Monster Minotaur

Chapter 64 The dwarves are also going to the battlefield

Due to the deliberate planning of Ankud's parliament, the city representatives who were supposed to unite divided themselves into factions and broke up unhappy. Arika and Ancud developed a hatred for each other because their representatives were killed. But currently, the cities have not done anything excessive. It takes time to recruit troops from various villages and collect supplies.

The Parliament City is also busy sorting out things in the city and training the newly recruited 10,000 Salt warriors, and cannot take care of other things. Elan fell into silence for a while, but from the recent purchasers received by Thunder Bluff, it can be seen that there is a rolling undercurrent hidden under this silence.

Once someone touches this peaceful situation, Elam will immediately explode like a powder keg. A large number of Salt warriors have left their own villages and are gathering towards the borders of various forces close to the Congress. As the Santa Fe force is closest to the Congress City, Lobito has already gathered 2,000 people here. Some time ago, the Santa Fe City Council passed a resolution to recruit a thousand-man army in Santa Fe.

The relationship between Thunder Bluff and Santa Fe has also been significantly eased. After Mo Yan and Santa Fe's city lord Heigl clarified each other, the destruction of the Hammer Legion was attributed to a dragon giant. Thunder Bluff has nothing to do with the destruction of the Hammer, and the survivors of the Hammer Legion also showed up in Santa Fe at this time.

And under the instructions of Heigl, he told the battle with the dragon giant vividly, and explained that the reason why they survived was entirely due to the rescue of Mo Yan, the city lord of Thunder Bluff at the time. This allowed them to avoid being killed by monsters or starving to death on the way during their escape.

Although some people still do not believe this fact, most citizens still accept this statement. After all, the tauren, who did not even have a city at the time, would not have the strength to destroy the Hammer's legion.

In such an atmosphere, Mo Yan went directly to the city of Santa Fe and gave a speech in the square of Santa Fe. It was announced that Thunder Bluff would provide an interest-free loan of one thousand gold coins to Santa Fe, and a series of follow-up projects such as building an orphanage, helping to build nursing homes and parks.

Moreover, in building a factory in Santa Fe, Gaoxinjin recruited those blacksmiths who could no longer sustain themselves to work in the new factory in Santa Fe. After Mo Yan's series of activities, although the residents of Santa Fe City are not friendly to Mo Yan, they are at least relatively friendly.

One episode worth mentioning is,

When Mo Yan was escorted by the Salt warriors from Santa Fe to inspect Santa Fe, some children thought that Mo Yan was the Minotaur who performed in Santa Fe before. In response to such words, the adults just laughed. In their eyes, the tauren all looked the same. How could the tauren, the lord of Thunder Bluff City, be caught and bring a Santa Fe performance?

After solving the hostility problem in Santa Fe, it can now be said that Thunder Bluff has no enemies except the Council City, which is already hostile to all Salt people. If Parliament City wants to attack Thunder Bluff, it must pass through Santa Fe's defense line in Lobito.

And because of the trade with Thunder Bluff, Lobito has already experienced great development. Because of Thunder Bluff's new hydraulic textile factory in Lobito, Lobito's population has reached nearly 10,000, and the entire village has grown twice as big. A seven-meter-high stone wall was built, and now two thousand Salt warriors are stationed within it.

In the end, Lobito may not be able to withstand the attack of Parliament City, but it is not a problem to withstand it for ten days and a half. Lobito is only four days away from Thunder Bluff. Once Parliament City attacks Lobito, set up The drow messenger in Lobito will use carrier pigeons to notify Thunder Bluff.

The carrier pigeon flies from Lobito to Thunder Bluff, and it only takes half a day to fly to the outpost camp set up outside Thunder Bluff. The first or second legion stationed there will immediately go to support Lobito while reporting back to Thunder Bluff. The third and fourth accompanying legions are currently undergoing training. After the training is completed, Thunder Bluff's military strength will reach 5,000.

