Liu Mu looked at Ling Shuang and looked at her.

She was wearing a green gardening dress, and her temperament was a little timid.

She was very petite, but her height was very full. Perhaps she was too scared. Her two little hands were tugged together uneasily, and her straight comic legs were tightly together without a gap.

Because the skirt was wet, Liu Mu could even see the outline of Ling Shuang's underwear.

So he checked Ling Shuang's personal information.

[Name]: Ling Shuang.

[Age]: 22.

[Height]: 158.

[Weight]: 45kg.

[Comprehensive appearance score]: 93.

[Driver]: 0.

[Favorability]: 0.

"What's your name?"

Liu Mu asked knowingly.

"Ling Shuang."

Ling Shuang's face was very pale.

"Why did you take off the gemstone on the golden dragon?"

Liu Mu stared at Ling Shuang expressionlessly.

Although Ling Shuang is a beautiful woman who meets his requirements to cash in his love fund, it does not mean that he has no bottom line.

Ling Shuang's behavior is suspected of theft, and he will not be soft-hearted to a thief.

"I'm sorry."

Ling Shuang bit her lips tightly, tears flashing in her eyes.

"Master, the gem fell by itself, and Ling Shuang picked it up with kindness."

Shen Wan spoke for Ling Shuang, and there was some reluctance in her eyes.

"Butler Shen, I'll say it for the last time, I want to hear the truth."

Liu Mu stared at Shen Wan coldly and said, "Or do you want me to adjust the surveillance?"

"I took the gem, and I want to take it out and sell it for money."

Ling Shuang wiped away her tears and said, "I know it's wrong for me to do this, call the police to arrest me."

"Put the gem back, and then come to the meeting room to see me."

Liu Mu ignored Ling Shuang and turned away.

"I'm sorry, butler Shen."

When Liu Mu left, Ling Shuang could no longer hold back and began to cry bitterly.

"Don't say sorry to me."

Shen Wan handed the gem to Ling Shuang and said, "Put it back. We are all adults and need to be responsible for what we do."

Shen Wan's voice fell.

Followed Liu Mu.

She was ready to be fired by Liu Mu.


"Tell me, what happened?"

In the meeting room.

Liu Mu stood in front of the French window, staring at the thin figure in the fountain pool.

"The gem was indeed taken down by Ling Shuang."

Shen Wan said.

"That's not what I'm asking."

Liu Mu turned around and said, "Why did you help her?"

He was still very satisfied with Shen Wan.

Her ability was very good, and she managed the manor in an orderly manner.

And Shen Wan was different from other women. Shen Wan had a unique charm.

This was only possessed by mature women.

His eyes looked at Shen Wan.

She wore a white collared plain dress, a white ruffled apron, and her hair was tied up behind her head, revealing a face without makeup but full of charm.

She had a graceful figure, and her height was amazing. Her waist and plump legs all showed her charm.

Especially her perky peach hips, which were enough to make the opposite sex's blood boil.

"Sympathize with her."

Shen Wan replied.

"What's your relationship?"

"First meeting."

Liu Mu: "..."

Looking at Shen Wan's serious look, Liu Mu's mouth twitched.

"Her father died when she was ten years old, and her mother raised her. A few days ago, her mother was hospitalized due to illness, and now she urgently needs surgery money."

Shen Wan thought about it and said.

"So, she wants to sell the gems to treat her mother's illness?"

Liu Mu frowned and said, "Doesn't she know that there are surveillance cameras in the manor?"

"I know."

"She still..."

Liu Mu stopped talking halfway.

"Forget it."

Liu Mu waved his hand and said, "You go and do your work."

"Thank you, young master."

Shen Wan did not ask Liu Mu why he didn't fire her.

That was very stupid.


Liu Mu stopped Shen Wan.

Shen Wan's heart tightened immediately.

Are you still going to fire me?

Shen Wan felt a little disappointed.

Although she can still find a job after being fired.

But Liu Mu's place has the best salary and environment.

If possible, she would naturally want to stay with Liu Mu.

"The gems at the dragon's tail are not valuable, let her take the gems from the dragon's head and sell them."

When Liu Mu finished speaking, Shen Wan opened her mouth in shock.

When she came back to her senses, Shen Wan couldn't help laughing and said, "Puchi, Master, you are so humorous."

[Shen Wan's favorability +50. ]

What the hell?

Why did the favorability suddenly increase so much??

Listening to the system prompt, Liu Mu was a little stunned.

Little did he know that Liu Mu's words directly changed Shen Wan's view of him.

Before, Shen Wan's attitude towards Liu Mu was that of an employee towards a boss.

And Liu Mu's words made Shen Wan feel Liu Mu's humor and his kind heart.

Because of her job, she has come into contact with many rich people, but those rich people she has come into contact with are all very calculative. No matter how rich they are, they are never willing to suffer a little loss in money.

