Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 281 Winter Vacation Plan

With the warnings from the invigilators, the order in Green Valley suddenly became much more orderly.

However, Andrew Taylor, who was standing opposite Zheng Qing, was still looking at him with a face full of reluctance. This made Zheng Qing have to be more alert when talking to Fatty Xin, and be wary of the possible plot of the wolf cub. trick.

He has never forgotten that in a previous practical class, Andrew pricked his hand with a ring and stole his blood when he was shaking hands.

"Why did you just say that there will be many people entering the campus hospital today?" Zheng Qing repeated the previous question to Fatty Xin, but his eyes were fixed on the little wolf cub of Taylor's family from beginning to end: "I think everyone is very good at fighting. Moderation."

He was referring to pairs of first-year students who had completed their practical assessments.

After all, Jiuyou Academy is not Starry Sky Academy, and the academy's requirements for students' practical ability are also very loose. As long as they can hold up the book steadily and release magic normally, it is considered a success.

Just like the couple of students who had just taken the assessment, they bowed politely, came and went, and made every move in a precise manner. They seemed to have the style of ancient gentlemen - compared to the rough and direct style of Starry Sky Academy and the unscrupulous methods on the hunting ground, This kind of practical assessment can be said to be very controlled.

After hearing the doubts of the young public-funded student, Xin did not hide it.

"Oh... I forgot." The fat man lazily turned over his Dharma book, and his fingers slipped from time to time on his blank wrist.

Under normal circumstances, he should have a space watch strapped to his wrist, filled with all kinds of delicious snacks. Due to the exam, all the space equipment was taken away by the invigilators, but the habit formed over a long period of time is not so easy to overcome.

Fatty always felt like he still had that watch on his wrist.

"Gah?!" Zheng Qing turned his head and looked at the fat man with a surprised look on his face: "Have you forgotten? What do you mean by forgetting?"

"Forgot means... I forgot the reason why I just said that." The fat man patted the Dharma book as if nothing had happened. There was no hint of embarrassment in his tone that he could not answer the question. Instead, he seemed confident: "This kind of thing is quite common. Yes, isn't it?"

It is indeed quite common to forget things in the blink of an eye, but to be so forgetful still makes Zheng Qing feel weird.

"Are you sure there's nothing wrong with you?" Zheng Qing raised his arm, tapped his temple with his finger, indicating the position of his brain, and guessed at the same time: "Or maybe you boil too much potion, Breathing too much potion exhaust caused memory loss?"

Fatty Xin rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me," he replied angrily: "Do you think I don't wear a protective mask and go into battle with bare hands when brewing the potion? I don't want to be turned away by Professor Li next time because I violate the laboratory operating regulations. "

This is not bad. Zheng Qing twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but complain: "Even so... it is very rare to be as forgetful as you are. I think you can apply to be a Monteria professor." "Assistant."

Professor Monteria is in charge of a laboratory on 'evolution and bloodline' at First University and becomes his experimental assistant, which means acting as an observation object for the professor. Students often joke with each other about it.

"Professor Monteria only recruits graduate students, that is, registered wizard-level assistants." Fatty Xin replied seriously: "Besides, among college students, you, the publicly funded students, have the opportunity to enter his laboratory and work as assistants. …I would like to come, but Professor He doesn’t want to.”

"Hey." Zheng Qing uttered a tone of unknown meaning in his mouth, and at the same time came back to his senses and stared at Andrew Taylor again.

The little wolf cub seems to be much more at ease now. He is lying on a rock, grabbing a quill and drawing on his Dharma book, wondering what kind of curse he is preparing.

"By the way, the reason why I forgot the reason just now is because I suddenly thought of something else." Fatty Xin brought up the topic and continued: "I have been thinking about things to do during the winter vacation."

Yes, winter vacation.

The final exam is about to end in a week, and after the exam, there will be a month-long winter vacation. But the thought of being a publicly funded student and having to waste most of his winter vacation time on school handling public welfare affairs made Zheng Qing feel depressed.

"What are your plans for this winter vacation?" Fatty Xin suddenly came over mysteriously and whispered in Zheng Qing's ear.

Zheng Qing turned his head, glanced at the fat man hesitantly, and finally shook his head and said no: "Do the things arranged by the school, read the history books, and trace the history in your heart... There is nothing else."

"Oh, and also, go home for the New Year." He seemed to think of something and quickly added.

"Like an old man." The fat man sighed with hatred for iron, and then poked Zheng Qing's back with the spine of the law book: "Would you like to go to the north area of ​​the town and take a look?"

"North District?" Zheng Qing was slightly moved.

The town that Fatty Xin talked about was naturally Beta Town.

Before the young public-funded student was ready to answer, he was interrupted by the invigilator's voice:

"Next group!"

"Jiuyou College, Astronomy Class 08-1, classmate Zheng Qing!"

"Alpha Academy, Alchemy Class 08-1, Andrew Taylor!"

"Prepare for a test!"

Not far away, the high-pitched shout of the invigilator rang out.

Accompanying it are the sudden whispers in the green valley, and the appraising eyes one after another - just like a grain of gold mixed on the beach, when it disappears in the sand, it is not inconspicuous, but when it is After being picked out from the sand, it immediately attracted a lot of attention.

This effect is not difficult to understand.

In an orderly environment, such as a quiet classroom or an elegant cocktail party, even if everyone knows that the teacher is standing behind the classroom or that there is a big shot in a corner of the cocktail party, everyone will still pretend to be polite for the sake of superficial politeness. Turn a blind eye, because everyone is a civilized person, and staring at someone naked is a very impolite and uncivilized behavior.

At this time, all it takes is a little unexpected sound, such as an unusual noise at the back of the classroom, or a cup falling on the ground in the corner of the reception, and with sufficient reason, everyone's curious eyes can be directed towards it with "good reason".

For example, now, the invigilator called out Zheng Qing's name.

She was originally very interested in him, but for politeness and other reasons, she deliberately pretended to turn a blind eye and directed her gaze at the young wizard.

Feeling the curiosity, scrutiny, excitement and other emotions contained in those eyes, Zheng Qing shrugged and raised his hand:


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