The Great Cold has just passed for about a week, and the beginning of spring is less than ten days away. These are probably the coldest days of the year. However, as the Spring Festival is approaching, Yunhua Community is immersed in a man-made fiery atmosphere, which makes the evergreen shrubs and pines and cypresses in the community garden look much greener than usual.

At this moment, Zheng Qing was conducting a welcoming ceremony with his family in a remote corner of the community.

From the open window of a residential building a little further away, the music of the second half of the 'Spring Festival Overture' could be faintly heard, as well as the cheerful voice of the host. Although it was the middle of winter, the collective heating was very powerful, so during the day It is not unusual for residents to open their windows for ventilation.

In general, everything was so normal that Zheng Qing had a vague illusion that life at home would always be so ordinary and stable.

"The paper money I bought this year is a bit trendy... did you bake it last night?" When Professor Zheng lit the paper money, he asked Zheng Qing's father in a slightly unhappy tone, "Why does it take so much effort to light it?"

Zheng Qing's eyes followed his grandfather's question and landed on the bunch of paper money.

The orange flame of the lighter licked the colorful paper money, rolling up light blue flames and wisps of blue-white smoke. Indeed, the smoke when burning these paper money seems to be a little more than usual.

"Toasted," Zheng Qing's father defended. At the same time, he took out a wad of paper money and tried to light it. "Put it together with the firecrackers on the cabinet above the radiator and bake it all night..."

The cabinet my father was talking about was actually a dado that wrapped the radiator. This was a very popular style in the decoration of old-style community rooms. Wooden dados were used to protect the walls of the home, and around the radiator, there were also Leave some grilles for ventilation and heat dissipation.

"Is it just the radiator by the window in the living room?" Professor Zheng's tone became more and more unhappy. "I wonder if there is dew in the morning and it will react with moisture? How old are you, but you are still so careless in doing things..."

Zheng Qing suppressed his laughter and watched his father shivering in front of his grandfather. He shrank silently and tried to reduce his sense of presence - this was very important, especially in this situation, speaking out rashly would be very dangerous. Easily angered.

To this end, he tried to shift his attention elsewhere.

In the distant window, accompanied by the background music of the Spring Festival Overture, the host recited the program words of "Year After Year" normally and skillfully; further away, a few stray cats seemed to have been chased away by dogs, and a gust of wind seemed to , running across the wall with his tail between his legs.

Zheng Qing stared at the retreating figures of the cats, and couldn't help but think of the subordinates in the school's grove - he wondered how they were doing during the winter vacation, whether they were hanging hair balls on the trees as usual.

When he came to his senses, there was already a thick layer of paper ash accumulated in the copper basin, as well as more and more paper money burning. Also more and more, the blue-white smoke surged violently from the copper basin, almost completely submerging the figures of grandfather and father.

Zheng Qing put his hand on the gray cloth bag at his waist, wondering whether he should take out his book and use a small spell to disperse the smoke. It's not that he was hesitating whether to do this, but it was not an easy task to clean up in front of the two elders while remaining calm and silent.

The smell of burning paper became stronger and stronger, irritating Zheng Qing's nasal cavity and making him feel slightly suffocated.

"Turn over the paper money underneath, so that it can be burned more fully..." From the front, Professor Zheng's command to Father Zheng came out. Through the lingering smoke, it seemed a little blurry and faintly distant. It was as if there was a layer of frosted glass between them and Zheng Qing.

This is a very weird feeling.

The gray-white sky is getting grayer and darker, and the whistling cold wind has quietly stopped - the trembling branches, falling dead leaves, tinkling glass windows, and the road outside the community. The whistling and honking of vehicles passing by - all disappeared without a trace as the sound of the wind passed away.

For a moment, Zheng Qing thought that he had used the wrong magic, and had mistakenly used the spell to clean up the smoke as a silencing spell.

But soon, he realized that he had not yet taken out the Dharma book from the gray cloth bag, and he had not yet started to perform any magic.

A thorn-like feeling came one after another.

The young wizard turned his head back hard, so fast and powerful that he felt intense dizziness, and vaguely heard an ominous creaking sound from the friction between his cervical vertebrae and his skull.

But all this became irrelevant after Zheng Qing saw those bright red eyes.

This is not the first time Zheng Qing has faced a demon.

On the first day he learned about First University, he encountered a pig demon in Damingfang; then a banshee on the admission plane; then a kappa demon by the Linzhong Lake; and later, there was the school hunting club freshman competition Go up to those wild monsters that fight the hunters in groups.

It can be said that Zheng Qing can be considered a veteran when it comes to facing demons.

But it was the first time for Zheng Qing to face a demon alone, especially in front of his family.

He stood quietly, not daring to move. The biting chill of mid-winter and the chill brought by the demon across the way are like the difference between a mosquito bite and a bite.

Zheng Qing felt that his soul was soaked in ice water for an instant, and he was suffocated in despair.

This is impossible - he roared in his heart - how could they appear here - the Wizards Alliance has a strict and standardized protection system for any wizard born in Baiding World, which includes staying close to the corresponding wizard's original family Set up anti-demon and expulsion spells.

Because of this, Zheng Qing still had the confidence to walk out of that university and go home after knowing about the demons and the risks. That's why Zheng Qing can go to school without worrying about his family encountering unspeakable threats.

The demon opposite is not big, about one meter tall. It looks like it was infected by a stray dog ​​- of course, it could also be a lone wolf - it has angled ears and a grinning mouth, revealing two rows of pale tips. Teeth, and the salivating, horrible gums.

Whoops, whoops, whoops.

The demon was breathing greedily and rapidly.

Zheng Qing put his fingers on the gray cloth bag and his mind was spinning crazily. Dozens of different plans flashed through his mind instantly, as well as more follow-up solutions - after all, the demon opposite didn't look particularly difficult to deal with. But Zheng Qing didn't know what kind of impact the 'observer effect' would have under the current situation, and after dealing with the demon, it was very troublesome how to deal with his family and how to appeal to the Wizards Alliance.

At this moment, a cat meow broke the almost solid atmosphere in the venue.



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