"Not only that."

Cao Yi said, "There is another biggest difference between this painting and other paintings, that is, this is an edible painting."

Cao Yi's eyes were full of shock.

After Qin Yiren contacted him.

He immediately found the live broadcast room of Liu Mu.

He watched the whole process of Liu Mu's painting.

He was shocked and admired Liu Mu's behavior of using noodles as paper and soup as ink.

The reason why he wanted to collect this painting in the museum was not only because of Qin Yiren, but more importantly, this painting needed the museum to protect it.

"A master painting that can be eaten, looking at the ancient and modern world, there is only this one."

"This painting is of great value, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a treasure, but because of the special nature of this painting, if it is not protected, then this painting is destined to not last long. Once this painting is damaged, it will be a huge loss to the entire art world."

Cao Yi's expression was very solemn.

Looking at the ten-meter-long starry sky and landscape painting on the drawing table.

In order to avoid accidents, he also brought professionals here and contacted the police for assistance.

"I have nothing to say."

Although Nangong Yun was unwilling.

But he couldn't say anything more.

Whether it was Qin Yiren or Shangguan Liuli, he didn't dare to offend them completely.

That would not do him any good.

"Master Liu, what do you think?"

Cao Yi looked at Liu Mu and said.

If he wanted to take away the starry sky landscape painting, he had to get the consent of Liu Mu, the owner.

"The painting can be given to you, but you have to wait a few minutes."

Liu Mu picked up the small flamethrower on the kitchen counter and said, "This painting is still a semi-finished product."


After Liu Mu finished speaking, the onlookers were shocked again.

"Isn't this painting already finished? It's a starry sky landscape painting, with stars, mountains, and rivers. How can it be a half-finished product?"

"My wife Liuli gave such a high evaluation for a half-finished painting, so what should the finished product look like?"

"Go to hell, my wife Liuli is mine."


"Is this painting a half-finished product?"

Shangguan Liuli frowned. Even she couldn't see where it was not finished.

"Don't you think this painting is missing something?"

Liu Mu didn't give an answer.

He wanted to see if Shangguan Liuli could find what was missing.

Shangguan Liuli heard this and stared at the painting on the drawing table.

In the painting, there was a collision of colors.

Above the painting, the colorful starry sky was shining brightly under the sunlight.

Under the starry sky, cranes were flying and mountains were towering.

The rushing rivers were endless.

The whole painting was full of mystery.


Shangguan Liuli suddenly discovered something, and her eyes lit up and she said, "Starry sky, there are stars, but no night sky."


Liu Mu nodded.

As Shangguan Liuli said, although there are stars in the painting, the night sky is not shown because the tissue paper is white.

"So you are going to use the flamethrower in your hand to create the night sky?"

Shangguan Liuli frowned again and said, "Are you sure you won't burn the tissue paper?"

Liu Mu just smiled when he heard it, and did not respond to Shangguan Liuli.

Then, under the gaze of everyone.

Liu Mu turned on the flamethrower.

Bake the tissue paper with the flame.

Under the temperature of the flame, the top part of the tissue paper began to appear black and burnt, just like the night sky.

The colorful stars were set off by the night sky, and the sense of mystery became stronger, and the artistic conception of the whole painting also changed.

"Amazing, absolutely amazing."

Cao Yi couldn't help but exclaimed, "Master Liu, you are not a painter, you are simply a magician."

As the director of the Shancheng Museum, Cao Yi usually comes into contact with cultural relics from various dynasties.

Under the influence of historical relics for many years, his aesthetic level has been greatly improved.

But Liu Mu's paintings have brought a huge visual impact to his aesthetics.

This also made him more determined to collect Liu Mu's starry sky and landscape painting in the museum.


Shangguan Liuli's chest kept rising and falling.

She completely understood the gap between herself and Liu Mu.

Between the master and the grandmaster, it seems to be one step away, but in fact there is a world of difference.

Her eyes shifted from the painting to Liu Mu.

Looking at Liu Mu's focused look, Shangguan Liuli was a little dazed.

For a painting fanatic.

A man who is almost the same age as her, but whose painting skills are enough to crush her, can be said to have a fatal attraction to her.

[Shangguan Liuli's favorability +20. ]

"Mr. Zheng, is this not a good idea for us?"

When everyone focused their attention on Liu Mu.

Zheng Xiangwen and Li Jianye sneaked to the kitchen counter and tasted the food prepared by Liu Mu.

"If you don't like it, don't eat it."

Zheng Xiangwen rolled his eyes at Li Jianye and picked up the sedge cucumber on the plate.


When the sedge cucumber was picked up.

Zheng Xiangwen couldn't help but take a breath.

The whole cucumber was cut as thin as a cicada's wing, but the magical thing was that the whole cucumber was connected and didn't break.

Zheng Xiangwen carefully cut off a piece and put it in his mouth to taste it.

The cucumber was in his mouth.

Zheng Xiangwen's hand holding the chopsticks trembled.

A tear even flowed from the corner of his eye.

"Mr. Zheng, are you exaggerating?"

Li Jianye's mouth twitched, "Although these dishes have indeed reached the master level, you don't have to cry."

"You know shit."

Zheng Xiangwen wiped away his tears and looked at Liu Mu not far away, "I'm excited. Our country will have a "God of Cookery."

Li Jianye and his friends all became serious when they heard this.

They naturally understood what Zheng Xiangwen meant.

They tasted the dishes made by Liu Mu, and every dish reached the master level, which means that Liu Mu is really an all-round chef.

In the food circle, all-round chefs are called "God of Cookery."

"What a pity."

Zheng Xiangwen suddenly said, "It would be great if I could taste that painting."

"Mr. Zheng, you can't say that."

Li Jianye and his friends' faces changed drastically.

"That painting is going to be collected in a museum. If you eat it, not only will the museum give you trouble, but I'm afraid those guys in the art circle will scold you to death."

"I'm just saying it casually."

Zheng Xiangwen said, "Don't you want to eat it?"

Li Jianye and his friends were silent when they heard it.

They really wanted to try it.

"Fuck, you are eating it secretly."

A voice suddenly came from the crowd.

Instantly, everyone's eyes turned to Zheng Xiangwen and his friends.

Being watched by so many people, Zheng Xiangwen and his friends blushed.

"What do you mean by eating it secretly? We are tasting it."

Zheng Xiangwen said seriously, "After tasting it, we concluded that Liu Mu has indeed reached the level of an all-round master chef."

"I don't believe it, unless you let me try it."

A young man walked out of the crowd, quickly grabbed the food from the plate and stuffed it into his mouth.

While eating, he said, "Well, it's delicious. Now I believe it."

"Fuck, shameless."

Seeing this, the others rushed forward and scrambled for the delicacies on the kitchen counter.

"Hahaha, I grabbed a piece of barbecued pork."

A muscular man held a piece of barbecued pork and laughed up to the sky.

As a result, when the muscular man laughed, a bloody mouth flashed by, and his barbecued pork disappeared directly.

Suddenly, the smile on the muscular man's face froze.

Before he could react, a wretched man with glasses held his hand and sucked the gravy left on his hand.

"Ah~ delicious!"

The wretched man with glasses showed an expression of enjoyment.

"Dead pervert, die for me."

The muscular man kicked the wretched man with glasses away with one foot, and his whole face was extremely depressed.

Then, he looked around and saw that no one noticed him, so he quickly put his fingers into his mouth.

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