Monster Minotaur

Chapter 108 Is this considered an economic war?

The rain has been falling in the sky, and the city of Santa Fe in Elland looks particularly peaceful on rainy days. Most of the small vendors who were originally crowded on the street on a sunny day did not know where to hide. Only the storefronts on both sides of the street were still open, and occasionally a few customers wearing heavy oil raincoats walked in.

Although Salt's bravery and power meant that they were not as afraid of the growth of monsters in the rainy season as the people in the Central Plains, there were still trade exchanges between various cities in Elam. But the business was still affected to a certain extent. Most merchants formed large groups for safety, and then uniformly hired soldiers to protect them as they traveled between cities.

In order to prevent Thunder Bluff's business from being affected, Mo Yan also dispatched dozens of patrol teams on some of the roads built by Thunder Bluff. Kill all the monsters that appear on the roadside, or recruit them into the training team on the spot to make up for the team's battle losses. These patrols that are sent out will no longer receive supplies from Thunder Bluff.

They will eat the monsters they kill, which not only allows Thunder Bluff to save some food and make wine to sell, but also protects the safety and smoothness of the route, allowing those merchants to come to Thunder Bluff to trade with peace of mind. If it were not considered, most monsters would also need to undergo combat training or perform night patrol missions.

Mo Yan really wants to dispatch all the monsters that need support during the rainy season when the number of monsters increases, and let them hunt other newly born monsters. In that case, Thunder Bluff can save a lot of food and use it to make money. Judging from the current development trend of Thunder Bluff, a lot of money will be spent in the future to expand the city and build Ironforge.

And somewhere Mo Yan couldn't see, a conspiracy against Thunder Bluff had begun. In the black markets of various cities in Elam, there are some merchants exchanging Thunder Bluff gold coins. They were willing to exchange Thunder Bluff gold coins at a price of one to one. In other words, ten Thunder Bluff gold coins can be exchanged for eleven more Salt gold coins.

At the beginning, no one wanted to believe in such a good thing. After all, Thunder Bluff's gold coins can be exchanged one-to-one with the Salters. As long as you go to the bank opened by Thunder Bluff in the city, you can immediately exchange for the Thunder Bluff gold coins you need. Why buy it at a high price on the black market? .

But with the success of the first person to eat crabs, everyone finally believed that there was such a fool in the world who was willing to buy Thunder Bluff gold coins at such a high price. And then some bright-minded people began to wonder why anyone would be willing to buy Thunder Bluff gold coins like this.

Obviously the person who bought it at such a high price cannot really be a fool. People who can get a large amount of money to purchase gold coins in the business world will not be unable to understand some obvious things, so there must be secrets that they do not know. Many businessmen have begun to wonder about the identities of these businessmen. Or ask if there is any big change in Thunder Bluff.

After some simple inquiries, the identities of the acquisition merchants who had no hidden identities were revealed. They belong to the Flanders Chamber of Commerce, which has just emerged as a large chamber of commerce, and it is said that this time the Flanders Chamber of Commerce has almost devoted all its efforts and invested most of its funds in this, no matter how large a large amount of Thunder Bluff gold coins are exchanged. .

The Flanders Chamber of Commerce is already well-known in the business world. Under the leadership of an old man named Luther (whose name determines his destiny), the Flanders Chamber of Commerce has risen rapidly with its grasp of opportunities and decisiveness. Some time ago, I even anticipated the outbreak of the war in advance. I quickly hoarded a large amount of food and raised the market price. I also made a lot of money from the monster city that made a lot of money every day, and quickly became one of the best in Elam. Chamber of Commerce.

Now that the Flemish Chamber of Commerce has made such a move, it must have received some kind of news, so it was so eager to acquire Thunder Bluff gold coins. After understanding this, some small chambers of commerce quickly followed suit and began to acquire Thunder Bluff gold coins like the Flanders Chamber of Commerce. For a time, the Thunder Bluff gold coins in the hands of Ellan merchants began to concentrate in the hands of a small number of people.

Thunder Bluff's gold coins in banks in various cities were quickly redeemed by a large number of merchants, and they had to ask Thunder Bluff to deliver new Thunder Bluff gold coins during such a rainy season. However, the transportation of new gold coins takes time. Faced with such a sudden strong demand for gold coins, the purchase price on the black market has even increased to one to two.

