Monster Minotaur

Chapter 14 The End of the Flame

The sun slowly climbed up from below the horizon, and the Salt soldiers who had been on guard all night could finally breathe a sigh of relief. The sneak attack last night was still going on until not long ago. Most of the Hammer Legion's food and supplies were burned by werewolves in the first attack.

If they had not discovered that the food was ignited in time and quickly extinguished the flames, these Hammer warriors might have gone home directly at dawn. And they also have to buy food from Cabinda for the way back. Fortunately, they were able to save some food, which allowed them to persist for more than ten days.

After being harassed for a whole night, the faces of the Salt warriors all looked a little tired. Because the monsters were constantly near the camp, they would drive goblins to attack the camp from time to time. Although they could not harm the Salt warriors, they were unable to close their eyes all night and could only fight these monsters until dawn.

And obviously, these monsters also understand. Once the night fades, their advantage disappears. A thousand Salt warriors can completely destroy them all. Therefore, the monsters had all retreated back to the forest an hour before the sun rose, leaving only the corpses of the goblins killed by the Salt warriors on the ground, telling the story of last night's battle.

I'm sorry, captain. Glock, who already had some black bags under his eyes, knelt in front of Refola and apologized: I completely neglected my duty.

It's not your fault. In the captain's camp, Refola, who also hadn't slept a wink all night, pulled up Glock, took the hot towel handed over by the guard next to him, wiped his face and said, I also underestimated that monster. Ability. With such an intrusion, I don’t think no matter how good the scouts are, they can’t save the situation.”

What should we do? Glock said with some worry: We are still three days away from the cave where the monster is. Although we still have some food, if these monsters attack like this every night, the soldiers will still be Everything will collapse before reaching the destination.”

We can only divide it into two teams and take turns to rest. Refola thought for a while and said helplessly: Let the even-numbered team be responsible for the vigilance in the first half of the night, and the odd-numbered team be responsible for the second half of the night. In this way, we can persist until Arrive at the destination. Then, as long as the culprit is killed, these monsters will not be so troublesome.

Last night, those cowards in Cabinda didn't take any action at all. Glock said angrily: We are obviously right next to the village, but they allowed the monsters to attack us, and no one took action to help us.

They won't help us. Refola sat on the seat in the camp and sighed tiredly. Our purpose this time is not so much to kill the monster as to cut off the carbine. The iron ore supply in Da Village. The nobles in Santa Fe City think that Cabinda, whose output of iron products is increasing, is a threat. that so? Glock said in shock: I thought it was just a rumor. How could there be monsters willing to provide them with ores? Aren't they monsters who only know how to kill?

Judging from the ambush that started yesterday and the harassment at night, do you still think they are monsters who only know how to kill? Refola smiled self-deprecatingly and said, Even so, at least the monster we have to deal with is It’s an anomaly. We won’t simply solve this problem like we did in the past.”

Glock and Refola talked for a long time, and Glock felt a little heavy after knowing the purpose of the expedition. What was originally thought to be a simple expedition has now become a bit complicated, not only without any assistance from Cabinda. In fact, even if the monster is destroyed, the Cabinda people will still resent it.

And Refola frankly said that he had no solution for this monster yet. Glock was even more worried, worried that the Hammer Legion, which had never failed before, might be heading towards the abyss of failure this time. Glock walked out of the captain's camp without telling anyone the result of his conversation with Refola.

Astute as he was, he also knew that telling the already exhausted warriors about this result would not have any effect other than making them lose their fighting spirit even more.

After a hasty meal, the Hammer Legion began to march into the forest. The tired Salt warriors sang the war song of the Hammer Legion to forget their physical fatigue. The ancient songs echoed in the forest. While refreshing the Salt warriors, they also let the nearby monsters tracking them know their location.

The three-day journey to Thunder Bluff was perhaps the longest three days these Hammer Legion soldiers had ever experienced. Although the scouts have removed most of the traps, there are still Salt warriors injured by those traps that are not fatal. The three-day journey made thirty Salt warriors lose their combat effectiveness and became a burden to the legion.

All water sources on the road have been poisoned or contaminated with feces. Although there was some water in the supplies carried, it was obviously not enough for everyone to drink. The soldiers who had not been able to get sufficient water supplements were coupled with endless harassment every night. These Salt warriors, who were so high-spirited when they set out, now look extremely haggard.

But long-term training and Refola's encouragement allowed these elite warriors to endure these hardships. Now, in the heart of every Salt warrior, there is a breath and a simple thought. That is, arrive at the destination quickly, kill the monster who planned all this, and go home to have a good sleep.

We're here. Glock said, looking at the wooden wall not far away. Because the construction has just been completed, the top has not been cut into sharp thorns. A similarly wooden hanging door is now completely sealed by a pile of rocks.

It seems that the damn monster is planning to defend. Nadal pursed his dry lips and looked at the goblins holding wood axes or just sharpened sticks on the wall, as well as some tauren. He Horned Demon said: That wall still looks quite strong.

The ropes we brought are enough to build a ladder. Leluza looked at the wall that was only four or five meters high and said with a smile: And those goblins don't have crossbows. As long as we cross that fence, all the monsters will run away. No! I want to vent my bad temper along the way!

I hope everything goes well. Although he didn't want to say anything depressing, Nadal still felt that everything would not go as smoothly as he thought.

The Salt warriors, who were holding back their bad breath, spent more than two hours building more than 30 ladders. Although rough, these simple ladders are enough to climb up the not-high wooden fence.

Charge! The Hammer Legion launched an attack on the monster's fortress. The roars of a thousand people were extremely shocking. Some timid goblins even started to jump off the wall and run towards the inside. If it weren't for the horned demons behind the goblins who killed many fleeing goblins, this wave of escape would have swept away all the goblins on the wall.

The goblins who were still staying on the wall looked at the Salt warriors rushing out of the forest one by one holding ladders. Their legs, which were not very strong, were trembling as if they were about to collapse the wall.

No crossbow strikes, no thrown stones. The Salt warriors easily scaled the wall and chopped all the goblins above that were completely paralyzed with fear into pieces of flesh. Then they collided with the roaring horned demons and tauren, and only then did the Salt warriors suffer the first casualties of this siege.

But the strong tauren and horned demons only held these Salt warriors back for a few minutes. As more Salt warriors scaled the walls, the horned devils began to flee.

They are running away! Nadal used the hammer in his hand to smash the head of an escaping horned devil into meat paste, and shouted loudly as he watched the horned devil jumping off the wall and retreating towards the cave.

The bloody Salt warriors chased these defeated horned demons towards the cave. The Salt warriors, who were completely excited, did not notice that some of the wood piled in the wall had been sprinkled with flammable oil. And within the wall, the ladder that can be used to climb the wall has been completely destroyed by monsters. All they know now is that the monsters are retreating! And they want to chase and kill! Little do they know that they have become turtles in a urn.

It's time to start. Mo Yan stood on the cliff not far away, looking at the Salt warriors who were gradually advancing near the cave, and said to Lilith, who was wearing a pointed magic hat and dressed as a magical girl.

Okay, Master. Lilith smiled and snapped her fingers, igniting the fire magic she set on the log pile.

I said it. Looking at Thunder Bluff where several lines of black smoke were quickly rising, the panicked Salt warriors retreated to the wall, but could not escape. Mo Yan drank up the mead in the horn cup in his hand and said with a smile: I will make sure these idiots never come back.


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