After breakfast.

Liu Mu opened Douyin's hot list to check.

Douyin is currently the most popular short video platform.

The content on the hot list is also the most popular event in society.

[Important news: my country announced automobile reform, and new energy vehicles are the future trend. ]

[Longteng Group announced its entry into the field of new energy vehicles and will launch its first new energy vehicle, Feilong, tomorrow. ]

[It took five years, starring many domestic movie queens and movie emperors, and Blue Sky Entertainment spent a huge amount of money to shoot the movie, Moon Crisis, which will be officially launched in major theaters at 10 o'clock this morning. ]

[The mountain city food street is still popular, and tourists from all over the country are going to the food street to check in. ]



Xi'an Agricultural University Pig Farm.

Zhu Kang, accompanied by several staff members, entered a pigpen.

And in the pigpen, there were three dying pigs.

"Boss, these three pigs were infected with swine fever this morning. They are the best for experiments."

A staff member said.

"Feed them the medicine."

Zhu Kang said.

Yesterday, he contacted Wei Li, the head of Shennong Pharmaceutical Group.

And obtained the anti-plague Chinese medicine prescription from the other party through money.

After witnessing the anti-plague medicine produced by the Chinese medicine prescription cure several sick pigs infected with swine fever.

He was so excited.

Not only did he create a pharmaceutical company as soon as possible, he also spent a lot of money to buy multiple pharmaceutical production lines for large-scale production of anti-plague medicine.

However, to be on the safe side, after he produced the anti-plague medicine, he did not rush to sell it, but decided to try it again in his own pig farm.


Three staff members each took a medicine bottle into the pigpen, opened the medicine bottle, and poured the liquid medicine into the mouth of the sick pig.

After doing this.

Zhu Kang and the staff were waiting quietly.

Ten minutes later.

Zhu Kang frowned.

"It shouldn't be like this. It's been ten minutes. Why are these three pigs still sick?"

Zhu Kang remembered it clearly.

At Shennong Pharmaceutical Group, Wei Li personally fed the newly produced anti-plague medicine to several sick pigs in order to prove the effectiveness of the anti-plague medicine to him.

And after taking the anti-plague medicine, the sick pigs began to recover in just five minutes, and they were able to eat normally in ten minutes.

Just then, the voice of the staff came.

"Boss, the pigs are dead."


Zhu Kang's face changed instantly, and he hurried into the pigsty.

When he saw the three motionless sick pigs, his face was very ugly.

"What's going on?"

He personally witnessed the entire production process of the anti-plague medicine of Shennong Pharmaceutical Group and confirmed that the anti-plague Chinese medicine prescription given to him by Wei Li was real.

But why did the anti-plague medicine he produced according to the prescription not work?


Just then, his cell phone rang.

The call was connected, and a deep voice came from the other side.

"Get back here right now, you've been cheated."

"Dad, what do you mean by that?"

Zhu Kang had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Someone sued you for infringement."


Zhu Kang said coldly, "Shennong Pharmaceutical Group?"

"The boss of Shennong Pharmaceutical Group, Liu Mu."


Zhu Kang said palely, "When did Shennong Pharmaceutical Group become that guy's?"

"Handle the matter quickly, and do not take any action without my permission."


Modu Cinema.

At the entrance of the Stargazing Cinema.

Nangong Yun brought many leading actors of Lunar Crisis to perform a movie roadshow here.

And the entire cinema was surrounded by people because of the arrival of Nangong Yun and others.

"Thank you very much for your support for the movie. In ten minutes, Lunar Crisis will officially meet with everyone."

Nangong Yun held the microphone and smiled at everyone.

The movie Lunar Crisis is very important to him.

Once Lunar Crisis is a box office success, Blue Sky Entertainment will firmly hold the leading position of Longguo Entertainment Company.

Because Lunar Crisis is Longguo's first epic science fiction masterpiece, in addition to the luxurious starring lineup, the special effects of the movie are also comparable to Hollywood.

Before that, Lunar Crisis premiered and received a lot of praise.

Almost all the comments on the Internet are praising the movie.

The number of people who have booked the movie alone has reached 100 million.

The market value of Blue Sky Entertainment has also rebounded rapidly because Lunar Crisis is about to be released.

"I'm so excited. I watched the trailer of Lunar Crisis on Douyin. I dare say that there is no movie in the entire history of Longguo movies that can compare with it."

"How much box office do you think Lunar Crisis will eventually earn?"

"The box office is at leastTen billion, after all, this movie has invested nearly twenty billion. "

"Ten billion is too low, I guess fifteen billion."


Everyone was talking.

They were all very optimistic about the movie "Moon Crisis".

Listening to the discussion, Nangong Yun and several leading actors smiled.

Ten minutes later.

A middle-aged man walked to Nangong Yun anxiously.

"Manager Xiong, you are here at the right time. It's time to let the fans in."

Nangong Yun smiled.

"Boss Yun, something happened. I may not be able to schedule your movie."

The middle-aged man's name is Xiong Wei, the manager of this stargazing cinema.

After Xiong Wei finished speaking, the scene became very quiet.

Nangong Yun said with an ugly face, "Manager Xiong, do you know what you are saying?"

"Boss Yun, I'm really sorry."

Xiong Wei touched the cold sweat on his forehead and said with tears in his eyes, "This is my boss's decision. I can't do anything about it. ”

Just now, Xiong Wei received the key of Lunar Crisis. When he was about to schedule Lunar Crisis, the person in charge of Guanxing Cinema called him and told him clearly that Lunar Crisis was not allowed to be scheduled.

And said it was the boss's decision.

He was just an employee, so it was impossible for him to disobey the boss's order.

"What's going on? The movie is online. Why don't you schedule it?"

"It's a shady deal. Guanxing Cinema is disgusting."

"It's a lousy cinema. It will close sooner or later."


Angry voices rang out one after another.

A group of movie fans angrily scolded Guanxing Cinema.

And such scenes are being played in one thousand Guanxing Cinemas across the country.

"Manager Xiong, if I remember correctly, your boss is Wang Cong, Mr. Wang, right?"

Nangong Yun said expressionlessly, "I have a good relationship with Mr. Wang. Why wouldn't he schedule my movie?"

"Mr. Yun, Mr. Wang is no longer my boss."

Xiong Wei said cautiously, "My boss changed a few days ago. "


Nangong Yun frowned and said, "Who is your boss now?"

"I don't know about this either."

Xiong Wei replied.

He only received the news in the internal group that the boss had changed, but he didn't know who the boss was.

"Damn, who is targeting me?"

Nangong Yun took out his mobile phone and called Wang Cong, the former owner of Guanxing Cinema.

Soon, the call was connected.

"Boss Wang, when did your Guanxing Cinema sell out?"

Nangong Yun said with a grim face.

"Boss Yun, I read the news, it's none of my business."

Wang Cong was silent for a moment and said, "A few days ago, one thousand Guanxing Cinemas under my company were sold to a man named Liu Mu at a price of 100 billion."

"It's him again!"

Nangong Yun hung up the phone angrily, his eyes extremely cold.

"Very good, you don't want to schedule my movie, right? Then let's see who will be unlucky in the end. "

At this moment, Nangong Yun's anger was completely ignited.

Originally, he was still afraid of Liu Mu's background.

But now, he can no longer care so much.

The movie "Lunar Crisis" must be successful.

Otherwise, the market value of his Blue Sky Entertainment will plummet again, and then he will be abandoned by the family.

This is absolutely unacceptable to him.

PS: Please give me free gifts, urge me to update, and give me five-star praise.

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