"New energy vehicles are indeed a development trend, but how long will this development take?"

"One year or ten years?"

Liu Mu smiled and said, "Not many people are willing to pay for immature new energy vehicles."

"The biggest advantage of new energy vehicles over gasoline vehicles is intelligence and environmental protection. These two points are indeed incomparable to gasoline vehicles, but the disadvantage of new energy vehicles is also obvious, that is, the battery life problem."

"As long as the battery life problem of new energy vehicles is not solved, gasoline vehicles will never be eliminated."

For entering the field of new energy vehicles.

Liu Mu is not uninterested, but there is no need.

Now Longguo's new energy vehicle field has just started and is still in the trial and error stage.

It will take at least a year and a half for the new energy vehicle field to be completely stabilized, and in a year and a half, he may get a lot of good things by fighting monsters.

Therefore, he has no need to invest money in the new energy vehicle field at this time.

Moreover, he already has a car company with a market value of 500 billion yuan. He only needs to pass it on and let Phoenix Automobile focus on the new energy field next.

As for his inability to be the first person to eat crabs?

That is not a problem.

Once he gets the black technology related to cars, even if the market share in Longguo's new energy vehicle field has been divided, he can still grab the market share with black technology.

Consumers can still distinguish between good and bad things.

"Mr. Liu, it is always good to invest in advance."

Qin Yiren said, "Otherwise, once the opportunity is missed, it will be too late to regret it."

"Chairman Qin, I appreciate your kindness, but everyone has their own expertise. I am not familiar with the automotive field, so I will not eat the cake of new energy vehicles."

While Liu Mu was talking.

The waiter brought the food into the private room.

Qin Yiren saw this and didn't say anything more.


Food City.

In the private room of Baiweizhai Restaurant.

Su Nantian and his daughter were talking with a middle-aged man.

"Director Qian, I'm sorry to bother you this time."

Su Nantian said with a smile, "As long as the factory problem is solved, my Longteng Group will be able to deliver a qualified new energy vehicle within three days at the latest."

"Mr. Su, I can help you solve the factory problem, but Longteng Group's main industry is real estate. This time, entering the field of new energy vehicles is a bit too wide a span of industries."

The middle-aged man is called Qian Yun, the director of Shancheng Enterprise Management Bureau.

"Director Qian, don't worry about this."

"My group has established many departments in recent years. One of the departments happens to be researching the field of new energy vehicles, and it has just made some breakthroughs recently."

Su Nantian's face was very calm, but his eyes were full of confidence.

As early as a few years ago, after he made money in real estate, he began to lay out multiple fields.

The field of new energy vehicles is just one of them.

"As expected of Mr. Su, your vision is indeed long-term."

Qian Yun's eyes flashed with admiration.

He has dealt with Su Nantian more than once.

He knows how terrifying the other party's ability is.

After all, Su Nantian started from scratch and created the trillion-dollar group Longteng Group.

There is no second Su Nantian in the whole Long Country.

"Director Qian, you are too kind."

Su Nantian said, "I was just lucky and stumbled upon the automobile reform policy."

"Don't be modest, Mr. Su."

Qian Yun said meaningfully, "It's just luck, it's impossible to know in advance what documents will be released from above."


"At the same time, I was lucky and I also had a few friends to talk to."

Su Nantian coughed violently twice.

His sick face looked very pale.

"President Su, take care of yourself."

Qian Yun said, "I will help you solve the factory problem as soon as possible."

"Thank you Director Qian."


"President Qin, I'll leave first."

At the exit of the food street.

Liu Mu said hello to Qin Yiren and prepared to drive away.

At this moment, Su Nantian and his daughter just came out of the food city.

The eyes of several people collided, and the air became extremely quiet for a while.

"Mr. Su, long time no see, have you been feeling better recently?"

Qin Yiren spoke up to break the silence.

"It's President Qin."

Su Nantian looked at Qin Yiren and said, "Your health is still the same. Thank you for your concern, President Qin."

"Mr. Su, please take care of yourself."

Qin Yiren said, "An outstanding entrepreneur like you, Mr. Su, must live a long life."

"Then I'll borrow President Qin's good words."

"Cough cough."

Su Nantian coughed violently again.

At this moment, a discordant voice suddenly sounded.

"Old man, you've done too many bad things, and you're getting retribution, right?. "

Liu Mu stared at Su Nantian indifferently. He had no good feelings towards Su Nantian.

"Liu Mu."

Su Yao said angrily, "How can you say that about my father."

"Old man, cherish the last month. It's best to find a man who lives in the same world as your daughter as soon as possible, otherwise it will be too late when you die."

Liu Mu ignored Su Yao and continued to talk to Su Nantian.

He has a master of Chinese medicine and can see at a glance that Su Nantian's life is not long. He can live for at most one month.

"Liu Mu."

"You're too much."

Su Yao said with cold eyes, "I'm sorry for you. If you want to hate, hate me. It has nothing to do with my father."

"Who do you think you are?"

Liu Mu said with disdain, "Why, do you want me to praise you for your deep father-daughter love?"

"Liu Mu. "

Su Yao's chest kept rising and falling, and her eyes were fixed on Liu Mu.

"Yaoyao, don't bother with him."

Su Nantian said expressionlessly, "It's useless to just show off your ability to talk. Whoever can laugh last is the real winner."

"Young man, don't take the power and wealth given to you by others as your own. You know best who you are."

"Old man, you should live to that time first."

Liu Mu finished speaking and drove away directly.

Compared to staying and talking some meaningless nonsense with Su Nantian.

He would rather do something practical.

One month is enough for him to bankrupt Longteng Group.

"President Qin, I'm sorry to make you laugh."

After Liu Mu left, Su Nantian said to Qin Yiren.

"Boss Su, is there any misunderstanding between you and Boss Liu?"

Qin Yiren said meaningfully.

"It's not a misunderstanding. He's just a kid who doesn't know the depth of the world. ”

“Once he has tasted the bitterness, he will naturally know the pain. "

Su Nantian said with cold eyes.

He never took Liu Mu seriously.

With his status and connections, even the young generation of the five families and ten clans had to be polite when they saw him.

Qin Yiren frowned when she heard this.

Even she didn't know much about Su Nantian.

She only knew that Su Nantian was very close to the aristocratic families and even had connections with foreign capital.

After leaving the food street.

Liu Mu called Shen Wan and asked Shen Wan to buy a large number of tadpoles and ladybugs.

After returning to the manor.

Liu Mu first transferred the demolition money to the account given by Qin Yiren, and used the 10x consumption cashback card.

[Successfully used the 10x consumption cashback card.]

[Personal wealth -10400000000.]

[Personal wealth +104000000000.]

The system prompt sounded, and Liu Mu's personal wealth directly A surge of 100 billion.

Faced with a huge sum of 100 billion.

Even if Liu Mu was mentally prepared, he was stunned for a few seconds when the huge sum of money arrived.

Came to his senses.

He immediately used the monster-killing good luck card, lit a fire, and threw the box containing tadpoles and ladybugs into it.

[The monster-killing good luck card was used successfully. Within today, the value of the reward for killing monsters will be increased. ]

[Kill 1 tadpole and get money +1 million. ]

[Kill 10 tadpoles cumulatively and get the Sun Island of Siam. ]

[Kill 100 tadpoles cumulatively and get love fund +10 trillion. ]

[Kill 1,000 tadpoles cumulatively and get black technology related to new energy vehicles. ]

[Kill tadpoles to the upper limit, complete the achievement "Poor Tadpoles", and get an intelligent micro robot. ]

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