Monster Minotaur

Chapter 163 Infiltration

There is never a shortage of fools in this world. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence. No matter what era or social level, there will always be some idiots who will lower the overall human IQ. They will commit suicide in various ways that ordinary people cannot imagine, and then use their lives to leave jokes and lessons to others.

Even when Mo Yan was on Earth, he knew that there was something called Silly Que Collection on the Internet. This kind of video, which is a collection of all kinds of idiots' behaviors, definitely has a very high number of clicks among entertainment videos. Occasionally, Mo Yan will watch a video of these idiots doing various things and come up with some very creative ways to kill.

After coming to this world called Hill Continent, Mo Yan once thought that the intelligence of the humans here was quite normal. Even if they were not smart, at least there would not be idiots like those on Earth. However, this idea was changed when he learned that a group of guys planned to attack the White House at night. It seems that there are many idiots in this world.

Yes, although for the sake of beauty and beauty, when Mo Yan built the White House, he did not emphasize the defensive capabilities it should have. The entire castle has large windows in many important locations, such as Mo Yan's office and hall, which can illuminate the entire space as much as possible, unlike other castles where there are only a small hole, but the lighting is Must rely on torches and candles.

The result of this is that the defense capabilities of the entire White House building are not high. Once a large number of enemies rush over, climb over a fence that is full of patterns and is not too high, and kill the shadows on the lawn that are only invisible at night, it will be very easy for them to enter the White House. Even the large number of reliefs and stone statues that are still being carved will be the best climbing attachments.

But... this does not mean that the White House is dangerous. It can be said to be a gorgeous and comfortable residence, but don't forget that it is also a monster's lair. As a tauren who attaches great importance to security, how could he let the defense of his castle decrease? In this castle, which does not seem to have high defense, there are many surprising contents...

Are there only a little over two hundred people here? The man wearing a white triangular hood said angrily as he nodded at the number of people gathered in a dark alley. It is now early morning in Thunder Bluff, and even the newly emerged night market has disappeared. Everyone has returned to their residences to rest, and this is the time when they are sleeping soundly.

It seems that some people have become cowards! The man holding a tray holding a candle to provide a weak light source slightly raised his hood to reveal a furry mouth, spit on the ground and cursed: It's only two hundred The number of people is not a small number. Our people in the castle said that apart from the servants who have no fighting ability, they are the monster and his woman. Those monsters guarding the door will take care of it for us. of.

That bitch who made the monsters die! A fat man gathered around the candle, waving the dagger in his hand and shouted excitedly: She is simply a shame to the Salt people! After killing that After the monster, I will use my XX to destroy her XX!

That's right! Count me in.

And those two demons! Hehe... I have never tasted the taste of demons.

I'm more concerned about how much money I can get. I heard that even the floor in the White House is made of gold! If you know how many things are sold in the factory every day, the entire fortune of Thunder Bluff may be in it.

Quiet! The man wearing a black hood climbed onto a high platform built with boxes. Looking at the Salt people who were ready to kill, he cleared his throat and said, Those who are gathered here today We are all like-minded partners. We gather here for our lofty ideals and aspirations. Today...

Oh, forget it. A man in the audience, wearing a hood crookedly, was obviously very impatient with such a speech, and shouted in a not-so-good tone: When can we start taking action! We can't wait to fuck Turn over that monster!

Haha... It seems that everyone is impatient with waiting. The man in the black hood looked at the man who interrupted him with a smile and said: But... before that, we must be clear about something. Then Just... don't make me look ugly.

Several people who stepped out of the crowd crowded around the man wearing a hood crookedly, and trapped him so that he could not move. Amid his panicked screams, a dagger was thrust into his side and stabbed into his heart. The covered mouth still revealed some screams, and the sound of the body falling to the ground shut up all those who were whispering. The smell of blood filled the hundreds of people.

Very good, it seems we have reached a consensus. Looking at the people who had calmed down with satisfaction, the man in the black hood nodded and continued: Our scouts have gone ahead to explore the road, and we will wait until the patrol passes by. Know how to do it. Everyone can get what he wants, women, wealth, power, everything...

At this time, on the roof of the alley, a large group of men in black, silent as if they did not exist, were staring down, watching everyone and everything. And these Salt people who gathered here for various reasons did not know that they were like women who had been stripped naked at this time, and all their private parts were visible at a glance.

We are not stupid enough. We also know how to intimidate others to make them obey. Matthew lay down on the roof and bit an apple and said: Our mission has been completed here. The true identities of all the people who came here. Everything has been recorded, and then it will be left to the City Lord to resolve.

Matthew looked at the motionless SS soldiers in front of him. Although all the technical requirements were met, they still seemed a little too nervous. At this height, as long as you don't make any mistakes, you won't attract the attention of people below. You can do it as casually as Matthew did.

Stand up, don't pass on this kind of atmosphere to newcomers. Holding a pen, he confirmed all the personnel again and graded these newcomers who were conducting a tracking mission on the ground for the first time. Regeer looked at the imageless Matthew lying there. He reprimanded: They can't be as silent as you are. If you are so casual, things will go wrong in the future!

Okay... Matthew stood up and squatted there, looking at the novices who were looking at him, and said: Don't look at me like this. This level of tracking is not difficult for me at all. If you want to be as easy as me, you can do it now. It takes at least twenty or thirty years of practice to achieve such a level. After all, I am a genius! hurts!

These people have already started to take action. After knocking Matthew who was getting carried away, Regeer said to the novices in front of him: From the completion of training to now, some of you have done very well, while others have performed poorly. Some are unsatisfactory, and no matter what your level is now, maybe tonight you will all face your first life-or-death battle.

Since you all chose to join the SS when you graduated instead of choosing to live an ordinary life like others, you should be prepared to die. Today will be your last test, and those who survive will become independent SS soldiers.

Yes! The SS soldiers responded neatly and loudly with their special low and clear pronunciation method.

The moonlight is very bright tonight. Under the moonlight, every window of the white White House can be clearly seen. It can be said that in the White House, which is already dark, only a few windows are still lit with lights. Inside are some attendants who are waiting for their master's call at night, or some guards who are keeping vigil.

The fixed oak door decorated with black steel patterns looks very simple and solid. This is the most important door to the White House. During the day, there will be heavily armed monsters guarding the door. Anyone who wants to enter needs to hold a special pass. Otherwise, even if he just appears in front of the door, he may be imprisoned by these powerful monsters until the identity of the person is figured out.

But tonight, the tall wooden door, which looked like the tip of a leaf, opened a gap large enough for people to pass through. There were no living guards in the arrow tower next to the door. Such a situation had never happened before. In the White House, there should be night vision werewolves on the arrow tower monitoring everything outside at night.

More than two hundred Salt people wearing white hoods walked safely through the uncovered garden square with their waists bent. This made their tense hearts relax a little. It seemed that everything was going as planned. Their people in the White House had used poison to knock down the guards in front of the door.

The next thing they had to do was to pass through the gate, then enter the almost unprotected White House. Under the leadership of the guide, they went to the monster's bedroom, hacked it to death with swords, and they were done. Without any hindrance, the Salters entered the hall of the White House as planned.

A chef wearing the white top hat unique to the White House was waiting there timidly and anxiously. Seeing these Salt people coming in with hoods, he quickly went up to them and said, Why are you here! If they find all the werewolves in the arrow tower dead tomorrow, I will definitely be caught if I bring them food!

Relax. The man in the black hood patted the chef's shoulder with a weapon and said with a smile: After tonight, you can be the hero of the Salt people. Now... take us to the monster's bedroom. Well, he will be surprised to see us!

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