Monster Minotaur

Chapter 60 Bad News

In Thunder Bluff, Mo Yan finished training the human-faced bird. I went to the barracks on the outskirts of the city. Nearly ten days had passed since the battle near Lobito. The First Army and the Second Army had already returned and brought back most of the corpses of the coalition forces in Parliament City.

Refola also admitted that he didn't have any good ideas and could only use that method to exchange for the enemy's casualties. He had no complaints about the cancellation of the reward.

According to Refola's description, although the monsters after training are much more powerful than before, they are still no match for the Salt warriors. Goblins are too timid on the battlefield, and it is difficult to form a fighting force once they are scattered. Although the tauren are powerful, they are too bulky and inflexible, and can easily be evaded and killed by Salt warriors.

From the overall perspective of this battle, the loss ratio between monsters and Salters was five to one. It took five monsters to exchange for one Salt warrior. This result did not disappoint Mo Yan, even though he put a lot of effort into giving the monsters excellent equipment and nearly half a year of training.

But monsters cannot be compared with Salt people. These warriors who have been killing monsters since they came of age cannot make up for the gap in just half a year of training. Being able to exchange five monsters for one Salt warrior was an acceptable result for Mo Yan.

Moreover, monsters grow much faster than humans. It takes at least seventeen years for an excellent Salt warrior to experience enough things and grow up. But it only takes more than ten days for monsters to emerge from the originally empty forest. If you make a comparison like this, it will definitely be a good deal in the long run.

There have been very few monsters appearing nearby recently. Refola said to Mo Yan who came to inspect: The closer you get to Thunder Bluff, the fewer the monsters are. Now you need to walk two hours to replenish the monsters. , to find the place where the monster appears.

Really? After hearing what Refola said, Mo Yan asked a little strangely: Why is this happening? Didn't you say that monsters are endless? No matter how they are destroyed, they will reappear.

Yes. Refola said with some embarrassment: Because I am not a scholar, so I don't know how to explain it specifically. The mages from the Central Plains countries have studied these monsters. Although they have not solved why the monsters appear. reasons, but we also got some conclusions. To put it simply, the number of monsters in each place is certain. Although it will gradually increase no matter how you destroy it, if you leave it alone, the number will reach the limit. It won’t increase anymore.”

Is that so? It sounds reasonable. Mo Yan nodded and said, If monsters really grow endlessly, then inaccessible places will be full of monsters. Recently, the monsters near Thunder Bluff have stopped growing, maybe It’s probably because there are too many monsters stationed in Thunder Bluff.”

I think so too. Refola said: So if the first legion wants to replenish it quickly, the second legion needs to be sent to other places to garrison. Only by exchanging back and forth can the two legions be better trained. Supplement. What's more, the commander of the Second Army has not completed the training you requested, and they still need to continue to complete the training.

Then first station the first legion in the forest to recuperate. Mo Yan thought for a moment and came up with another idea: The second legion didn't lose much. The monsters near Thunder Bluff are enough for them. Supplement. If you go to the forest, the first legion should be able to recover faster, while the second legion will wait for you to complete the training.

That's it. Refola thought for a moment and nodded, Then I'll do it according to your wishes.

By the way, find some smart monsters from the legion and teach them the knowledge of combat command. Mo Yan continued: The combat effectiveness of monsters is not as good as that of the Salt people. This is a very difficult thing. At present, we can only use quantity to make up for this. It's one o'clock, I need you to help me train some monsters that can be easily commanded, and form the third and fourth auxiliary legions.

Affiliated legion? But the horned demons and tauren in the legion are not very smart. Refola was a little surprised when he heard Mo Yan's words and said: It is not realistic to expect them to command the battle. They only know how to do simple things. charge.

So they are currently accompanying the legion. Mo Yan also nodded and said helplessly: I know that their intelligence is not enough to become the commander of the legion. But they only need to be able to follow your legion and be nearby as a companion to follow you. Just attack and follow your retreat. Once I find some monsters with high intelligence, I will officially classify them into legion levels.

