He actually took it out!

Xingyue was full of disbelief.

At the same time, she was both afraid and curious about Liu Mu's identity.

What Liu Mu showed was enough to prove that Liu Mu was not an ordinary creature.

His true identity must be related to the ancient gods of the universe.

Or, Liu Mu was a creature beyond her cognition.

But what puzzled her was that Liu Mu, such a mysterious and powerful existence, how could he be defeated by her sister?

Could it be that Liu Mu has been acting all the time?

Or did Liu Mu grow to this point in recent days?


Acting, he must be acting

Xingyue's expression kept changing.

Liu Mu's strength changed drastically in a few days. Although she was shocked, she could also understand that Liu Mu was gifted.

But the artifact and the magic pill were definitely not obtained by Liu Mu in the past few days.

She saw Liu Mu's whereabouts in the past few days.

The only time he left Blue Star was when he went to Tianling Star with her yesterday.

Therefore, in her opinion, Liu Mu himself is extremely powerful and has countless treasures.

The reason why he is not as good as Yue Xi.

It is simply because of his bad taste.

After all, some powerful creatures have lived for too long, and they will do some behaviors that other creatures cannot understand to add some fun to their boring lives.

Thinking of this.

Xingyue's mood is very complicated.

She is now starting to worry about the king realm.

She doesn't even dare to imagine what will be waiting for the creatures of the king realm when the king realm descends on Blue Star.

By then.

The supreme king of the king realm may have no power to fight back in Liu Mu's hands.

And what will be the end of her sister?

"Why, are you not satisfied?"

Seeing that Xingyue has been silent, Liu Mu said, "This is the Star God Sword and Star God Pill you want."


Came back to his senses.

Xingyue hurriedly put away the Star God Sword and Star God Pill, and looked at Liu Mu seriously, "Can you tell me your true identity?"

"My true identity?"

Liu Mu was stunned at first, and then thought that it was his performance that scared Xingyue.

So Liu Mu pondered for a moment and said, "Have you heard of the Son of the Universe?"

"Are you the Son of the Universe?"

Xingyue was shocked again.

But soon she said to herself, "That's right, if he is the Son of the Universe, then everything can be explained."

"You also said that you are not a member of the Star God Clan."

Liu Mu looked at Xingyue and said, "The only people who know about the Son of the Universe are the Initial Gods and Demons Clan and some powerful creatures at the top of the cosmic pyramid."

Son of the Universe.

It is the existence that Liu Mu knew through the Atlas of Universe Creatures.

The Son of the Universe can be any creature.

The reason why it is called the Son of the Universe is because it is chosen by the will of the universe.

Once a creature becomes a child of the universe, it will be blessed with the luck of the universe.

In the novel, the child of the universe is a being with the protagonist module.

The status of the child of the universe is noble enough to be on par with the ancient gods of the universe.

If the poisonous ants that master the poison are one of the most unprovoked races in the universe.

Then the child of the universe with the luck of the universe will be the most unprovoked creature in the universe, no one else.

Because once you offend the child of the universe, not only will you not be able to kill it, but because of your pursuit, the child of the universe will continue to gain powerful opportunities until it is finally killed by the child of the universe.

The reason why Liu Mu said that he was the child of the universe was to avoid unnecessary trouble.

After all, the various powerful items he exploded when killing monsters could not be explained without finding a suitable identity.

"Even if I am from the Star God Clan, I am nothing compared to you."

Xingyue took a deep breath and said, "Son of the Universe, I didn't expect your status to be so noble. If I become your woman, it would be a great opportunity for me."

Xingyue knew something about the Son of the Universe.

The Son of the Universe has the luck of the universe, and the closer the creatures are to the Son of the Universe, the more they will be blessed by the luck of the universe because of the Son of the Universe, so that their cultivation will be unimpeded and the probability of obtaining opportunities will be greatly increased.

"That's right."

Liu Mu smiled, "You can be happy to be my woman."

"How about I fulfill my promise now?"

Xingyue suddenly blushed.


Liu Mu's eyes lit up and he moved closer to Xingyue.

When the distance between the two was less than one centimeter, Xingyue was too shy to look at Liu Mu.

"Then I'm going to start."

Liu Mu slowly raised his hand and was about to hug Xingyue.


Xingyue took a step back hastily, her cheeks burning, and said, "Let's wait, I'm a little scared."

However, LiuMu pretended not to hear.

He took a step forward and pulled Xingyue into his arms.

Are you kidding? The arrow is on the string, how can it not be shot?


That day.

The blood-red sky of the blue star dissipated and turned into a starry sky.

In the starry sky, the stars twinkled.

One of the crimson stars was the brightest.

In the Tiangong Garden.

Xingyue's eyes were blurred, and her long silver hair turned crimson.

Her snow-white skin exuded starlight.

At this time, Xingyue was so beautiful that it could not be described in words.

The war was over.

Xingyue had no time to be shy, and mysterious chains appeared around her.

The chains bound a crimson star.

The seal loosened.

Xingyue's face changed drastically.

But suddenly, the aura around her returned to calm, and her hair returned to silver.

At this time, Liu Mu's body also underwent earth-shaking changes.

Half of the heart of the star grew rapidly and turned into a complete heart of the star.

And there were more lines of star law on the heart.

In the dark, Liu Mu felt that there was a pair of eyes watching him.

Those eyes were as bright as the stars and had supreme majesty.

Star God!

Liu Mu was shocked.

At the same time, a lot of information poured into his mind.

This information was the inheritance of the Star God.

Just as Xingyue said, as long as Xingyue became his woman, he could master the laws of the stars, and even obtain the inheritance of the fallen Star God and become the master of all stars.


Liu Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

Suddenly, countless planets in the universe were shaken.


God and Demon Continent.

The world with the strongest comprehensive strength in the entire universe.

God and Demon Continent does not belong to any galaxy.

And the creatures in the God and Demon Continent have the powerful power to destroy galaxies at will.

It's because the people living in the God and Demon Continent are the strongest race in the universe, the original God and Demon Clan.

Above the sky of the God and Demon Continent, there is a star palace.

The palace is surrounded by stars.

Among them, there are seven huge stars, which emit the most dazzling light.

And one of the crimson stars is entangled by dense chains.

The chains are covered with mysterious patterns.


Multiple terrifying auras appeared.

Several figures wearing star god clothes appeared above the crimson star.

"The power of the seal is actually loose."

A low voice sounded.

A burly man with three heads and six arms said, "Could it be that Yaoguang found a way to break the seal of the emperor?"


As soon as the man finished speaking.

A divine voice suddenly came from the palace.

"Tianshu, Kaiyang, you guys go to the universe quickly and bring Yaoguang back."

"I will obey the order of the emperor."

The man with three heads and six arms and the man holding the flaming star beside him said with respect.

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