Du Wenshu had just thought so when he saw Liu Mu move.

Liu Mu dipped the brush in ink and began to write on the rice paper.

At the moment when Liu Mu put down his pen, Du Wenshu's pupils contracted.


Some of the students watching exclaimed.

Du Wenshu hurriedly glared at the crowd to prevent them from disturbing Liu Mu.

Seeing this, everyone shut up, but their eyes were full of shock.


In less than a minute, Liu Mu put down his pen.

Putting down the brush, Liu Mu looked at his work with satisfaction.

On the rice paper, the two words "Niubi" were written.

Although the meaning of the word is vulgar, the word is not vulgar at all.

Liu Mu wrote in cursive script.

The font is simple.

It may not be as beautiful as other fonts, but it is unrestrained.

"Awesome, really awesome."

Du Wenshu lay on the table and looked at Liu Mu's work carefully.

Although he is also a master calligrapher, he is not good at cursive writing.

However, this does not affect the shock brought to him by Liu Mu's work.

"The lines are smooth and natural, the curves are orderly, the strokes are strong and powerful, and they are continuous."

"Good, good calligraphy."

Du Wenshu's old face flushed with excitement and said, "This work can be called a master's work."


As soon as Du Wenshu finished speaking, everyone was boiling.

"Master's work, doesn't that mean that this person is also a master calligrapher like Mr. Du."

"What a joke, is there such a young calligraphy master in Longguo?"

"I just think this person is awesome, but I didn't expect him to be so awesome!"

"I'm numb, this person is a monster!"


"Anya, Xiaomu is a calligraphy master?"

Listening to the exclamations of the crowd, Lin Yanran was also shocked.

She doesn't understand calligraphy, but she still knows what a calligraphy master represents.

In Longguo, any skill that can reach the master level is considered a leader in the corresponding circle.

When she browses her phone, she sometimes sees music masters, painting masters, Go masters...

Without exception, the masters she sees are all very old.

How old is Liu Mu?

In his early twenties, his attainments in calligraphy have reached the master level.

This makes her feel very dreamy.

"Since Mr. Du said so, it should be."

An Ya took her eyes away from Liu Mu's work and felt incredible.

She has a certain foundation in calligraphy.

Therefore, compared with Lin Yanran, she was more shocked.

She looked at Liu Mu.

Liu Mu seemed very calm in the face of Du Wenshu's praise.

His eyes were very confident from beginning to end.

This man!

As Anya watched, her heartbeat began to accelerate.

She thought Liu Mu was bragging, but Liu Mu was not bragging at all. Liu Mu was really awesome.

Worth 10 billion.

Mysterious background.

Master of calligraphy.

Anya's eyes gradually became lost.

Liu Mu was the best person she had ever seen, bar none.

[Anya's favorability +30. ]

System prompt sounded.

Liu Mu subconsciously looked at Anya.

The two looked at each other, Anya quickly looked away, and her pretty face flushed.

"Young man, what's your name?"

Du Wenshu looked at Liu Mu with extremely fiery eyes.

He had lived for so long and had seen many young people with calligraphy talent, but none of them could compare to Liu Mu.

He didn't even dare to imagine how high Liu Mu's attainments in calligraphy would rise if he was given some more time.

Master of calligraphy?

Du Wenshu's breathing became rapid.

Once Liu Mu could become a master of calligraphy, he would be a figure in history books.

"Liu Mu."

Liu Mu still had a good impression of Du Wenshu.

At least the other party did not take advantage of his seniority and commented on his works in a fair and just manner.

"Liu Mu, are you interested in joining the Calligraphy Association?"

Du Wenshu said with a serious look, "Your calligraphy skills are not inferior to mine. If you are willing, I can recommend you to become a senior member of the association."

There are three levels of associations related to various skills in Longguo: president, vice president, and member.

Members are divided into primary, intermediate, and senior levels.

"Not interested."

Liu Mu smiled and said, "You said that my calligraphy level is not inferior to yours. Do you think I am worthy of the status of a senior member?"

Liu Mu was telling the truth.

With his calligraphy level, he really doesn't care about the status of a member.

You know, the master-level calligraphy awarded by the system includes various fonts.

In other words, whether it is cursive, regular, running, or thin gold, Liu Mu is a master.