That's it. Refola stroked his beard, thought for a while and finally confirmed: If I just simply seize the opportunity to attack and retreat, I think I can train a group of monsters that can be commanded.

Then that's it this time, I'll leave the training to you. Mo Yan nodded and walked out of the command post of the military camp and said: There is no need to rush the progress, the Parliament City will not slow down so quickly. You’ll have at least five or six months to complete the preparations.”

In three months, I will be able to train the accompanying legion. Refola nodded. Mo Yan nodded after hearing this, left the military camp in Thunder Bluff, and returned to his residence. Next door to the office on the second floor of Mo Yan's villa is where Succubus Lilith, Vivian and Emily process files. Now they are calculating the proceeds from Thunder Bluff's first bond issue.

Two thousand gold coins were sold in just a few days. Emily looked at the statistics handed over by Lilith and Vivian and said with some disbelief: Not only did the finances ease and there was a surplus, but also It's unbelievable. That anyone would pay for parchments that just have some writing on them.

That's not a simple parchment. Mo Yan, who returned upstairs, just heard Emily's words. He leaned against the door and said with a smile: That's my credit that's for sale. After three months, I'll have to pay for it with my money. The profit will be returned. If there is any breach of trust, then Thunder Bluff's business will be over.

Selling credit is really a strange method. Emily looked at Mo Yan and said: How did you come up with such a method? Now Thunder Bluff is full of technologies that even the Central Plains countries don't have. These are really all yours. Did someone come up with it?”

Although I would like to say that I created it, I'm not that thick-skinned. Mo Yan shrugged and said, As for who it is, I don't think you would know it even if I told you, so I also There is no way to explain it to you.

Master, what should we do with the corpses of those Salt people? Vivian heard the conversation between Mo Yan and Emily, raised her head from the official document and asked: The places where the corpses are parked are already full, and Because there are very few people to handle them, most of the corpses have started to stink.”

Yes. Emily said to Mo Yan sternly at this time: Since you brought all those corpses back to Thunder Bluff, you must have some use for them, right? I don't think they were brought back as food for monsters. Yes, I will not allow it if that is the case! Those are the bodies of Sart warriors who died heroically in battle.

How could it be eaten by monsters? Mo Yan looked at Emily who sat up straight and smiled and said: If that was the case, we could have done it when we were on the battlefield, so why bother to bring it back? Thunder Bluff. Lilith, ask the person who repairs the body to sprinkle some lime, which will have a certain sterilizing effect.

Also, how are the wooden coffins prepared? More than a thousand coffins are still very labor-intensive. But luckily it was done by those goblins, otherwise it would have been a huge expense.

Last report on the 1st, most of the coffins have been prepared. Lilith heard Mo Yan's words and replied: But the goblins' craftsmanship is not very good. Those coffins are not so much coffins as squares made of four wooden boards. Box.

That doesn't matter. Mo Yan shook his head and said indifferently: As long as it can contain the body, it is a good emotional card. As an evil monster, I not only respect the body of the Salt warrior, Also restrain it and return it. The people of Parliament City should have a very different view of Thunder Bluff.

Mo Yan! Mo Yan, where are you! At this time, Aruba's voice sounded downstairs. He who had always been calm seemed extremely anxious this time. Even from his voice, he could feel obvious irritation.

I'm upstairs, come up. Mo Yan walked to the door and shouted into the corridor, What happened? Don't tell me it's bad news again.

I'm going to leave here for a while. Aruba, who only brought some simple luggage, took a tomahawk, walked upstairs with a straight face and said to the smiling Mo Yan: A very important thing happened in Elan. Regarding the matter, the village chief asked me to return to the village immediately. Emily will be left in your care. Maybe I won’t come back for a long time.”

What happened? Hearing Aruba's words, Mo Yan's expression became serious and he said, What big thing happened in Elam that would make you so panicked? Are the Maro people planning to attack Elam?

No, it's worse than that. Aruba gritted his teeth as he remembered what happened: The Speaker of the Parliament City dissolved the City Council of the Parliament City and declared himself emperor in Elam!


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