Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 46 The Hanged Man

The Tarot cards are arranged in an arc on the large tabletop, and the intricate lines are connected together, making you dizzy.

The gypsy witch stood up straight, her fingertips gently sliding on the different cards, but she still couldn't decide which one to pick up. This indecision made the observers on the side gradually lose their patience.

"I just need a little good sign. Just pick one and make nonsense of it in front of me. Do you need to go to such trouble?" Kolma stared helplessly at the Gypsy Witch's actions.

"Divination is when the shaman plays the strings of fate." Elena's voice was a little hollow, like the mist floating in the dark night, making it elusive: "It's charming and beautiful, but you also need to be careful about getting your hands scratched."

Korma slammed his head on the table.

"Well," she buried her head in her arms and groaned in pain: "This is why I never got high marks in the divination class exam... I will never be able to be as mysterious as you."

Before she finished speaking, Elena's finger instantly clicked on a certain tower card.

Then she turned the page and read silently.

Colma didn't see the gypsy witch's movements, and still hid her head in her arms, muttering and complaining. From the fact that the score of subjective questions in the divination test was too high, to the possibility of losing her scholarship if she failed to get first in grade in the final exam, and to the fact that without the scholarship, she might join the forest collection team in the North District to earn some extra money, and she might be suddenly hacked. Swallowed by the tide, it turned into a lonely ghost, and so on, like a noisy bee.

The Gypsy Witch finally couldn't help it and interrupted the complaint of the owner of the Gini Hut: "There may be a black tide in the Silent Forest this time. The school cannot be unprepared for it! You are the vice president of the First University Student Union, you should understand relevant regulations.”

Kolma's head suddenly lifted from her arms.

"Preparation? Of course there is preparation, but the preparation is all for the school." A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, and her tone was very rude: "As for Beta Town... what is Beta Town? This community where wizards gather, is just Just a patch of moss growing in the shadow of the school wall."

"Winter has come, the moss has dried up, and everything is blackened by the fire."

"But after spring, all you need to do is drop a few drops of rain from the sky and throw a little fertilizer from behind the fence, and the moss will grow back soon, and it will be even more lush than before."

"Beta Town is just a small piece of moss, so what is the North District? All the school's arrangements are just to protect that huge fortress... In fact, they only need to protect that fortress."

Elena stretched out her hand and pressed it on the back of Kolma's hand to soothe her slightly excited mood.

The owner of the Gini Hut quickly controlled his mentality and calmed down again.

Then Elena spoke again and asked: "Then how do you know that the monsters in the forest will rush out and threaten the safety of the school or Beta Town? You are not good at divination, and if I remember correctly , you are not responsible for communicating with the monitoring department of the campus guard formation in the student union..."

"The attention of the school's guardian formation is on the campus, not outside the school." Korma interrupted Elena and shook her head: "I didn't know about this through the school."

She turned her head and looked through the closed window at the small courtyard where the cherry blossoms were falling and the sparsely populated streets. 【! * \u0026*Fastest update]

"This is the North District," her voice became much deeper: "This is the place where the largest number of people enter the Silent Forest on the entire Phuket Island... That forest has swallowed up too many of our relatives and friends. No one can compare We are more sensitive to it."

At this point, she forced a smile and blinked: "After all, those who enter the Silent Forest every day to collect materials are never the superior wizards, but the magicians who have no skills. We must deal with this matter Be sensitive."

Elena noticed that Korma always thought of her and the magician as one and the same.

This made her feel a little more relaxed and warm despite being heavy.

But a little bit of relaxation and warmth could not prevent the atmosphere of the conversation from becoming silent.

The orange-red light was a little dim, falling on the long burgundy hair of the Gypsy Witch, giving her a beautiful glaze color; falling on the wine glass, adding a bit of flavor to the golden amber light.

The gypsy witch rubbed the tarot card in her hand and organized her words in her heart.

The card depicts a warrior hanging upside down with his hands tied behind his back. Her expression is serene, with a golden angel halo surrounding her head.

From a positive perspective, this card conveys the message of accepting a test, representing a brave man who is not afraid of hardships, sacrifices, learns from failure, and then succeeds; but from another perspective, this card also means that Bad luck means that the brave man is impatient and lost in his goal.

No matter from any angle, this is not the best card.

Elena would rather get the chariot that symbolizes victory, or the priestess that symbolizes wisdom—even the ambiguous Wheel of Fortune is much better than the Hanged Man who is destined to be sacrificed.

"A very powerful hunting group leader once said that when people realize that they are part of a great cause, they can always overcome all difficulties. A hunting group with such belief can change the entire world." Elena Quietly looking at the witch opposite, she said softly: "We are such a team."

Colma tilted the wine bottle carelessly, and the wine in the bottle formed a thin line and fell into the wine glass on the bar.

Soon, more than half the glass of amber light was filled.

Then Colma quickly put away the bottle and breathed a sigh of relief, as if the simple act of pouring the wine just took a lot of energy from her.

"Such a small glass of wine is equivalent to five golden beans. It is a great sin to waste even one drop. People in the North District do not have such a wasteful habit." She raised her head and showed a bright smile to Elena: "As for us...I I have no intention of changing the world, I just want to help my friends regain their ability to use magic."

"There is no difference." Elena picked up the wine glass in her hand and raised it to Kolma: "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation!" Kolma clinked the wine glasses with the Gypsy Witch briskly, took a sip of amber light, and sighed contentedly. Then, she winked and moved closer to Elena: "By the way, , Zheng Qing, have you taken over? Is he still a bastard? He just cheated, but he didn’t pull it off completely..."

Two blushes flew up on Elena's face, and the wine glass in her hand slammed on the table:

"Rain Girl Wu Gua!"

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