Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 286 Before leaving

After returning to his seat with his swollen and sore forehead, Zheng Qing began to fill in those annoying application materials.

At the same time, Lao Yao kept calling different students to come forward and assigned them different tasks according to their respective situations.

The regular meeting time is coming to an end in a blink of an eye.

Before leaving, Lao Yao looked around while packing up the materials on the lecture table and said: "If there are no other questions, then this semester is over... I wish everyone a happy winter vacation, and I wish everyone a happy New Year in advance! "

"Wish Professor a happy winter vacation!"

"Happy New Year too, Professor!"

Immediately, there was a chaotic sound of greetings and greetings in the classroom.

This was mixed with a loud question from a classmate: "Professor, when will the final exam results come out?!"

"The final grades will be brought to you by your pets one week before the start of the next semester, which is the day of the Lantern Festival." Old Yao waved his hands with a smile and began to walk out of the classroom: "So after the holiday, you must treat yourself Be nice to your animal friends so they don’t eat your report cards when they get angry.”

"I hope my report card will be eaten...I think I may not get 90% in my Magic Literature class." Fatty Xin rubbed his chin in frustration: "...It's a pity that I don't have a pet."

"Quick question?!" Zheng Qing immediately grabbed one of the fat man's arms, raised it, and shouted to the professor: "Professor, what should I do if I don't have a pet?"

"The school will arrange for other small animals to be delivered to your home, so there is no need to worry about this." The professor pressed his hand down and motioned for Zheng Qing to put down the fat man's arm.

"Professor, I will miss you!" The fat man howled in response.

The classroom burst into laughter.

Lao Yao was also amused by Fatty's words.

He stopped walking out of the classroom, turned around and looked at Fatty Xin: "I will miss you too...especially when I am grading your test papers."

After that, he said no more, waved his hand finally, turned and left.

The noise in the classroom became much louder.

After the last regular meeting, in theory, the winter vacation has arrived.

But because the regular meeting is held in the evening, most students will still stay at school one night and go home the next day. It's just that Zheng Qing doesn't plan to stay any longer this night.

He has applied to the school and will leave tonight. Moreover, the school approved his application and arranged his departure time at 9:45 pm.

Different from taking a special plane to school, when returning home during the winter vacation, the school arranges a special "clock channel" to send students home one-on-one.

The reason for this arrangement is, on the one hand, because the school’s guardian array restrictions prevent it from being open to special flights from outside the island twice in a year. On the other hand, it is because after all, there are only a few students who go home during the winter vacation. First University students Some students do not need to celebrate the Spring Festival and have no need to go home. The pressure on school transportation is naturally much less, and they can choose a faster method.

Just like dormitory 403.

Only Zheng Qing has plans to go home during the winter vacation - Needless to say, Dylan and Xin have never had the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival. Moreover, during this period, Dylan has to be busy with family affairs, and Xin also has to go to a certain place. I was helping out in the pharmacy professor's lab, so I chose not to go home. 【 @… *…free reading】

Xiao Xiao's reason for not going home also seemed a little pale.

"My family is very busy, and even if I go back, I will spend the holidays alone." The watermelon-headed boy sat on the bed with a gloomy face, and responded to Zheng Qing's inquiry somewhat perfunctorily: "Besides, my travel budget is not sufficient."

Zheng Qing thought of the poor relationship between father and son that Xiao Xiao had vaguely mentioned before and his slightly embarrassing clothes before, and he believed the doctor's words.

But Fatty Xin disagreed with Xiao Xiao's explanation.

"I heard that Mr. Sima will not go home during the winter vacation," he lowered his voice and whispered to Tuantuan lying on his lap at a volume that could be heard by everyone in the dormitory: "...So, the doctor will not reply. That’s a good reason to go home.”

Zheng Qing tried hard to suppress the laughter that he wanted to make.

Worried that the doctor would fall out with the fat man again, the young public-funded student quickly turned his head, looked at Xin, and asked, "Aren't you going to complete the investigation report for the North District of Beta Town? Why are you going to help in that professor's laboratory again?"

"Professor Dorag Barton," Fatty Xin corrected Zheng Qing's wording and reminded: "He is the director of the Institute of Magical Creatures of the First University, a quasi-great wizard, and an honorary member of the Wizards' Parliament... You You should have heard of this name.”

Zheng Qing racked his brains and finally shrugged, saying he had no impression.

"Okay," the fat man looked a little depressed, but he quickly cheered up and explained: "Professor Barton raised a group of ouroboros. Recently, he needed to prepare some medicine to promote growth and resist diseases, so he found a few Students help...because it’s a very simple job. After learning about it, senior Linda recommended me to help.”

Linda is the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper's editorial department and Fatty Xin's direct superior. Zheng Qing would hear her name from Fatty once or twice a week on average. This made the young public-funded student very suspicious that there was something fishy between the two.

It's just that this suspicion has always been fermenting and has never been confirmed.

"...Professor Barton's part-time job only lasts for two weeks, that is, starting tomorrow until February 1st." At this point, the fat man paused and looked up at Zheng Qing: "I remember you are Come back on February 2nd?”

"Yes," Zheng Qing nodded: "The 'clock passage' arranged by the school is at 4:45 pm on February 2nd... If everything goes well, I will be able to return to the dormitory at five o'clock in the evening."

"Well, that's good... I'll have a day off on the 2nd, and you'll come back on the 2nd, and then we can go to the North District to complete my investigation report on the 3rd." The fat man nodded with satisfaction: "If there is anything I need to do, go through the formalities I can help you with this during this time."

The procedure he was talking about was Zheng Qing's application to the school working committee to complete a public welfare project in the North District of Beta Town.

"It's done." Zheng Qing stuffed the last roll of bedding into his gray cloth bag, then put on his somewhat clumsy coat, patted the thick and bulging pockets, and his tone was full of the ease and joy of returning home: "I heard that I planned to go to the North District to complete a charity project. The people from the school working committee were very happy... They helped me complete the procedures in five minutes."

"You won't be able to return to the dormitory on February 2nd," Xiao Xiao suddenly said, interrupting the conversation between the two: "The dormitory has been changed."

Zheng Qing was stunned for a few seconds.

"Oh, Shet." He couldn't help but curse.

After hearing the doctor's reminder, he realized that all students staying on campus need to be temporarily placed in designated dormitories in accordance with the school's requirements and cannot live back until the start of the next semester.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take out his pocket watch and looked at the time on the watch. It was already half past eight in the evening.

"Go home safely. Just leave those applications to me." Xiao Xiao took the initiative for the first time: "Anyway, there is not much to do in D\u0026K, so I can help you with it."

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