Not to mention Liu Mu, who is willing to give gems worth millions or even tens of millions to a stranger.


After Shen Wan left, Liu Mu walked back to the French window.

It was almost dark outside.

Ling Shuang was squatting helplessly in front of the fountain, holding her knees tightly with her hands.

Liu Mu has never been a kind person.

If he hadn't obtained the system, he would naturally not be so generous.

Because he also has to live.

But now that he has the system, the gem on the golden dragon is dispensable to him.

But this gem can bring hope to a family.

Ling Shuang took the risk to take the gem from the golden dragon even though she knew that the villa was under surveillance. It is enough to show that she has made the worst plan.

If it does not cause him any loss and does not affect his interests, he has no need to embarrass a poor woman.

"Don't cry."

After leaving the meeting room, Shen Wan found Ling Shuang as soon as possible.

Seeing Ling Shuang squatting in front of the fountain and crying, she comforted her, "It's all right now. The young master won't call the police."

"Butler Shen, thank you."

Ling Shuang stood up and said, holding back tears, "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have such thoughts. If my mother knew, she would be very angry."

"You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank someone, thank my young master."

Shen Wan said, "You are also lucky. If it were someone else, I'm afraid you would have sent you to the police station long ago."

"I know, I'll go thank him now."

Ling Shuang wiped away her tears and was about to find Liu Mu.

"Don't go now. Wait until your mother recovers, then come and thank the young master."

Shen Wan stopped Ling Shuang and said.


Ling Shuang trembled, and a bitter smile appeared on her face, saying, "My mother will be fine."

"How much does your mother's treatment cost?"

Shen Wan asked.

"One million and two hundred thousand."

Ling Shuang lowered her head and said, "All my family's savings plus the money I earned from working in the past two years, and the money I borrowed from relatives and friends, only totaled 300,000. If I hadn't really had no other way, I wouldn't... wouldn't..."

Ling Shuang was too embarrassed to continue the rest.

Although her family was poor since she was a child, she had never done anything illegal.

She and her mother were working hard to live.

"In other words, you are still short of 900,000, right?"


Ling Shuang nodded.

"Well, you have two choices."

Shen Wan said, "The first choice is to take a gem from the golden dragon statue behind and sell it. The value of these gems is at least over one million, and the highest is even over ten million."

"My young master said that he asked you to take a gem from the dragon head, and the gem on the dragon head is the most expensive, which means it can be sold for ten million, which is enough for your mother's surgery, and you don't have to pay anything."

"As for the second choice."

Shen Wan handed a bank card to Ling Shuang and said, "I will lend you one million privately, you can use it to treat your mother, but you need to pay me back for this money."

"Two choices, you..."

"I choose the second."

Ling Shuang said with a firm look, "Butler Shen, thank you for lending me the money, I will definitely pay you back, I can write you an IOU."

"Did you hear the first choice I said clearly?"

Shen Wan looked at Ling Shuang with a complicated look.

She didn't expect that between the free ten million and the paid one million, Ling Shuang actually chose the latter without hesitation.

This made her look at Ling Shuang with a high opinion of her, and she also completely believed in Ling Shuang.

After all, the information she knew about Ling Shuang was also heard from Ling Shuang's colleagues.

She was not sure whether it was true.

"I heard it clearly."

Ling Shuang turned her head and looked in the direction of the house and said, "Your master is a good man. I am very grateful that he is willing to give me a chance to reform."

"As for the gems worth tens of millions, I can't take them anyway."

"To be honest, you are stupid."

Shen Wan put the bank card in Ling Shuang's hand and said, "The password is six zeros, help your mother recover soon."

After Shen Wan finished speaking, she turned around and prepared to leave.

"Butler Shen, I haven't written the IOU yet."

Ling Shuang was anxioussaid hurriedly.

"Write the IOU when you have time. It's getting late. I have to go arrange dinner for my young master."

"Thank you."

When Shen Wan disappeared from sight, Ling Shuang clenched the bank card in her hand, and tears welled up in her eyes again.

However, this time she was moved and happy.

[Ling Shuang's favorability +50. ]


"Boss Yun, what's going on? How come Baiyun Farm is back in business?"

In a five-star hotel in Shancheng Commercial District.

Zhu Kang is talking to Nangong Yun.

In front of him, there is a laptop.

There are two messages posted on the website of Southwest Agricultural Association.

The two messages are only four hours apart.

[Notice: From now on, the pigs in Baiyun Farm will be inspected. During the inspection period, the farm will suspend business. ]

[Notice: After relevant inspections, all the pigs in Baiyun Farm are in a healthy state. From now on, the farm will resume business. 】

Ps: Please give me a free gift, urge me to update, and give me a five-star rating.

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