Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 6 Neighbors

Pungent, sour, sweet, bitter and salty, the five flavors of medicinal materials are mixed together, coming out from the half-closed window of 'Authentic Materia Medica', making every passing wizard feel relaxed and happy when hearing it; green, yellow, red and white , black, and five-color fabrics are intertwined and hung on the "Green Spun" hangers, making every witch passing by unable to move; poems, books, rituals, Yi, Spring and Autumn, and thread-bound Five Classics Stacked in the corner of the 'Grave Code Suoqiu', the pages are yellowed and the cotton thread is black.

Hui Zi Ji is still as comfortable and comfortable as ever.

Zheng Qing walked on the bluestone road, bowing to his left and right, greeting his neighbors; Deng Xiaoxian followed him step by step, holding the back of his head with both hands, looking up at the line of blue sky above his head, yawning again and again.

"Xiao Qingzi is back? How long will you stay at home?" Grandma Cai asked with a smile on her face, holding on to the pillar in front of Baicao Hall.

"Back." Zheng Qing stopped and replied obediently: "The school has a month-long winter vacation, but I am a government-funded student, so I need to report half a month in advance... The school has arranged charity work for us. "

Hearing him say that he was a public-funded student, Deng Xiaoxian let out a long-pitched and disdainful snort from his head raised.

"It's better to be born at public expense, and he's more capable than Xiaoxian." Grandma Cai gave a thumbs up and praised - Deng Xiaoxian, who was walking behind Zheng Qing, let out another loud snort, like a snoring wild boar - and then Granny Cai asked further: "Have you used up the previous talisman stickers? Do you want to get a few more from the store?"

Zheng Qing used to buy the talisman posts, cinnabar, etc. from Baicaotang. Granny Cai also allowed Zheng Qing to use the finished talisman posts to replace them with new blank posts in her store. When he was a child, Zheng Qing always regarded this kind of trading as extra money for himself and never tired of it.

But after he went to college, he knew that as soon as the posts he wrote were filled with spirit, he could exchange them for shiny golden beans and silver horns at the Wandering Bar, so he no longer had the habit of accumulating talisman posts.

"It's not used up yet, it's not used up yet." The young wizard smiled awkwardly and waved his hands repeatedly: "The school provides free school supplies to publicly funded students... There were still a lot of useless posts when I left last time."

What he said was not entirely true.

First University does provide school supplies to public-funded students, but those supplies can only support the students' minimum learning and training - for example, there is only one talisman a month, which is less than Zheng Qing's three days of practice - and when he enrolled The talismans I brought with me have long been exhausted by practicing day after day.

The reason why he did not continue to get talismans from Grandma Cai's shop was because in the past, he had always 'bartered'. If he offered to buy them with money now, Zheng Qing would always feel a little inexplicably embarrassed; but if he didn't buy them, he would be reluctant to part with them. Exchange your posts filled with talismans for a blank notebook.

Just like when we were children, we would give antelope wood carvings to good friends without hesitation, but when we grow up, we become shrewd and hypocritical.

With this new understanding of life, Zheng Qing said goodbye to Granny Cai and continued to move forward.

"I was in a hurry today and forgot to bring them gifts." As he walked away, Zheng Qing explained to Deng Xiaoxian as if to make amends.

The young shopkeeper of Huichun Hall rolled his eyes.

"It's really troublesome." He muttered, and blew into the sky: "The older you get, the less cute you become."

"If you like cuteness, go find Huang Xiaoya." Zheng Qing also rolled his eyes and said to Deng Xiaoxian mockingly: "Of course, the premise is that you won't be chased and beaten by Mr. Huang all over the street with a knife. Pan Lv'er's donkey will be chopped off."

Mr. Huang opened a seal carving shop in Hui Zi Ji, selling various jade, stone, and wood seal carving products, including but not limited to seals, talisman tablets, curse stones, and other items. Huang Xiaoya is his granddaughter. She is ten years old this year and is a very cute little girl.

"That's why I said you are becoming less and less cute." Deng Xiaoxian stood up straight, took his hand from the back of his head, took advantage of the situation, and fished out an emerald green light bug from mid-air: " … When children talk about serious things, they are innocent, but when they grow up, they tell jokes with a bit of a pornographic tone.”

As he spoke, he pulled off the head and wings of the light bug, stuffed it directly into his mouth, chewed it, and spit out the skin.


The translucent skin of the lampworm, accompanied by light green saliva, fell into the gutter at the corner of the street.

"Ugh." Zheng Qing made a vomiting expression - half of it was pretending, and half of it was because he really wanted to vomit - and then he clearly distanced himself from Deng Xiaoxian and said in disgust: " Haven't you already adapted to the retirement life here? Why do you still do such weird things...eating light bugs...why don't you eat flies!"

When Deng Xiaoxian was first brought into the Hui Zi Collection by Mr. Deng, he was rebellious and did weird things all day long. For example, running naked in circles on the three-mile long street, cutting off the tails of scorpion-tailed rabbits sold by street vendors and stuffing them into medicine cabinets as raw materials, or demonstrating the twelve ways to cook tapeworms to the little kids on the Hui Zi Book. Skill.

However, as time went by, he gradually adapted to the semi-enclosed environment here and gradually accepted his fate.

By the time Zheng Qing left Hui Ziji to go to college, the young shopkeeper was already in a very normal state and rarely did those shocking actions anymore.

But now, Zheng Qing very much doubted whether Deng Xiaoxian had relapsed.

"We don't eat flies because we don't have the right variety." Huichuntang's young shopkeeper spread his hands, looking innocent, and answered seriously: "I really want to try what those green-headed bugs with hair on their legs taste like... I heard from friends outside that they taste like small Yuanxiao, and the juice splashes when you bite them, and the soft taste is a bit spicy." Zheng Qing looked horrified, and he distanced himself from Deng Xiaoxian one step further, as if he would get an incurable disease if he was exposed to the air that Deng Xiaoxian breathed. "Hahaha... I'm kidding you!" Deng Xiaoxian suddenly laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten his waist: "Didn't I tell you that these fireflies are improved varieties given by friends? They only drink tree sap and are edible... The taste is similar to grapes, but the taste is a little richer... Do you want to try one?" As he said that, he scooped up another orange-red one from mid-air - it can be seen that he has become very skilled in this action. "Awesome, awesome, I admire you, stay away from me." Zheng Qing also clasped his fists skillfully and continued to distance himself from Deng Xiaoxian.

He was not named Grylls, and he had no plans to survive in the wild, so he naturally declined to eat insects.

"What a pity." Deng Xiaoxian shrugged, plucked the wings and head of the orange-red insect, threw it into his mouth, and said vaguely: "Living like an old scholar... There is no joy in life."

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