Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 38 Gini Cabin

It looks like a flying eagle with horns, sounds like a baby and cannibalize people. It is called a Gu eagle.

Unlike other streets that Zheng Qing and the others passed through, there seemed to be a lot more young people on Gudiao Street.

Of course, similar to other pedestrians in the North District of Beta Town, these young people are dressed completely differently from Zheng Qing and others. Most of them wear gray robes - not the smooth fabrics and constant magic effects of the school guards. robes, but some simply sewn robes made of linen or plain silk.

Zheng Qing and others walked among them, feeling a bit like they stood out from the crowd.

This makes everyone uncomfortable.

"What is the Gini House for?" While looking for No. 33 Gudiao Street, Zheng Qing tried to divert his attention by discussing other issues, so that he could feel more comfortable in the eyes of passers-by.

The two companions seemed to have similar thoughts.

"The Gini Cabin is a small magic club," Xiao Xiao answered almost immediately after Zheng Qing's question. "The members are mainly young people from the North District. They are not very talented, but they are very determined to study... …As far as I know, almost all the young people in this club failed the first university entrance examination and failed to enter the university, but they were unwilling to give up the path of wizards, so they gathered together and tried various means to further their studies.”

Here, he used young people instead of young wizards or young magicians. This detail was captured by Zheng Qing.

"Young man." Zheng Qing chewed on the word, "It means, if you are not as good as those above, you are more than enough."

"This is the hardest part." Fatty Xin nodded in agreement. "If they are really only at the level of a magician, they will naturally not have any hope for the future; but if they really reach the school's enrollment level, there is no need to So anxious."

Zheng Qing felt very sad about this.

Some of his classmates in the same class had mediocre academic performance and were unable to achieve high or low grades. It was a pity to go to college, but it was a bit worse to go to secondary school. In contrast, the choice of young people in the Keeney Hut is unsurprising.

"In other words, this is a 'repetition class' for the wizard's college entrance examination." Zheng Qing concluded.

"Although your words are not completely appropriate, the context is still relevant." Xiao Xiao nodded.

"Not appropriate?" Zheng Qing was a little curious about Xiao Xiao's answer.

"Because it is a 'magic club', not a 'study club.'" Fatty Xin answered Zheng Qing's confusion from the side. "If the members in the Gini Cabin study real questions and do papers every day like our final exams, It would be appropriate to call it a review class... But in fact, the members of the Gini Cabin prefer to buy some spell fragments dug out of corners on the street, and then study together how to cast them with the least amount of magic. "

"So that's what I just said, that they're not very talented." Xiao Xiao also added, "Of course, there is also the influence of the Alpha Academy... After being declared to have insufficient talent by Alpha, their only choice is to work hard to tap it." own potential.”

The two people's explanations made Zheng Qing's brain even more confused.

"But why?" The young public-funded student frowned. "Why don't they take exams from other colleges? If the talent is not good, there are other options. Just like Nicholas."

In Zheng Qing's impression, Nicholas was originally from Alpha College, and then changed colleges twice in a row before becoming a student of Jiuyou College.

Therefore, in his opinion, if God closes a door, then just open the window. There is absolutely no need to stand behind the door.

Xiao Xiao sighed.

"You should live in Beta Town for a while, so that you can increase your understanding of the wizarding world." The doctor adjusted his glasses and raised two fingers. "Two reasons."

"First, Beta Town is the Beta Town of Alpha Fort. In other words, regardless of the east district, west district, south district or north district, whether the convex area or the concave area, they are all areas directly under the jurisdiction of Alpha... You can understand it as' School District’, students living in the North District don’t really have much choice.”

"And they actually despise wizards from other colleges, just like the down-and-out aristocrats in the 19th century looked down on the rich Americans. There is a less clear chain of contempt." Fatty Xin added an explanation beside him.

Zheng Qing felt a little unbelievable - the future was gone, and he still had the heart to despise him? Have their brains been eaten by zombies?

Xiao Xiao did not interrupt the fat man's addition. When he stopped speaking, he put away a finger and continued, "Second, not everyone can become Nicholas. Nicholas must first become a student of the First University, and then have a choice. The rights of the academy. And those young people we just mentioned have not even crossed the threshold of the first university.”

"Besides, it is said... Of course, I just heard about this." Fatty Xin carefully looked around and said in a low voice, "It is said that Nicholas' sister is very talented... So, you know, the school is in a sense I also took care of him.”

"This isn't fair." Zheng Qing muttered on the ground.

"Fair? Hey, a typical Jiuyou way of thinking." Xiao Xiao disagreed with Zheng Qing's entanglement. "In Alpha's view, fairness is actually a pseudo-concept. Nothing is fair...compared to that, they care more. It’s freedom and justice.”

"Even if this freedom brings chaos, poverty and despair?" Zheng Qing felt that his world view was covered with a layer of cow dung.

"They are all free, how can they be desperate?" Fatty Xin's retort made Zheng Qing unable to resist.

"Well, this is it." Xiao Xiao stopped, interrupted the discussion of the two companions, and motioned for them to look up at the nameplate. Only then did Zheng Qing notice that they had walked far along Gudiao Street.

At this moment, what appeared in front of them was a two-story building with white walls and black tiles. It was a wooden building with a simple shape. There is a small garden outside the small building, with several cherry blossoms in full bloom growing in the four corners of the garden. On the street side, there is a row of low brick walls, more than one meter high, to guard against gentlemen but not villains. However, the gate in the center of the wall was a bit tall. At a glance, Zheng Qing felt that it was as tall as two of himself.

The gate is shaped like an archway, with left and right doors closed, and a copper bell hanging above.

Looking over the wall, I saw that there was no one in the garden except for the colorful cherry blossoms, which spread a thin carpet on the ground.

"This is it." Xiao Xiao pointed to the nameplate on the wall and repeated what he had just said.

Zheng Qing looked intently and saw that the nameplate clearly read 'No. 33, Gudiao Street' in a row of large characters. Below the large characters, there are two rows of small white characters.

The first row says 'Sakura Tavern on the first floor', and the second row says 'Kini's Magic House on the second floor'.


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