand was placed on his shoulder.

"Don't waste your time testing, and don't even think about escaping from here." A familiar voice suddenly sounded behind the young public-funded student, startling him: "This space was stripped away from the Silent Forest with great magic power. Unless the other party takes the initiative to let us go, or our principals and deans take action together, no one can easily pull us out of here. "

"Actually, it's very simple to break the space barrier. You can easily pull out a dozen wizards in the school to do it." Another familiar voice added from the side: "But while breaking the space barrier, keep the space inside." The safety of life is not that easy... Only great wizards with powerful magic powers, or even higher-level beings, can achieve such sophisticated operations."

Zheng Qing slowly turned his stiff neck and slowly looked back.

The person who stopped him was Thomas, who had been sleeping soundly just now. Next to Thomas, other assistants including Zhang Yu and Hilda stood up quietly and looked at the four uninvited guests opposite.

The ones who just spoke were Thomas and Hilda.

Noticing the shocked look in the young wizard's eyes, Hilda waved briskly at him.

"The idea is good, the choice is good, and the courage is worthy of encouragement." The teaching assistant in the practical class pointed to Zheng Qing's hand hidden behind his back, pressed on the handle of the gun - obviously, he knew everything about the plans of the young public-funded student. Chu - but he then added: "It's just that the school will not encourage you to take such risky's a bit too reckless."

As if to make it clearer, Hilda walked up to Zheng Qing, took his talisman gun, made a demonstration movement, and explained: "The range of your movements just now was a little too big, and you were a little cautious. Your opponents will not ignore your exaggerated moves... In this case, if you still want to use a rune gun, you should learn the spear-drawing technique of the American Western wizard. "

"The silent spell is more appropriate." Thomas obviously disagreed with his partner's point of view: "The art of drawing a gun cannot be mastered in a year and a half, but as long as a wizard is talented enough, it only takes a week to learn the silent spell."

"If I were you two, I would first explain to classmate Zheng Qing what just happened." Zhang Yu's gentle voice sounded behind the two teaching assistants: "Otherwise, our vigilant public-funded student will slap you both in the face. Smashed the evil amulet."

Upon hearing these words, Zheng Qing's hand that had just sneakily reached into the gray cloth bag suddenly froze at the mouth of the bag.

He swallowed carefully and smiled dryly at Thomas and Hilda.

"It's not an evil-proofing charm," the young wizard subconsciously defended: "It's just a calming charm... I mean, it's a bit messy and the situation is a bit complicated. I want to be quiet."

"'s such a sad thing." Hilda sighed exaggeratedly and turned to the back of the team: "Thomas, I leave the explanation to you. I also want to quietly...think about why my students can't trust yourself."

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