"Why, you don't like senior members, is it possible?Do you want to be the vice president?"

Du Guangliang couldn't help but ask.

"Guangliang, don't be rude."

Du Wenshu glared at Du Guangliang and frowned, "My authority is to recommend you as a senior member at most. If you want to be the vice president, you must be personally assessed by the president."

"Grandpa, why did you explain so much to him?"

Du Guangliang said, "Even if his calligraphy attainments have really reached the master level, his works are not famous, and he is not qualified to be the vice president at all."

"And I think his handwriting is just so-so."

Du Guangliang said, looking at the desk, "Although cursive script is one of the five major mainstream scripts, not everyone can appreciate it because the strokes are too sloppy."

"Guangliang, I say it again, don't be rude."

Du Wenshu's voice was a little lower, "Really good works cannot be measured by money. Whether it is cursive script or other fonts, they are an art that reflects our culture. You can't look at it with tinted glasses. ”

“Why don’t you say you are the grandson?”

Liu Mu looked at Du Guangliang and said, “There is another characteristic of culture and art, that is inheritance. Good culture and art can be remembered and passed down from generation to generation. If you die, you will be forgotten for a few generations at most.”


After Liu Mu finished speaking, someone couldn’t help laughing.

“Your boyfriend is amazing.”

An Ya said in Lin Yanran’s ear, “He doesn’t even use dirty words when scolding people.”

“Is this guy sick? Why is he targeting Xiao Mu?”

Lin Yanran frowned.

“Why else, jealousy.”

An Ya said, “This guy is the grandson of Mr. Du, but Mr. Du praised your boyfriend to the sky. He must feel uncomfortable.”

“Then he is too stingy.”

“Very funny, right?”

Du Guangliang glared at the crowd.

“Why, you are not allowed to laugh, right? "

A middle-aged man in the crowd said, "A grown man, but you are so petty."

"We can laugh if we want to, it's none of your business."

"Mr. Du, your grandson is no good, he is too petty, and it's obvious that he can't accomplish anything."


"You guys."

Du Guangliang was furious at the crowd's criticism.

"Enough, stop embarrassing me."

Du Wenshu said expressionlessly, "They are right, you are a grown man, but you are so petty, you are destined to not accomplish anything. When you go back, hand over the company to your sister, and you reflect on yourself for a while."

"I... know!"

Du Guangliang clenched his hands, his face was very ugly.

But no matter how unconvinced he was, he could only bear it in front of Du Wenshu.

"Liu Mu, leave me your contact information."

Du Wenshu looked at Liu Mu and said, "I will contact the president and see what he says, and then I will give you a reply. "

"Mr. Du, I'm actually not interested in joining the Calligraphy Association."

Liu Mu said with a smile, "I'm a businessman. Compared to calligraphy, making money is my hobby."

"Don't waste your talent."

Hearing Liu Mu say that making money is his hobby, Du Wenshu said with a serious expression, "Money, it's enough to make enough, but calligraphy is different. With your talent, you are likely to become a calligraphy master in the future, which means that you will be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Wang Xizhi, Yan Zhenqing and others."

"You think too highly of me."

Liu Mu said with a smile, "Although there is only one step between the master and the grandmaster, throughout history, there may not be one who can take this step in hundreds of years."

Although Liu Mu said so, it was not difficult for him to become a calligraphy master.

After all, he has a system of cheating.

Who knows if he will be lucky one day and burst out with grandmaster-level calligraphy.

"You are still young, there is always hope. "

Du Wenshu said with expectation.

"Mr. Du, I will give you a pair of calligraphy."

Liu Mu picked up the brush again and wrote on the new rice paper.

"This is, running script!"

Du Wenshu stared at the brush in Liu Mu's hand.

As the brush passed over the rice paper, extremely smooth characters appeared on the rice paper.

"Master, master running script."

Du Wenshu's breathing became rapid, and he looked at Liu Mu as if he was looking at a monster.

But the next second, Liu Mu changed the font.

"Regular script!"

Du Wenshu's pupils contracted and swallowed his saliva.


After a few minutes.

The whole classroom was silent.

Liu Mu put down the brush and looked at his work with satisfaction.

On the rice paper, he saw ancient poems written in different fonts.

Including but not limited to Song style, official script, thin gold style, seal script, Yan style, Liu style, Zhao style, Ou style.

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