Monster Minotaur

Chapter 48 Fishing Completed

If it were at the beach, Cordelia would not be as passive as she is now. The long-term spell casting by the mermaids has made some magic exist like instinct, which can be activated once the mermaids are threatened. Although it can't cause any damage, it can at least create an opportunity to counterattack.

But this is not a beach in or near the sea, and it does not have the conditions for Cordelia to cast spells. And because of her carelessness, a huge threat sneaked up next to her. This gave Cordelia almost no chance to resist, and she was easily captured by the tauren.

But this is not entirely Cordelia's fault. After all, no one would have thought that a tauren would have such power that it could kill five hundred of her men. These monsters in the sea are all relatively powerful beings, and even fifty or sixty Salt people will not be their opponents.

But it only took the tauren ten minutes to kill all these monsters. If this was a trap created by the Minotaur and the fish monster, then Cordelia gave up, but there was only one Minotaur. The quiet surroundings showed that there was no ambush by any fish monster, and all the dead bodies here were his work.

Now, I will slowly let go of your throat. The tauren said to Cordelia: I hope you won't resist. Now let's have a real talk.

Sassuku...cough! Just as she felt the tauren relax, Cordelia immediately chanted from her pink lips, but it was obvious that she overestimated her casting speed, and she had just sent out three bytes of neck power. It was enlarged, so that the last byte was held back.

The power that lost its command exploded around Cordelia, forming a small magic turbulence. Not only did it put the nearby magic power in chaos, but it also caused damage to Cordelia, who was casting the spell. Some green blood flowed from the corners of her mouth, and her tongue was slightly injured by the spell.

Huh, I knew you were going to do this. The tauren looked at the slight frost on his arms and the surrounding monsters that were watching eagerly. The illusion that once you gain freedom, you can counter-attack and kill the bastard who won the sneak attack. (The fourth biggest illusion in life~You can counter-attack! Demacia! Immediately attack)

Cordelia stared angrily into the Minotaur's eyes, her ferocious expression making her beautiful face look a little scary. Obviously, Cordelia did not admit defeat to being defeated like this. Just as the Minotaur said, Cordelia believed that the Tauren only won by sneak attacks.

Okay. The tauren sighed, carried the mermaid towards the direction of the giant axe, tore off a strip of cloth from the red cloth under his crotch, and stuffed it into the mermaid's chest while the mermaid struggled. in the mouth. He took out another rope from his body and tied Cordelia's hands.

The surrounding monsters could only watch the tauren do this, after all, their leader was still in the opponent's hands. It is already a remarkable thing that a monster without discipline and unity did not run away the moment Cordelia was captured. Although the reason why the assassin was a tauren played a big part in it.

The tauren threw Cordelia to the ground, easily pulled out the giant ax stuck in the ground, smiled at Cordelia who was struggling to get up and said: In this case, I can only let you See it with your own eyes. And after taking care of these guys, I can give you a chance to fight me.

The assassin had already abandoned the captured leader. Of course, the monsters would not wait any longer. They roared and rushed towards the weak tauren, intending to kill the tauren who insulted Lady Cordelia first, so as to show their respect to the tauren. Their leader takes credit. Maybe if Cordelia was happy to be rescued, she would give them some of the intestines of the person just now.

Hmph! Stupid guy. Looking at the monsters rushing past, two steams spurted out from the Minotaur's nose. With contempt on his face, he picked up the giant ax in his hand and rushed into the group of monsters.

The next scene was something Cordelia had never seen in her life. Severed limbs and heads kept flying, and the blood sprayed by the monsters dyed the entire jungle dark green, and the monsters howled and screamed. In the end, he inevitably ran away, but unfortunately he was caught up by the minotaur, and then turned into a pile of minced meat.

Recovered. The green minotaur-shaped object threw a still unconscious man beside Cordelia, walked to Cordelia and squatted down, placing his clean palms on hers. Shaking in front of him, he said: Now that all the troublesome guys have disappeared, just like what I just said, I will also give you a chance to challenge.

The minotaur, who was dyed green, untied Cordelia's hands and took out the cloth from her mouth. Then he said apologetically: In order to act more realistically, I took off all my clothes. All I have left is this strip of cloth on my body. Although I also wanted to change into underwear or something, but no matter how I tried it, it was too small.

Who are you? Cordelia finally came to her senses after being stunned for a while and said, Are you a dragon who transformed into a tauren? A tauren will not have such a powerful power!

I wish I were a giant dragon. The tauren said helplessly: Unfortunately, I am just a tauren, although my strength is not inferior to that of a giant dragon. You have seen my power, and I am not bragging. Whatnot, actually magic doesn’t have much effect on me.”

I know. Cordelia lowered her head in frustration and said, I already know about the magic turmoil just now. If it were an ordinary monster, your hands would have been ice sculptures by then. Your resistance to magic I am very sexy and I have no subordinates anymore. I will not be your opponent. Eat me!

Mermaid meat is a very good delicacy. It is not only delicious but also has the effect of extending life. It is said that many alchemists who intend to develop elixirs of longevity use mermaid brains as the most important material. This once led the emperors of the human empire to hunt and kill these treasures in the ocean, causing these creatures, which were originally in normal numbers, to become scarce.

But later, a mage's research proved that mermaid meat can only extend the life span for a period of time, and it will also cause the person who takes it to become an idiot. The hunt lasted for almost a hundred years before it finally stopped. During this period, countless people died in the ocean, and countless sailors never returned.

But it is precisely because of the rise of hunting fish that human navigation technology has made great progress. In the sea where humans were originally unable to move, there were many more merchant ships doing business. Countless ancestors found out where monsters gathered in the sea, explored navigable routes, connected the mainland and some islands, and started ocean business. era.

And it was precisely because of this that Carthage developed into a powerful country, constantly expanding its territory to the north, defeating Maro three times in history, and occupying a large amount of Maro's territory, which was just south of Caesar. The reason for the conquest, and the reason he submitted to the Maro Senate was to take back the territory Maro lost five hundred years ago.

Uh... At this moment, a comatose man on the ground finally woke up, groaning because of the inexplicable pain in his body. After getting up, the man saw the tauren next to him and cursed loudly: Damn Mo Yan! Why did you suddenly knock me out! I already said I won't do anything as bait! And... mine There goes the pants!”

Actually, you have completed the task of baiting. Mo Yan looked at Aruba who was touching his pants everywhere and said with a smile, I have already caught the mermaid.

Uh? Then... Damn it! I wonder why it hurts so much down there. Aruba cursed: If you do this next time, I will definitely chop off your head and hang it in my home!

Okay, okay. Mo Yan said apologetically, There won't be a next time, I promise.

You...are actually working with humans? Cordelia looked at Mo Yan and then at Aruba, and said in disbelief after confirming that there was no mistake. This is like a tiger and a sheep catching a wolf that wants to eat the sheep. This is incredible!

Actually, I am still the city lord of a city. The tauren named Mo Yan said: The reason I came here this time is to build a port nearby to facilitate trade with Carthage. But you know, You ocean monsters are a big problem.”

I must be dreaming. The disastrous defeat just now and the completely unreasonable facts in front of her made Cordelia dizzy. So she really fainted, and vaguely heard some words.

Uh... I actually fainted...

She's probably been out of the water for a while. I'll take her back to the beach later.

I'll get the collar!


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This happened yesterday. I was so excited to play games that I forgot...

There are still two updates today

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