"Chief Ai, please stand up quickly."

Liu Mu helped Ai Pu up and said with a smile, "Since I am here, I will naturally help you."

"Sir, what is wrong with our sacred tree?"

Ai Pu said with a serious expression, "Since the third generation of our clan leader, each generation of clan leaders has been looking for the problem with the natural sacred tree. However, thousands of years have passed and our clan still has nothing to show for it."

"Has Chief Ai ever heard of the Sky Poison Ant?"

Liu Mu looked at Ai Pu and said.

"But the Sky Poison Ant is known as one of the most powerful poisons in the universe?"

Ai Pu was shocked.

He has the memory of the successive generations of elf clan leaders.

Although his own strength is not strong, his knowledge is very broad.

"That's right."

Liu Mu said, "The Sky Poison Ant, born in the black abyss of the universe, possesses one of the strongest poisons in the universe, the Sky Poison. The name of the Sky Poison Ant also comes from the Sky Poison."

"And the Sky Poison is so strong that even a strong man in the universe will die if he is poisoned by the Sky Poison. The Sky Poison Ant race has become one of the most untouchable races in the universe."

"Sir, do you mean that the Natural God Tree is poisoned by the Sky Poison?"

Aip's face turned pale.

Liu Mu couldn't have mentioned the Sky Poison Ant for no reason.

The problem with the Natural God Tree must be related to the Sky Poison Ant.

"That's right."

Liu Mu looked at the Natural God Tree.

Its trunk was dry and faintly exuded a dark green mist.

This mist was the power of the Sky Poison.

As for how the Natural God Tree was poisoned by the Sky Poison, Liu Mu had no way of knowing.


Aip suddenly thought of something, his face changed drastically, "I suddenly remembered that the third-generation patriarch of my clan had been to the Black Abyss of the Universe, and it was from the third-generation patriarch that my clan began to decline."

"Could it be that the third-generation patriarch encountered the Sky Poison Ant in the Black Abyss?"

"But why is there no memory of the third-generation patriarch in contact with the Sky Poison Ant in my inherited memory?"

"The Sky Poison has another characteristic, which is that it will cause the soul of the poisoned person to be shattered and the memory to dissipate."

Liu Mu said, "The third-generation patriarch of your clan must have come into contact with the Sky Poison Ant in the Black Abyss and fought with it. In the end, he was defeated by the Sky Poison Ant and relied on the Natural God Tree to save his life, and the Natural God Tree also had problems at that time."

"My lord, what should we do to cure the God Tree?"

Aip's eyes were desperate "It is said that there is no way to cure the poison."

"The poison is indeed terrible, but there are some ways to cure it in the universe."

Liu Mu walked towards the Natural God Tree and said, "Among them, the natural power contained in the Natural God Tree can suppress the poison to a certain extent. This is why the Natural God Tree is still alive after thousands of years."

"But the Natural God Tree can only suppress the poison, but it cannot completely cure it. In order to suppress the poison, the Natural God Tree needs to consume a lot of natural power all the time. Over time, the Natural God Tree overdrew the source of power and became what it is now, and your clan has also encountered various problems."

"And to completely cure the Natural God Tree, two things are needed, one of which is your clan's artifact, Qingyu."

Liu Mu stopped under the Natural God Tree.

Looking back at Ai Pu who was listening to him attentively, he said, "Qingyu and the Natural God Tree have the same origin, both contain majestic natural power. In addition, Qingyu also contains the power of purification. It is precisely because of this power of purification that Qingyu is also called the Demon-Breaking Bow. Its power can restrain evil demons and various negative forces."

"As for the other thing, it is called Su Shou. Like Qingyu, Su Shou is also a divine weapon and also contains the power of purification."

"Through the two divine weapons of Su Shou and Qingyu, a method called Shen Jing can be used. This method can completely eliminate the poisonous power of Tiandu."

What Liu Mu said was all the information he learned from the Universe Creatures Atlas.

The Universe Creatures Atlas will list in detail various information about Tiandu Ants, as well as the natural enemies of Tiandu Ants, various methods to restrain Tiandu, etc.

"Sir, is there no other way?"

Aip said with a grim expression, "The Qingyu artifact of our tribe is now in the hands of the king, and we have no way to take Qingyu back from the king. As for the other artifact Su Shou, I have never heard of it, and I don't know where to find it."

"In addition to this method, there are many other methods."

Liu Mu said with a smile.

"Please tell me a relatively simple method, sir."

Aip said with hope rekindled in his eyes.

"Chief Ai, what I said is the simplest way."

"Sir, you must help my tribe."

Aip knelt in front of Liu Mu again after hearing this.

At this point, Liu Mu is his only hope.

"Xiao Mu, can youYou must do what you can. "

Xingyue said, "Don't be impulsive at this time."

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

Liu Mu naturally understood that Xingyue was worried that he would risk going to the King Realm to obtain Qingyu.

But he was not that stupid.

As for not being able to obtain the artifacts Qingyu and Su Shou?

Just kidding.

What he lacks the least now is artifacts.

"Chief Ai, you are the chief of a clan after all, why do you kneel down to others at every turn."

Liu Mu said, "I have said that since I have come here, I will naturally help your clan solve the problem."

"But sir, Qingyu is with the king, and the king is a strong man in the universe realm. It is impossible for us to take Qingyu back from him."

"It's okay, the Qingyu in the king's hand is female, and I also have a divine artifact Qingyu here, which is male. "

As Liu Mu finished speaking, a green divine light bloomed in front of him.

As the divine light faded, a bow and arrow with a green body and feather patterns appeared in front of Liu Mu.

"This is Qingyu!"

Aip's pupils contracted, and he looked at the bow and arrow in front of Liu Mu in disbelief.

Both its appearance and the aura it exudes are exactly the same as Qingyu.


Aip suddenly discovered something and said in shock, "Qingyu is just a low-grade artifact, and this bow and arrow is a top-grade artifact!"

Aip's breathing became rapid.

A top-grade artifact that is exactly the same as Qingyu completely overturned his cognition.

Aren't artifacts unique?

Like Xingyue at that time, Aipu began to doubt himself.

"Here it comes again. "

Beside Liu Mu, Xingyue's eyes were dazed, and her heart was full of disbelief.

When she heard Liu Mu say that the Qingyu in Wang's hand was female, she guessed that Liu Mu would take out a magic weapon that was exactly the same as Qingyu.

How did he do it?

Xingyue stared at Liu Mu's profile, and her curiosity about Liu Mu was unprecedentedly strong.

"Sir, what is this?"

Aip asked cautiously.


Liu Mu smiled, "I said, my Qingyu is male, stronger than the Qingyu in Wang's hand."

"By the way."

Liu Mu continued, "I also have the magic weapon Su Shou, and mine is also male. "

Liu Mu finished speaking.

His right hand glowed with divine light.

A glove as thin as a silkworm's wing and in plain color was worn on Liu Mu's right hand.

And the glove was also a top-grade artifact.


Seeing this scene, Xingyue was completely unsettled.

She gasped in shock.

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