Monster Minotaur

Chapter 40 The fog gradually opens

Mo Yan has delegated a lot of his rights. At present, except for some general policy guidance, he has completely left the details to others. But it's not a big deal. Mo Yan is not a very controlling person, and to be honest, as the town gets bigger, there are more and more things to take care of.

Mo Yan is not the kind of person who can sit in the office every day and deal with official duties almost constantly. So he needs all kinds of talents to help him and help him manage the city and possibly the country. At present, the First Legion is completely under the control of Salt. Except for Mo Yan's direct orders, the monsters will completely obey the orders of Salt.

It is precisely because of this that Mo Yan formed the Second Legion. Containing and balancing the power of his subordinates is an essential skill for a leader. After all, Mo Yan couldn't stay in the First Army every day. If those Salt people used their power to do something that Mo Yan didn't want to see while Mo Yan wasn't paying attention, Mo Yan wouldn't be able to notice.

There were now three factions in the city, the Sartans, the Maronites, and the Carthaginians. For these three types of people who originally served the original forces, Mo Yan gave the Saltans the First Legion and the Carthaginians the Second Legion, while the Maroons were organized into the SS and were directly controlled by Mo Yan. subordinates.

Of the three forces, the SS had the greatest power. They have the right to judge any officer of the First and Second Legions, and under special circumstances, they can first assassinate suspected betrayers and then report the incident to Mo Yan. But among the three forces, the SS did have the smallest number, and many procedures were controlled by Mo Yan.

The first and second legions have the same number of monsters and are equal in equipment and material supply levels. In fact, later on, Mo Yan should still find ways to provoke small conflicts between the two legions, so that they can compete with each other without major friction. And this measure must be mastered well, otherwise it will get lost and lead to civil strife.

In addition to these powerful factions in Thunder Bluff, the two succubi are the biggest in terms of internal affairs. Thunder Bluff's supply mobilization, import and export transactions, and diplomacy mostly pass through the hands of two succubi first, and are consolidated into reports before Mo Yan is notified to make corresponding judgments and decisions.

The two succubi hold the same positions as other Imperial Chancellors in Thunder Bluff, but are actually prohibited from contacting anyone with real power. It can only handle the paperwork, and Mo Yanan has currently assigned Emily to be responsible for copying and backing up the documents and making corresponding comparisons with the succubus' reports from time to time.

If anything goes wrong, the succubi will have to say goodbye to their work, and will only be Mo Yan's exclusive sex machine from now on. If Mo Yan gets tired of them that day, what awaits them will be merciless killing. Mo Yan always keeps his word on some promises.

Apart from these powerful people in Thunder Bluff, the biggest person at the bottom is a goblin named No. 1. He is in charge of all the goblins who work in Thunder Bluff. He has established his own team of goblins and manages a series of projects from farming, mining, logging, construction to refining ore.

This goblin is extremely intelligent and can even figure out a more suitable goblin management method based on the management methods given to him by Mo Yan. All goblins who are disabled due to work will become food for other goblins. All goblins who don't work hard will become food for other goblins. All disobedient goblins will become food for other goblins.

Under this set of management policies, coupled with Mo Yan's reward method, there were almost no problems with the goblins' work. Except for a period of time when too many goblins were killed, production dropped a bit. But because the ones who stayed were all smart guys, the goblins who were added later could quickly learn from other old goblins and become familiar with the goblin lifestyle in Thunder Bluff.

In addition to these goblins, the gray dwarves are another group in the city. Although their treatment is much better than that of the goblins, they do not have a large organization. Most of them were divided into small teams, and each team was responsible for a blacksmith shop. In addition to blacksmithing, they also built the castle in the center of the city.

Mo Yan did not place any restrictions on their freedom, and they could leave at any time if they wanted to. They are considered ordinary citizens in the city, and they have no right to influence the city. They can only work. However, these gray dwarves who were deliberately separated by Mo Yan recently began to have the intention of forming an organization in the tavern, and they also wanted to seek greater influence in the city.

This is the current organizational structure of Thunder Bluff.

If you are in the mood to study Thunder Bluff's power pyramid, why not think about how to solve the case. Regel took the document in his hand and patted it hard. Matthew, who was lying on the table in a close-up, said: Also, that meat What’s the matter with X-devices? Where did you learn such strange words?”

I heard it accidentally when I met the city lord yesterday. Matthew rubbed his head and said, How are you sorting out the clues? It's been a day, and we still don't have any clues.

It can't be said that I don't have a clue. The general idea has been sorted out. Regel said as he sat down in his seat in the office. Now the SS has been temporarily assigned to a house near Mo Yan's villa as its office. After all, this is just an assessment. The SS's special training ground is still under construction, let alone their station.

Then what did you find? Matthew moved his chair to rub against the ground, made a harsh sound, sat next to Regel and asked, If it's assassination or something, I'm still good at it, but I can't do these things. Got it.

What is certain is that this group of people is not an envoy from the Parliament City or anything like that. The envoy proved that he only took out the things to protect himself when they were arrested. Regel took out his sore ears and said: I transferred these people's luggage from the First Army Corps, and I found this. Greer took out a few blank sheets of paper and handed them to Matthew.

It's something secretly written. Matthew smelled the smell on the paper and said, We used to use this method to pass on a lot of information. But now everyone understands it, and few people use this thing anymore.

But obviously this is still a good method in Elan. Regel continued: I have taken down the thing on the paper. It is the secret of why the gray dwarves can forge a large number of weapons. That thing can already be regarded as thunder. Ya’s secrets, these guys don’t know that they bribed that guy to get these.”

Obviously they didn't make it back alive. Matthew frowned and said, But we were still training outside at that time. Who killed them? Is it a coincidence?

If there is anyone who wants to kill them the most, Reger said, then it is undoubtedly our Lord of the City. But now the Lord of the City has asked us to find out about this matter. If it wasn't for the City Lord who wants to cover up what he has done, , that means he doesn’t know about this matter. I will go to the city lord to inquire about it at noon.

So we can put this question aside for now. He is still the seventh person who has disappeared, and is the key among the keys. If only we could find him, everything would become clear.

Could this seventh person be the person who sold the information? Matthew said: After all, the person who sold the information will not stay after they complete the transaction.

It's very possible. Regel thought for a while and said, My current guess is that a group of spies from the Parliament City came to Thunder Bluff with the intention of getting the secret of Thunder Bluff's weapons production. And they were very successful in it. On the day I arrived, I contacted someone who knew the inside story and made an appointment to meet and trade in a hotel.

After the transaction is completed, the information seller takes the money and leaves. And these people secretly wrote the information they obtained on the pieces of paper we got. But at this time, someone knocked on the door, and several people who thought it was the hotel staff quickly put away the information. After pretending to be chatting, they sent someone to open the door.

But the person who entered the door was not a hotel employee, but an unknown monster or something. He killed the person who opened the door the moment he opened it. Then he entered the door and activated the monster or magic item to isolate the sound in the entire room. Then he killed the other people in the house and left after scattering wolf hair.

There are only three points that remain unclear, namely, the purpose of leaving the wolf hair, whether the murderer is a human or a monster, and who is selling the information.

Oh oh oh... I don't understand what you are talking about. Matthew clapped and said with surprise on his face: But it feels so awesome!

Then you are listening with a look on your face that I understand very well! Reger kicked Matthew's stool over and shouted: I spent so much time analyzing the reasons with you so clearly, and you actually finally told me Don't you understand me at all? You are asking for death!


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