Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 16 Zheng Qing’s temporary residence

She wears a plain long dress with a white ruffled apron, small round-toed leather shoes, and a katyusa in her hair with two furry pointed ears standing on it. She is in a light mood with the owner. trembling.

What is more eye-catching than the pair of fox ears is the tip of the furry tail hanging down under the hem of the skirt - just like a company employee in a suit and leather shoes going out without a belt, exposing the tail is very embarrassing for a fox maid. Very disrespectful behavior.

As a maid of a large family, Su Ya is still not qualified as always.

Of course, it might also be because it was Zheng Qing who was dealing with her.

Perhaps because she was once scared to tears by a young public-funded student, or perhaps because she often played with Li Meng, Su Ya had never been so cautious in front of Zheng Qing.

Seeing the little fox girl blocking the path of several people, Fatty Xin was the first to come forward. He smiled and asked, "What's wrong, Miss Ya? Do you need my help?"

Crazy and shameless.

Zheng Qing cursed Fatty in his heart.

Su Ya made a sound, and subconsciously took a step back, as if she had seen something strange.

But then, she realized that she was acting a bit cowardly and a bit embarrassed, so she pursed her lips, took the step back, stamped her foot hard, and glared at the fat man fiercely.

Fatty Xin smiled coquettishly and slightly distanced himself from the little fox girl, but his face still looked enthusiastic.

Su Ya ignored him and turned to look at Zheng Qing.

"Miss asked you to go to Qingqiu Mansion. I have something to give you." The little maid had a sullen face and tried to look formal. It's just that the little tail trailing under her skirt makes this effort much less impressive.

"Miss?!" After hearing these two words, Fatty Xin immediately turned around in shock and looked at Zheng Qing: "Looking for you?!"

Anyone with a normal IQ knows who the 'Miss' the little fox girl refers to.

This is what shocked Fatty Xin - the most beautiful woman in the wizarding world asked an unknown wizard to go to her residence. It sounded like there was something wrong with her.

Zheng Qing's face tightened, and he resisted the urge to look at Su Ya's little tail. He cleared his throat and said nervously: "Looking for me? What's the matter?"

His two companions also pricked up their ears.

"Oh, I heard that I want you to live in the mansion these days and help take care of the garden...and Poseidon." Su Yahun replied nonchalantly - this guy didn't realize at all that he was using The wrong modal particles showed a bit of lack of education, and also exposed the master's intentions. This is not what a qualified maid should do.

But she was not a qualified maid in the first place.

Hearing Su Ya's answer, before Zheng Qing could figure out how to respond, Dr. Xiao Da stood aside and raised his chin in silence: "Tsk...have you not hesitated yet?"

There is something in the words.

When Zheng Qing heard this, his hair stood on end, and he was sweating under his thick cotton clothes. He had long suspected that Xiao Xiao seemed to have noticed something, but there was no conclusive evidence.

It sounded today that the doctor did have doubts about his relationship with Su Shijun.

Even so, he absolutely couldn't admit it.

"Ha, ha, what are you talking about?" He laughed dryly at the doctor, then turned to look at Su Ya, and said in one evasion: "Aren't there a lot of people in your mansion? Why do you want me to go... I've been a little busy lately, and I'm so tired No time."

The ears on Su Ya's head perked up, and her eyes became a little fierce: "Say it again."

At some point, she held out a pot of morning glory in her hand. The flowerpot was the size of a fist, and the flowers were in full bloom. The blooming trumpet faced the young wizard without hesitation.

Zheng Qing had no doubt that every word he said next would be transmitted to Su Shijun's ears by this little flower.

"What Brother Qing means is that he needs to wash up and dress up before going. He can't lose his etiquette, right?" Fatty Xin grabbed Zheng Qing's shoulders, slapped him, and at the same time recommended himself: "As Brother Qing, As the image designer and spokesperson, I have the responsibility and obligation to accompany you, and I cannot embarrass our Knights of Forgiveness!”

When the words "Knights of Forgiveness" were mentioned, the fat man straightened his back to show his solemnity. It's just that his round, protruding belly does nothing but make his behavior look comical.

Zheng Qing grinned and did not comment on Fatty Xin's words.

The fat man's intention was very obvious, which was to take advantage of Zheng Qing's opportunity to go to Qingqiu Mansion together. If he was lucky, he could meet the owner of Qingqiu Mansion and have a word with the beautiful Su. Even if he was unlucky, he could still be there. Qingqiu Mansion is a familiar face, so I'm not sure when I will have the opportunity to do odd jobs at Qingqiu Mansion again.

"Only you!" Su Ya rejected the suggestion of an image designer. She pointed her short index finger at the young public-funded student and emphasized: "Now, immediately, immediately!"

Her ears were straight up, her tone was firm, and her voice was unmistakable.

Zheng Qing felt a little bitter in his heart.

Next to him, Xiao Xiao gave his own advice: "In that case, brother Qing, go ahead and do your work... We can meet at D\u0026K later."

After that, he waved his hand and walked away.

"I'm waiting...and so are you." Fatty Xin glared at the young public-funded student bitterly, patted his shoulder hard again, turned around and left following Xiao Xiao.

Zheng Qing gasped and carefully touched his shoulder.

He highly suspected that the fat man had just cracked his shoulder blade.

"Let's go." The young wizard weakly tilted his head at the little fox girl, full of sorrow.

He was already thinking about how to deal with his companions that night.

Qingqiu Mansion, No. 54 Courtyard, West District, Beita Town.

This was not the first time Zheng Qing came to this large house with a beautiful garden.

The stream outside the fence is still flowing as before, with colorful fish swimming among the colorful pebbles, playing and playing. The brilliant flower garden inside the fence looks particularly comfortable and beautiful.

A few flower sperm carefully put their heads into the gaps in the fence, secretly sucking the nectar. When they heard someone coming, they immediately retracted their heads, pulled apart their skinny little arms and legs, and disappeared into the earth at the end of the fence. .

This made the little fox girl a little unhappy.

"Seeing me is like seeing a ghost," Su Ya pouted, a little indignantly: "As if someone would catch them specifically."

Zheng Qingxu raised his eyes and glanced down at the little fox girl.

"I remember, didn't Sister Su Man always ask you to deal with those little guys in the garden?" He reminded her kindly.

Su Ya suddenly woke up.

"I mean, after I send you in, come out and catch them immediately!" The little fox girl's ears twitched, and she immediately clenched her fist and waved it vigorously in front of Zheng Qing.

But I don't know whether he was threatening the spermatozoa, or warning a certain wizard not to talk too much in front of the head maid.

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