And because the second legion was in the hills in the north, after killing the Yalong giant. A group of more than a dozen mountain giants led by it were also subdued by the Second Legion. Because they had not been trained, Kira did not let them play in the last battle.

These rock-skinned mountain giants are extremely tall and strong. After using armor to protect the fragile joints of the mountain giants, they will become the most lethal creatures on the battlefield. Even when attacking a city, these mountain giants can bring special siege rams to break open the enemy's city gates.

The only drawback of these monsters, which are specialized in the mountains, is their low intelligence. Even if they use the language of monsters, they can only understand some simple words, and their movements are relatively slow. If there is no other flexible monster protection, even if such a mountain giant is equipped with protection, five or six Salt warriors can kill it.

After Mo Yan returned to Thunder Bluff from Santa Fe, a group of gray dwarves came to Mo Yan's villa and made a request that surprised him. Some gray dwarves hope to join the army and are willing to sacrifice their blood and lives for Thunder Bluff. These gray dwarves, who were originally warriors, were unwilling to exist simply as blacksmiths.

After the gray dwarves left, Mo Yan summoned his SS leader Regel. Ask about some recent missions assigned and information about these gray dwarves.

The gray dwarves who came today belong to a force that has just emerged in Thunder Bluff. Regel handed a volume of documents to Mo Yan, which introduced in detail the leaders of these gray dwarves and all the members of this called the Brotherhood of Steel.

Brotherhood of Steel. Mo Yan said, a little speechless at the extremely vulgar name: It seems like an organization can be called anything Brotherhood, couldn't they put some thought into choosing a creative name? Well, there are already nearly three hundred people. members, which is almost one-sixth of the gray dwarves in the city.

Because gray dwarves exist as citizens in Thunder Bluff, Mo Yan did not restrict their freedom. This allowed many people to contact their original city and let gray dwarves know that there is another place on the ground that can accept gray dwarves. place. After hearing about the high salaries here, many gray dwarves moved underground to Thunder Bluff.

Thunder Bluff originally only had a thousand gray dwarves, but the number increased to more than 1,800. Most of these people joined Mo Yan's blacksmith factory, and a few became stone carvers or jewelry craftsmen. Producing some stone decorations or jewelry and other items for Thunder Bluff, and the gray dwarf-style things produced look pretty good.

The gray dwarves. Mo Yan touched his chin and said, They don't seem to be of much use in the army. Although they are strong, they are a little too short and will suffer a lot in battle.

It's like this. The gray dwarves may be able to use the terrain to fight against the drow underground. Regel agreed with Mo Yan and said, But if they are allowed to join the battlefield on the ground, their shortcomings in height will make them stand out on the battlefield. We are at a disadvantage. The original purpose of establishing the Iron Brothers was to enhance the status of the gray dwarves in Thunder Bluff.

Do you want to gain real power by joining the army? Mo Yan nodded and thought for a moment and said, I already know these things. I just need to pay proper attention to this gray dwarf association. At present, you have to focus on building the Elam intelligence network. I don’t want to be like I am now, casting a shadow on Elan’s situation.”

We are building the intelligence network, and the progress so far is good. Regeer heard Mo Yan's words and said, And during the process of establishing it, we observed traces of Maro's shadow and had a brief confrontation. . Their hideout in Santa Fe was taken away by us, and now they have noticed our existence, and all their actions are more secretive.

You did a good job on this matter. Mo Yan smiled and praised: As I thought, the chaos in Elan was planned by Maro. Although they have noticed you now, they may not know where you belong. Which side is the most powerful force? I want you to try your best to behave like your counterparts in Carthage in your next actions.

Yes, Lord City Lord. Reger nodded and said, This is the current progress. If I receive any major information, I will report it immediately.

Well, you go down. Mo Yan nodded and said.

After Regel left Mo Yan's office, Mo Yan pulled out a drawing from the desk drawer and looked at the long black weapon graphics on it. He touched his chin and said to himself: If there is black powder, then this thing and that thing should be available, right? Why should the goblins abandon their spears and enter the era of lining up to be shot...


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