Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 254 A friend comes from afar


Zheng Qing looked at Mr. Wu with slightly shocked and questioning eyes, as if hoping that he could say something to him.

It is obvious that the entire world seems to have been frozen in time. This can be easily inferred from the current reactions of Fatty Xin, Su Shijun and others.

And Zheng Qing was very curious about why he could still move, why Mr. Wu appeared here, who the six-fingered hand in the black hole belonged to, who Fei Rui was, whether the yellow flower raccoon was a wizard, etc. The answers to a series of questions.

However, Mr. Wu didn't seem to have any intention of explaining it to the young wizard.

"Why is this so, so why is this!" The gentleman shook his head, his eyes pausing for a moment at the broken space around him, especially the traces left after Su Shijun consumed his source, and finally looked at Liuzhi again: "...They are all still children, Why do you have to do this?"

After hearing Mr. Wu's words, the voice from the black hole suddenly became louder: "Ha! Child?! A child with (beep)?"

Zheng Qing glanced at his husband with some toothache.

There is no doubt that some very critical information was 'silenced' in Liu Zhi's sentence just now. The only person who can do this and is willing to do this is Mr. Wu.

"Hehehehe...boy, are you curious about what I just said? As long as you take two steps forward and walk next to me, I can tell you any answer you want to know." The index finger among the six fingers does He made a seductive gesture, his tone full of temptation.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Wu seemed not to hear Liu Zhi’s seductive words at all, and still looked ahead calmly.

Zheng Qing looked at the black hole in surprise, and subconsciously took a step back, hiding behind his husband, and at the same time muttered: "This guy must be sick (; 一_一)!"

"Don't you want to know why you are not disturbed by the power of time? Don't you want to know the purpose of my coming? You must have a lot of confusion about your own existence!" Liuzhi suddenly raised his voice: "If you take a step forward, these questions will not matter. It’s bothering you! Even wealth! Even power! Even beauty! Even the future! Whatever you want, we can provide it to you!”

Listening to these bewitching words and passionate tone, Zheng Qing not only did not feel the temptation, but became increasingly vigilant.

This style is probably not the legendary ‘pyramid scheme’

However, although the style is old-fashioned, Zheng Qing is still a little concerned about some of the words mentioned by Liuzhi.

"You?" When the young public-sponsored student asked back, he glanced at Mr. Wu subconsciously. But Mr. Wu seemed to have made up his mind and acquiesced to the interaction between Zheng Qing and Liuzhi.

"Who are you? Is that Niutou one of yours today? Why do you do this kind of thing outside the school?" Zheng Qing originally only planned to ask one question, but as soon as the words came out, the follow-up questions couldn't be contained. Out: "Who is your target? Is it me? Why? Is Fei Rui working with you too?"

He was asking both Liu Zhi and Mr. Wu about these questions.

"Hehehe...there are so many questions, boy." The six-fingered monster smiled and did not answer Zheng Qing's series of questions clearly: "If you join us, these questions will naturally not be a problem...Of course, in order to show sincerity, I can tell You, we are the Dark Parliament, and our purpose here is to make the Dark Parliament appear openly in the wizarding world..."

The Dark Council doesn't sound like the name of a formal society... Moreover, wouldn't it feel inconsistent to combine the two words darkness and uprightness?

In addition, your association wants to be upright. What does this have to do with me and this unnecessary disaster in Winter Hunting? If you want to issue a founding declaration, you should choose the headquarters of the Beta Town Post as a breakthrough point!

The above thoughts passed through Zheng Qing's mind, but he still suppressed his desire to complain.

Because Mr. Wu finally spoke again after being silent for a long time.

"That's enough," Mr. Wu's tone became a little harsh: "...We allow you to appear because your existence can heal the rifts in the world to a certain extent. It is because you can represent a certain part of the will of the world. But that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want..."

Not only did these words not relieve Zheng Qing's original doubts, but they made him even more confused - according to what the gentleman meant, he also knew about the Dark Parliament? And he was not opposed to the emergence of the Dark Parliament.

"Ha! That's the tone!" Liu Zhi seemed to be stimulated by Mr. Wu's words, and his tone suddenly became much more crazy: "Allow? Do it wantonly? Who do you think you are? Why do you want to decide our existence? Why do you want to decide our existence? Is the world you interpret true and false?"

"Perhaps those weaklings in the Moonlight Council are willing to follow you and eat some scraps...but we are not them."

At this point, Liu Zhi's tone suddenly changed and became deeper: "If we can also control the 'beep', we can control our own destiny..."

here we go again!

Zheng Qing gave his husband an annoyed look.

Just a little bit of key information was blocked from the truth again. Zheng Qing could feel that he was only one step away from the truth. He seemed to be looking at the scenery outside the window through a glass wetted by fog. He only needed to wipe off the thin layer of fog.

However, every time he raised his arm to wipe it, the rag on his hand would always disappear...or the hand that was originally wiping the glass would uncontrollably press against the wall next to it and become a wall wiping hand.

I have to say, this feeling is irritating.

"It seems that we can't negotiate today." The gentleman sighed again and waved his hand as if to chase away a fly: "A friend has come from afar, so I won't send you away far away!"

Before he finished speaking, a powerful force swept from all directions and fell directly on the black hole.

Before Liu Fing could say a harsh word, he was knocked deep into the black hole. And the shadow of the rock mountain it originally summoned had been beaten into a foamy shadow before.

Vaguely, Zheng Qing seemed to hear the sound of some bones breaking, as well as the short and harsh scream of someone.

Recalling the previous scene where the guy flicked the beautiful Su with one finger, Zheng Qing was frightened and his eyes were a little more fiery.

This is his husband!

"Go to your studies honestly... don't think about what you have and what you don't have all day long." The gentleman glanced at the young public-sponsored student, looked around again, and shook his head: "...This won't work..."

"Do you have your pocket watch?"

The gentleman tilted his head and asked instead.

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