Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 262: Another nightmare

After realizing that the gypsy witch would not meet his eyes, the young public-sponsored student turned back angrily, looked at Xiao Xiao again, and added emphatically: "...just reviewing my homework in the library."

Xiao Xiaomiao stared at him expressionlessly for a few seconds.

Zheng Qing immediately looked away guiltily, and at the same time, he pursed his lips and blew into the air, blowing up the yellow meditation talisman paper stuck to his forehead.

In fact, in recent days, he only spent a small part of his time in the library, and the rest of the time he quietly sneaked to the two-dimensional evolution laboratory - whether it was Fei Rui's identity, Mr. Wu's identity, or Or the four uninvited guests during the winter hunting were all stuck in Zheng Qing's heart like thorns - he needed someone to pull them out.

One or two sticks is okay, although it is not that comfortable, but the damage is limited after all. In these tense final days, people will gradually ignore them.

But having both thorns in your heart is very bad.

For several days, Zheng Qing woke up from nightmares. It's a simple yet headache-inducing nightmare. But what concerned him very much was that every time he woke up from a nightmare, he couldn't remember what he dreamed about. The only thing I remember is the palpitation-like panic, and the blurry, large areas of blood-red color in my mind.

It was unclear whether it was a new sequelae that appeared after the congestion in his eyes dissipated, so Zheng Qing could only think of a solution on his own.

He first went to the school hospital and tried to ask the horse-faced therapist to prescribe some medicine to calm down and drive away nightmares. However, he was told that as the end of the semester was approaching, the school strictly controlled the amount of sedative drugs used by students and required students to use their energy to overcome related difficulties. .

"This is very good for you to purify your spirit." The therapist at the school hospital explained to the young wizard.

But Zheng Qing was very skeptical of this statement - in comparison, he was more willing to believe a certain rumor circulated privately among the students - that the school's high-level wizards were engaged in a difficult battle in a hidden place. A large amount of supplies were consumed, resulting in a shortage of antipsychotic drugs in the school hospital.

The results of Zheng Qing's request for some special inspections were not optimistic, or in other words, the inspection results made him depressed. Because the school hospital finally concluded that he was very healthy. Except for a slight neurasthenia due to too much pressure, he had no other physical problems.

This conclusion further strengthens the opinion of the therapist at the school hospital that young wizards will not be provided with psychosuppressive drugs.

In addition to the professional therapists at the school hospital, Zheng Qing also went to see Lao Yao, Professor Yi from Divination, and Professor Li from Pharmacy, but both of them failed to show up and were often on the podium one second ago. I was telling everyone about the key and difficult questions that need to be paid attention to in the final exam, but the next second I left the classroom after class and disappeared.

Zheng Qing knew that professors had the ability to "enter the office just around the corner" - a long time ago, he followed Lao Yao through the faculty passage - but what frustrated him was that even if he walked to the office as quickly as possible, I ran to the building but didn't touch the corner of a professor's clothes.

When it disappears, it disappears without leaving any trace.

This makes young public-sponsored students increasingly believe in the rumors secretly spread by students.

The professors were nowhere to be seen, and the school hospital had limited help. After much thinking, it seemed that the only person Zheng Qing could ask for help in First University was Su Shijun - the relevant departments did have a big black cat who could try his hand, but on the one hand, Zheng Qing didn't even know where the government office of the relevant departments was. On the other hand, there was never a clear explanation of the big black cat's identity, which inevitably made the young wizard feel fearful. It’s better not to provoke me if you can.

Relatively speaking, although Su Shijun also has admirable status as a member of the Moon Council and a member of the Grand Wizard Council, due to Poseidon, Zheng Qing no longer has the initial panic when facing the beautiful Su. Uneasy.

Therefore, whenever he had a few minutes to spare recently, the young public-funded student quietly slipped into the two-dimensional evolution laboratory, hoping that Su Shijun could help him deal with his frequent nightmares.

Of course, due to well-known reasons, Zheng Qing did not want others to find out about this.

"Speaking of which, Nicholas must be under a lot of pressure during this exam." Zheng Qing changed the topic dryly and brought in an old student who was sitting in the corner in the distance and frantically answering questions.

Nicholas failed to upgrade for two consecutive years and has become a famous first-year student at First University. There is no doubt that these 'fame' has turned into heavy pressure, pressing hard on Nicholas' head.

"Liu Feifei helped him make a very detailed and complete review plan. I just hope they don't become the top two in the class." Xiao Xiao followed Zheng Qing's gaze and looked at the teacher's corner, sighed, and said, "I have time to worry about Nicholas." , you should worry more about yourself! If you don’t do well in the final exam this time, it will definitely be embarrassing.”

Zheng Qing had a sad expression on his face.

Indeed, as one of the only two publicly funded students in Jiuyou Academy this year, he is also a young Merlin Medal winner, and the hunting team he led also won the Academy Cup Freshman Competition.

No matter from which angle you look at it, Zheng Qing's 'fame' pressure is no less than that of Nicholas.

It's just that one is standing at the foot of the mountain, carrying the pressure of climbing up the mountain with a heavy iron block on his back; the other is suspended in mid-air by a thin rope, and the pressure of falling into the abyss if he is not careful.

"As you know, I'm very thick-skinned." Zheng Qing laughed twice, and finally lost interest in continuing to chat. He pressed the meditation charm on his forehead tighter, then lowered his head and continued to silently memorize various topics in the textbook. Key points of knowledge.

After the history class, Zheng Qing had a hasty lunch and then went straight to 306 West Teaching Building and found an empty seat in the corner and sat down.

Today is Wednesday, and there is another session on the philosophy of magic in the afternoon.

He hoped to catch Lao Yao in this class and then ask him about his nightmare.

But to his disappointment, Professor Yao only arranged for one of his own projections to come to the classroom to supervise the students' free review. As for that stupid projection, apart from taking roll calls from the roster, it would only answer questions related to magic philosophy.

Disappointed, Zheng Qing could only put his hope in Beauty Su again, hoping that she would not be too busy today and have more free time.

After the magic philosophy class, Zheng Qing went to the library again to review his lessons.

After doing two sets of "May 3" real questions, he lay down on the table and dozed off without any surprise. Most students in the library are in this state - confused while studying, and studying after being confused. The boundary between confusion and clarity is a certain difficult question, and the edge between confusion and clarity is the sound made when the belly is hungry. The cooing sound.

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