In other words, if you want to exchange Thunder Bluff gold coins from the black market, you must exchange one for two Salt gold coins. However, the current price is still priceless and may increase in the future. Some large chambers of commerce, which were originally cautious, couldn't resist the temptation and joined in after seeing this situation.

A large amount of money has been injected into the sudden rise in the purchase of newly issued gold coins in Thunder Bluff. Making the already hot market even hotter, some merchants even went directly to Thunder Bluff to exchange gold coins. After all the newly minted Thunder Bluff gold coins were sold out, Mo Yan also noticed this unusual situation.

Now the number of Salt gold coins transported from various cities has reached one hundred thousand. Lilith looked at the overflowing second temporary treasury, thinking that the tauren in front of her was secretly surprised, so she smiled Said: And our Thunder Bluff gold coins have also been exchanged for the same amount. If these Salt gold coins are newly minted into Thunder Bluff gold coins, we can almost build three or four Ironforges.

Spend money. Mo Yan's face did not have the joy that Lilith imagined. Instead, he looked at the glittering warehouse in front of him and said with a solemn expression: Hurry up and spend money on me, no matter what it is. Give it to me immediately. I will buy, in large quantities, as much as you can. I want you to spend all these salt gold coins on me within half a month.

Aren't you happy? Lilith asked with some surprise: And don't you need all these gold coins to be minted into new Thunder Bluff gold coins? In that case, our assets will almost increase several times out of thin air. Now we will spend all this money. , then we don’t have enough funds to prepare for the construction of Ironforge, so we should leave at least 20,000, right?”

There are some things that you don't need to understand why. Mo Yan didn't explain anything, turned around and left the vault where gold coins were piled outside the door, and said, Also, let all banks exchange limited amounts of Thunder Bluff gold coins for all those who want to exchange gold coins. Everyone must show Thunder Bluff’s product purchase contract, and they will be given gold coins in exchange for the goods they buy.”

Lilith didn't ask anything when she heard Mo Yan's words, she just took a pen to record Mo Yan's words. Although Lilith was curious about why Mo Yan was worried about Thunder Bluff's huge benefits, she was smart and knew not to ask about things she shouldn't ask. If he pressed Mo Yan, he would not only be unhappy but would also not get the answer he wanted.

After returning to the office, Mo Yan quickly summoned Regel and asked him to find out how many people were investing in the gold coins of Thunder Bluff. After arranging a series of things, Mo Yan sat on the chair to relax and took out the file he put in the drawer.

This file was obtained by Mo Yan from the SS last time, and belonged to a young man named Lauren who proposed tariff barriers last time. In the upper left corner of the file, there is a sketch of Lauren's face drawn by the SS who was investigating intelligence.

Although this young man from a farmer's family does not come from a business family, his intelligence is worthy of recognition. After Mo Yan looked through Lauren's file again, he looked at the young man with slightly messy hair and whispered: Is this the new method you came up with? This really makes me doubt... Are you You’re not from the same place as me anymore.”

Just when Mo Yan was in his office, thinking about how to properly handle the problem at hand. In the place chosen as Ironforge, the newly dug mine was already quite deep. The kobolds, who are almost born to dig holes, and the huge number of cave goblins, can mine mines extremely quickly.

And because of the use of the new Daxin steam engine as power, the mine carts pulled in the mine can quickly deliver the excavated stones and minerals to the ground, so the excavation depth can advance dozens of meters every day. Now, deep in the mine, a large number of kobolds are digging with pickaxes. While digging, they also kept an eye on the goblins around them.

Once a goblin becomes tired or doesn't work very hard, they will swarm him and eat him. Just a little ration every day cannot satisfy the stomachs of these goblins and kobolds who do heavy work. Adding meals in this way will not only eliminate unqualified goblins, but also make them stronger.

At this time, a goblin leaning against the wall of the mine was obviously unable to do anything. The goblins and kobolds around him noticed this, and slowly slowed down their work, staring at the panting goblin with full attention, their hungry eyes always full of cold light. After a while, when the goblin stopped holding the pickaxe in his hand, all the goblins and kobolds around him pounced on him.

The sharp teeth and claws originally used for digging tore the overworked goblin into pieces, and then stuffed it into his mouth indiscriminately. Perhaps because too many goblins rushed over to eat, they eventually squeezed through the rock wall originally dug by the goblin, and a dark brick passage appeared there.


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