Monster Minotaur

Chapter 16 Resolutions in the Parliament City

The Parliament City is located southwest of central Elam. As the first large city of the Salt people, the Council City was the most prosperous city in Elam. The population is close to 100,000, and industry and agriculture are very developed. Because it is sandwiched between two rivers, the land of Parliament City is not only extremely fertile, but also makes Parliament City safer.

The city wall, which is more than thirty meters high, is strong and beautiful, full of the unique style of the Salt people. The moat connected to the river does not have a foul smell like other cities. In the Parliament City, there are four legions, as well as adventurers from Elam and other parts of Hill Continent who come to Elam in search of wealth.

No one will question the security of Parliament City. Except for the Parliament City in ancient times, which was once besieged by powerful monsters, no monster has attacked the Parliament City for nearly two thousand years. The stronger Salt people are already capable of dealing with any incoming monsters. Even powerful dragons will not easily appear outside the parliament city.

But now, the parliament, which had not been convened for a long time, was summoned. Each village sent representatives they thought could represent the village to attend the meeting proposed by the City of Santa Fe. Members who did not show up within half a month would be deemed to have given up their rights.

This monster killed the Hammer Legion of Santa Fe City! Representatives of Santa Fe City publicized their arguments in the circular council hall to the representatives of more than a dozen cities and seventy villages present: Then The head monster is Elam's biggest threat at present. If it is not eliminated in time, Elam will face an unprecedentedly severe situation.

As far as I know. After the Santa Fe City representative spoke, a woman participating in the parliament said in a funny tone: The powerful monster you talked about is actually just a tauren. Moreover, your Hammer Legion In fact, he was burned to death in a forest fire. Cabinda Village can guarantee this. Just because of the incompetence of your Hammer Legion, is it really necessary to convene a general meeting?

Really? Just a minotaur?

It must be a minotaur. I got the news from Lobito.

It's obviously impossible for a tauren to destroy the Hammer Legion. Their equipment...

Did Santa Fe shirk the Tao monster in order to give their citizens an explanation? Then do they also need to find a more reliable monster?

I heard……

The representatives were sitting in their seats, talking to each other, thinking about the reliability of the words of both parties. The vast majority of the representatives obviously did not quite believe that a tauren would wipe out the well-equipped and battle-hardened Hammer Legion. I believe even more that it is because the City of Santa Fe cannot give an explanation to its citizens and uses this meeting as a political bargaining chip.

Don't think we don't know. Santa Fe looked at the woman who spoke and said fiercely: The collusion between your Cabinda and that monster, otherwise why would the output of your iron products suddenly increase so fast? It's that Minotaur. , provided you with iron ore.

Then you mean that our Cabinda village's less than a hundred warriors and a tauren with only some goblins wiped out the entire Hammer Legion? The woman said with a mocking look: Even our Cabinda warriors, each one So one is as strong as ten warriors, I think there will be many people in Santa Fe who will escape back.

As for the iron ore you mentioned, we recently discovered an iron ore in the forest. It is reasonable for the production of iron products to increase. Now we really want to know, why did your Hammer Legion come near Cabinda?

The woman's questions and taunts left the Santa Fe representative speechless. No matter how much he explained, he could not convince the representatives present that a minotaur could destroy the Hammer Legion, which was extremely famous throughout Elam. What's more, the legion set out thousands of miles to go to other people's territory just to destroy a tauren. This seemed to other representatives to be nonsense.

So. The Speaker looked at the representatives who had finished the discussion, knocked the gavel in the parliament hall and said: We are voting here. Those members who agree to punish Cabinda and send troops to conquer the monsters please raise your hands. The Speaker looked at Looking at the few raised hands in the audience, he continued: Then the proposal is rejected this time! The convening order of Santa Fe City is invalid. Until this time next year, Santa Fe has no right to convene the parliament. With this, the meeting is adjourned!

We will not give up. When the representative from Santa Fe City left, he said fiercely to the woman in Cabinda Village: Don't think you and that monster will last forever!

Let's first think about how to stabilize the people in the city. The woman said nonchalantly: With so many people dead, there must be a lot of commotion in the city.

Hmph. The representative from Santa Fe City snorted and quickly left the council chamber.

Emily. An old representative who knew Emily called the woman's name, walked to Emily's side and said, Can we find a place to talk?

Okay, Uncle Carl. Emily nodded and said, My brother is outside. We can go to the hotel where we are staying to talk.

Emily and Aruba who escorted her to Congress City stayed in the Rainwater Hotel, which was not very famous in Congress City. The two-story building only had a dozen rooms and the decoration was only average. Fortunately, because of the complete facilities and the low price, most of the village representatives who come to the Parliament City for meetings like to live here.

What's the matter? Uncle Karl. Aruba, who led Karl to his room, said, Just tell me what you want to talk about.

About this matter. Karl thought for a moment and said: I heard from Sal and the others that the power of the monster has reached a point that cannot be ignored. Of course, I also understand the reason for your denial. Although Elan There is no crime of colluding with monsters, but it doesn’t have a good reputation either.”

What exactly do you want to say? Emily looked at Karl and asked: We are not colluding with that monster, we are just trading. We use the tools and some products we produce to exchange for iron ore with him It’s not hurting anyone, and only Santa Fe thinks we’re taking away their jobs.”

No, that's not what I want to say. Karl frowned and said, I also know that the monster did this just for self-defense. But don't you think he is too powerful? Although, I I am already a bit old and did not participate in that Wu Na. However, I can also feel the threat of that monster.

He first defeated more than two hundred Salt warriors, and this time killed a thousand Hammer Legions. Will he, who is so powerful, really feel comfortable trading with us? Once his power expands, will he settle for just a small patch of forest near Cabinda?

I understand your worries. After Emily listened to Uncle Karl's worries, she thought about it seriously and said, But I don't think there is any harm in it. After spending some time with him, I can feel that he is not That kind of murderous monster. He abides by order and regulations and has never violated the treaty he signed with us.

Because of him, we were able to plant seeds after the rain without any monsters disturbing the village. In other words, after signing the contract with us, no monsters appeared near the village. I think Lobito could feel it too. All the monsters disappeared from the vicinity of the village. I can't think of any reason to go to war if we can live in peace.

But what if he is powerful enough to destroy everything? Karl said unwillingly: Today he destroyed a legion, then tomorrow he might be our village.

Preparation is necessary. As a soldier, Aruba understands the feeling of worrying about an enemy who is too strong. But we will not strike first, and we will not be unprepared at all. The village chief's The idea is to come in and be prepared for a conflict with Mo Yan, but if Mo Yan has not done anything extraordinary, then we have no reason to end this win-win contract. Moreover, I believe that Mo Yan is not the kind of person who will tear up the agreement. , even if he wants to annex our village, he will use a gentler and more sophisticated method.

Is this your judgment? After listening to Aruba and Emily's words, Karl thought carefully for a while, and seemed to have made some determination and said: Then it seems that after I go back, I will also convince the village and the other side. The monster has established a trade agreement.

Unbeknownst to Mo Yan, Lobito, who was originally more inclined to Santa Fe, also had the idea of ​​​​trading with him.


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Also, since there are a lot of classes tomorrow... I will probably only update one chapter.

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