Monster Minotaur

Chapter 35 Let’s start developing black technology

Magic, in almost all civilized races on Hill Continent, there are some special individuals who can master magic, this mysterious and powerful power. Some races generally have magical talents, so they have many spellcasters. For example, the declining elves and the murlocs living in the ocean have almost one spellcaster per thousand people.

Human beings' understanding of magic is very weak, and spell casters are unique wizards. But the huge number of humans makes up for this shortcoming. Their large number allows them to have a lot of mages even if they are stupid. These mages are the treasures of every country. Most of them are gathered near some valuable ruins or in schools established in the royal capital. Discover magic from elven ruins, or teach talented young people how to become a true mage.

Each race has its own understanding of magic. Human beings believe that the gadgets invented by magicians and demons were originally used to confuse humans. The elves and some more immortal races believe that magic was invented by their ancestors. After all, their magic talents are the highest. It is not impossible that there were wizards in ancient times who discovered the principles of magic.

So what is the origin of magic? Mo Yan stood in the basement of the room with his arms folded, next to a magic circle drawn with the blood of goblins, and asked Lilith, who was preparing magic: Can I learn this kind of power? ? It feels very ethereal.

Who knows. Lilith replied after killing the twentieth goblin and placing its heart in a magic circle: I don't know much about these ancient things. No matter who invented magic , it is already an established fact, we just need to learn it is enough. To think that an egg is delicious, you don’t need to know which hen produced it.”

Maybe that hen will also be delicious. Mo Yan smiled and said, You haven't told me yet whether I have the talent to learn magic.

I'm sorry, Master. Lilith asked Refola, who was covered in blood, to stand in the center of the magic circle and said, According to my observation, you don't have any magic talent. Maybe you can use magic weapons, but But it’s impossible to use magic because your physique is very strange.”

Strange? Mo Yan looked at his arm and said, It's very powerful. I haven't found anything else strange about it yet.

Master, you have a high resistance to magic, which is fatal to those who practice magic. Since Lilith had already begun to chant the spell, Vivian replied for Lilith: Such a physique makes magic difficult. It will cause almost no harm to you, but it will also make the magic elves avoid you. And if you cannot contact the magic elves, you will not be able to use magic.

Really? Mo Yan heard Lilith's words, shrugged and said, That's really a pity. By the way, all the magic of the devil requires a sacrifice of life? Looking at the blood on Refola's body slowly Slowly disappearing, as if integrated into the body.

That's not true. Lilith quickly finished the magic and turned around and said, That's because I didn't find any useful magic crystals. There are a lot of magic crystals in hell, so most of these magic circles are driven by crystals. At present, we have not found any spar mines, so we can only use the souls of goblins to replace the spar power.

Does this mean I can control the lives of those monsters? Refola, who had completed the ritual, asked as he looked at a mark on his arm that was similar to the monster but with some differences in details.

Yes. Lilith confirmed what Refola said: The ritual has been completed. From now on, you have the right to control the life and death of monsters. You should have some feelings, as if you are connected to something in the distance. a feeling of.

Yes. Refola felt it, nodded and said: Then I will leave today, and this method will be used by the leader of the Second Monster Legion when he comes back. This will be much more convenient.

The second legion is still in training. Mo Yan thought for a moment and said, We have to see the results of these things. After all, I don't know whether that person has the ability to lead a legion. If even the things I gave him If the training mission cannot be completed, I will not hand over the Second Army to him.

The second legion was formed after Refola drove away the Carthage troops and returned to Thunder Bluff. The human composition of the command in the legion was selected from Carthaginian officers who were willing to stay. The more than a thousand prisoners were all captured by Mo Yan in Thunder Bluff out of consideration for forming a legion.

After all, it is not easy to train a group of officers. It takes a lot of combat and command experience to train a qualified officer. At this time, Carthage's defeat caused many defeated troops to flee into Elam, including many officers with actual combat experience who had fought against Maro.

So Mo Yan asked Refola to capture some prisoners, and then brought these prisoners back to Thunder Bluff. When meeting these prisoners, Mo Yan first promised a lot of benefits, such as high salaries, vacations, and housing arrangements. Those who don't want to can get some supplies on the road and leave Thunder Bluff safely. After saying this, Mo Yan asked these people to choose whether to stay or leave.

As a result, many people still chose to leave Thunder Bluff. Although the treatment given by Mo Yan was very good, it was obviously impossible for these people to work under a monster. Most of these warriors are believers in God, and their beliefs will not allow them to do this.

Mo Yan was feeling a little frustrated when he saw a person choose to leave. There were still some people who chose to stay. Most of these people were people from Maro, as well as some Carthaginians headed by a man named Gila. Most of the people in Maro were orphans who joined the army, or bankrupt farmers who were recruited into the army. They have no family to take care of, and they believe in no gods.

The Carthaginians told Mo Yan bluntly that they wanted to learn Mo Yan's tactics. They were curious about the tactics that exhausted them and the mysterious tactics. If they could learn these tactics here, they would have an advantage in the war with Maro.

Mo Yan thought about it and finally agreed. Let these people stay first and help him form the second legion. It is also okay to let them leave after recruiting manpower. After all, Mo Yan has his own corresponding methods for those tactics that made them suffer, so they can learn them. No big deal either.

So a dozen soldiers from Carthage stayed and started building the second monster army. When Mo Yan returned to Thunder Bluff, they were completing wilderness survival training in the wild.

After completing the ceremony, Mo Yan came to the industrial area of ​​Thunder Bluff.

Although it is divided into an industrial area, in fact it is just a blacksmith shop. A large number of gray dwarves work here every day, producing a large number of weapons and armors to sell to the Salt people. But the purpose of Mo Yan's visit today is Not for weapons.

How is that thing doing? Mo Yan walked into a building in the center of the industrial zone. This place was specially designated by Mo Yan to try to make things designed for him. It can also be called the process confirmation center. The drawings designed by Mo Yan will be sent here and the gray dwarves will confirm the production process and the materials required, and produce a sample.

And the city lord who has completed me. When Mo Yan came in, a gray dwarf who was looking at the drawings quickly ran over and said to Mo Yan: We have already figured out the general process, there are just some details that need to be dealt with. As long as You give the order and other workshops can start production immediately.

There's no rush yet. Mo Yan smiled and said, We are still focusing on weapons production. This product is only for use in Thunder Bluff. There is no need to worry about production.

Lord City Lord. The gray dwarf led Mo Yan to a strange object and said, Can the thing you designed called Quyuan Pear really increase food production?

Probably. Mo Yan looked at the Quyuanli that had been built and said, I only know that it will save effort and be more convenient to use it. The tools used by the Salt people to dig up the ground are really too crude. Some. With this thing, we can at least increase the area cultivated.

That's really good. Gray Dwarf touched his beard and said with a smile: That way, we can brew more wine, and everyone will be happy.

This is indeed a plan for brewing wine. Mo Yan smiled and said: When the food production increases, I think we can start building a brewery in Thunder Bluff and start brewing some high-purity liquor. You guys? And the Salters are going to love that thing!”


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