"This guy really won't cry until he sees the coffin."

Nangong Yun said with disdain.

"Young man, that's enough."

Zheng Xiangwen said, "It's not that we want to trouble you, but there has never been an all-round master chef in our country from ancient times to the present."

"Even Yi Ya, Taihe Gong and others who were called the masters of cooking in ancient times, they only reached the pinnacle in a certain cuisine field, and thus were called the masters of cooking of a generation."

"Although the master is not as good as the master, the word all-round is more difficult to achieve than the master. Our country has a vast territory. In addition to the eight major cuisines, there are many branches of food. What I understand as an all-round master chef refers to someone who has mastered all cuisines and can make all cuisines, and the food he makes can reach the master level."

"Such a person can no longer be called a human, but a god, a god of food!"

Zheng Xiangwen's expression was extremely solemn.

What he said was not an exaggeration.

A person's energy is limited, and it is absolutely impossible to master all cuisines.

Da da da!

Zheng Xiangwen had just finished speaking.

Suddenly, there was a sound of a kitchen knife touching a cutting board.

Liu Mu was holding the pot with his left hand and blindly cutting a cucumber with a kitchen knife in his right hand.

The speed was so fast that the kitchen knife once created an illusion.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Xiangwen was stunned.

"What a great knife skill."

Li Jianye said in shock, "Although I can also blindly cut ingredients, I can't do two things at the same time like him."

"He is making coir cucumbers."

Zheng Xiangwen's breathing became a little faster.

Coir cucumbers are a classic Shandong dish, and the chef's knife skills are very strict.

A qualified coir cucumber, when lifted from a section, can present a feeling of "broken lotus roots and silk threads connected".

Zheng Xiangwen is a master of Shandong cuisine, and he has been making coir cucumbers for decades.

Liu Mu ignored the crowd.

He was keeping a high level of concentration at this time.

In just a few seconds, he had cut the cucumber.

Then, he began to process other ingredients.

To speed up.

He even picked up a kitchen knife with his left hand.

So everyone saw the next scene.

In front of the kitchen counter.

Knife shadows were heavy and ingredients were flying.

Liu Mu waved the kitchen knife in his hand like a peerless swordsman.


Zheng Xiangwen swallowed his saliva.

He was really shocked.

And Li Jianye and others opened their mouths wide and stayed where they were.

"Who can tell me if this is a special effect? ​​Why do I feel like I saw a knife shadow?"

"The guy is right in front of you, and you say this is a special effect?"

"I take back what I said just now, this handsome guy is not a clown, we are the clowns."

"What a great knife skill, I even wonder if this guy has a side job."

"Side job, the kind that kills people?"


The street was boiling.

Absolute strength is enough to crush all doubts.

"Tsk, isn't it just some knife skills?"

Nangong Yun said with a gloomy face, "He claims to be an all-round chef, and the most important thing for a master chef is not only knife skills, but also the ability to make delicious food."

"His knife skills are so good, how bad can his cooking be?"

"That's right, I'm optimistic about him. With his knife skills, I think the masters of major cuisines can't compare with him."

The crowd was not led astray by Nangong Yun.

They were concentrating on watching Liu Mu show his knife skills.

This made them feel like watching a martial arts movie, a complete visual feast.

"I can't tell, he's quite good."

Jiang Qingyue's eyes flashed with a strange brilliance.

If Liu Mu wasn't her competitor, she would have wanted to become Liu Mu's little fan girl.

On the road outside the street.

Qin Yiren didn't leave, but sat in the car watching the live broadcast.

The content of the live broadcast was Liu Mu.


Half an hour later.

Liu Mu finally processed all the ingredients.

Then, he picked up the fermented dough and walked to the drawing table.

"Mr. Zheng, what is he doing?"

Li Jianye asked in confusion.

"What else can he do with the dough besides rolling it?"

Zheng Xiangwen rolled his eyes at Li Jianye.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Li Jianye said with embarrassment, "I saw him so absorbed in cutting vegetables that I didn't react for a while."

"Aren't you using this drawing table for painting?"

Shangguan Liuli frowned in the crowd.

Rolling noodles on the drawing table was a little unacceptable to her.


Liu Mu did not respond to Shangguan Liuli.

He just slammed the dough on the drawing table, and then picked up a one-meter-long rolling pin to start rolling the noodles.

The dough became thinner and thinner, and finally the basin-sized dough was rolled into a sheet about ten meters long and one meter wide.of tissue paper.

"Mr. Zheng, he is a monster!"

Li Jianye said in shock, "How did he manage to roll the dough as thin as paper without it cracking?"

"Force, skillful force."

Zheng Xiangwen took a deep breath and said, "His use of skillful force has reached a very terrifying level."

While Zheng Xiangwen was talking.

Liu Mu had already started making food.

Soon, a fragrance came out of the pot.

All of them were shocked.


The stove was burning.

Liu Mu held the pot in his left hand and the spoon in his right hand.

The pot and spoon seemed to be integrated with him, and he continued to perform various difficult operations in his hands.

The onlookers opened their mouths uncontrollably as they watched.

As the delicious dishes came out of the pot, the sound of swallowing saliva continued to ring out from the crowd.

"No, it smells too good, I can't stand it."

"Handsome guy, give it to me, I want to eat it."

"Damn, why do I feel like the food this guy makes is glowing? Will it make my clothes burst if I eat it?"


"Incredible, absolutely incredible."

Zheng Xiangwen said in a trembling voice, "Mapo tofu, chopped pepper fish head, eight-treasure red sturgeon rice, honey-glazed barbecued pork... He actually made the representative dishes of each cuisine."

"Mr. Zheng, do you think this young man is really an all-round master chef?"

Li Jianye's eyes were a little dazed.

From his position, he could clearly see every dish.

Just looking at the appearance of the dishes, you can see how delicious these dishes are.

"If the taste of these dishes can reach the master level, then it is not an exaggeration to say that he is an all-round master chef."

Zheng Xiangwen became excited.

He walked quickly towards Liu Mu and said, "Young man, can you let me try these dishes?"


Liu Mu looked at Zheng Xiangwen expressionlessly, and then he opened a multi-grid stew pot.

In the stew pot, there is colorful soup, which he made by boiling various ingredients.

When the stew pot was opened, the rich aroma spread around, and everyone showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Young man, can I drink some soup?"

Zheng Xiangwen looked at Liu Mu pitifully.

Even he was tempted by the soup in the stew pot.

"This soup is not for drinking."

Liu Mu walked towards the drawing table with the stew pot.

Under Zheng Xiangwen's puzzled eyes, Liu Mu picked up the brand new brush on the drawing table, dipped it in the soup in the stew pot, and began to paint on the tissue paper.

That's right.

He wanted to draw a painting that can be eaten.

"He is painting!"

When Liu Mu started to write, the crowd was completely boiling.

"Fuck, this guy is crazy, painting on the face, he can think of it."

"This will be a tasteful painting."

"I want to ask, can the soup be used as paint?"


"You are really bold."

Shangguan Liuli walked slowly towards Liu Mu.

Liu Mu's painting style was the first time she had seen it.

"Although your cooking skills look good, painting is not cooking..."

Shangguan Liuli was halfway through her words when she suddenly froze in place, her eyes fixed on the tissue.

"This is impossible!"

PS: Please give me a free gift, urge me to update, and give me a five-star review.

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