Monster Musume chapter 100: Settlement

『(3 minutes left! The speed of magic power increases! The amount is a lot, so use more!) I can't use strong magic because of the preparation time; therefore, I can do nothing else than to shoot repeatedly.』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


The air fight with Ruu continues. Thanks to the teleportation, all attacks are avoided, but we haven't given effective strikes. Naturally Ruu is also flying around, so I can't launch attacks that make use of magical powers. We will be attacked if we stop...and it is a good story that we can use teleportation without failure...though, exaggeration isn't good. I don't have much time left.


“You'll be in trouble if you forget about us! Come on, Lime missiles!”

“Why don't you use magic...?"

“Let us attack together!”


Rin is flying across on the other side and lifts Lime like a cannon before throwing her at Ruu. Lime flies straight at Ruu with her prepared claws, but it is obviously avoided and Lime keeps coming towards us.


“Faaatthheerrr!!!” Lime

『Chyo, Lime´s hand! (Nichrome! Stop!)』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino

“Understood.” Nichrome

“I guess it's useless!” Lime


I take the hand of the flying Lime, turn around once and throw her back at Ruu. At the same time, Nichrome snipes from inside the tower. No matter how strong Ruu is, if she is hit, her body won't move. Just shoot to the side.


The bullets shot by Nichrome passed by Ruu and Ruu´s body solidified for a moment. Lime arrives at Ruu and attacks her. She quickly liquefied her leg and winded around her torso. Ruu is trying to unravel her feet, but since she is attacked by Lime continuously, she can not escape.


『Good, let’s do it while Lime earns some time! Honestly, I don't have the confidence to control the five stars! I don't know how much more it will be strengthened! (I'm not good at controlling magic, but...I don't have to do it. There is no way that power is enough to kill Ruu, so you can release it.) That's why I don't need to suppress the power! I will use it with full power!』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


Take out five symbols on your right hand. Without coming here, I could not make five stars in such a short time. It is a little lonely that there is no chant.


Arrange the marks in the air in large circles. With the magical power, the stars popped out from each of the marks. Well, here is the real thing from here. Five circles and stars, draw larger circles and stars. When the lines were connected, magical power overflowed from the stars. As it is, it swells at a stretch.


『That's amazing, this. Magical power increased considerably when I made stars with overlapping but it is more than that. (Well, it seems to be pretty large-scale coding ... can you hold it down?) Just do it and try it, you have to make it faint.』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


It seems that Ruu also noticed that large magical power as expected. Cutting off the unstiffened, stretched parts. Rin picked up the falling Lime from below.


Rock snakes and Nichrome aim for Ruu. I have to finish my technique somehow now.


『(2 minutes left! The magical concentration on your right hand is rising, it hasn't even been 3 minutes!) That's because I´m controlling magic power on it and it is natural that the magical power is gathering! Let me do it! (So unreasonable.... Oh, you'll make it somehow, so let's go quickly!)』Tsuchio/Tsuchino


Although the image is patchy, it isn't manipulated by magical power...damn, there is nothing that can boost only the control of magical power.... I can't afford to hurt her!


“Nichrome! Ruu-san is heading towards Tsuchio! You have to stop her!” Rin

“The power of the sniper gun against a large-scale magic beast is too low...and the remaining amount is too small, but lets aim at her with missiles." Nichrome


Releasing a missile after white smoke, it goes towards Ruu. Sbe tries to shake off the missile by moving around in the air, but it sticks to her and shortens the distance perfectly. When Ruu swung her arms, a chain of flames burned out the missile and caused an explosion. From behind, Rin thrust her horn at Ruu. Ruu grabbed the horn with one free hand, while Rin pushes forward without stopping her feet. The other arm attacks Rin´s neck now and a flame blows up and starts to burn Rin´s neck.


“Gguuu.... Lime, now!” Rin

“Please have a little patience, Rin-chan! This is more dangerous for father, so we can't lose here!!!” Lime


Lime jumps out from Rin´s back, transforms her arm into a string and turns it toward Ruu´s neck, before jumping over her head. The arm bites into Ruu's neck. She can’t breath, which is truly severe, and it is amazing that she let go of Rin. It seems that Lime´s arm is all hardened this time, therefore it will be difficult to cut. However, Ruu didn't try to cut it. She grasped the arms extending downward and swept them up as it is. Lime's body which was dangling is lifted and thrown away. Rin caught her and retreated some distance away from Ruu.


“Th, Thank you very much, Rin-chan.” Lime

“I was thinking that we could beat her with this...but why can't it be a bit easy?" Rin


I thought we had her...Rin, are you all right? Lime also reduced her body considerably today. I also have to answer it properly.


『(1 minute remaining! Can't you do it yet!? The magical power is already near limit!) I know!』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


The star talismans floating in the air are discolored in light blue and bright. If Ruu is fire, then this is water. I'm almost finished, but...can I make it before I'm disturbed by Ruu? If I have time to just...


Ruu escapes the rock cannons that the snakes shoot and combines her palms while flying. Hey, that she preparing her breath?


『(That's a lie!? That's the limit if she releases it once more!) It isn't the limit! Ruu is growing and the amount of magical power is also increasing! As expected there won't be a third shot, but...if it is true, it is a nice place.』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino

“It's not the time for saying that! What are you going to do!?" Rin


Rin and Lime are coming to my side. No matter what, the snakes are covering us, but there is no way they will hit Ruu. Do we have a third option now or do we want to avoid shooting? The preparation for that operation is coming soon, but it is very subtle. If I try to avoid it, I'll never be in time. We are still preparing so we can’t move away. Therefore, my behavior is narrowed down to one point.


『It was obvious, but there is no other means...all right, intercept. Lime and Rin go back to the tower. You might get involved.』Tsuchio

“I don't care, I will be staying with father here.” Lime

“That's right, Tsuchio and Tsuchino are getting stronger. Therefore, it will be dangerous and I can't let you alone.” Rin

『It's not trustworthy...but I'm not going to lose, though there is a possibility. I might fall with Ruu. At that time, I need someone to catch me. Will you do it?』 Tsuchio


Talking directly to these two. Purple and blue eyes sway unsteadily for a while, but it seems that they settled their hearts. A resolute, strong intention is inhabited.


“...Okay, if you say that, I'm going down. I'll wait to catch you.” Rin

“I'll talk to Nichrome...good luck." Lime

『I will be mindful now. Here we go.』 Tsuchio


Lime and Rin rushed to the tower and only us and Ruu were left on the spot. The rock snakes support has already stopped, but they didn't hit once. It looks like they are feeling quite bad. Ruu doesn't even have a bit of emotion on her face. It is cold like ice, expressionless like a noh mask. Is she dead or is it an illusion? Speaking intentionally, is it as good as being killed?


『(...You don't have much time anymore. I will cure her if she is badly hurt.) I will do it from the start. I'll give you one or two arms!』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


Concentrating my magical powers on my right hand, I force it into a shape that is gradually formed. Tools that manipulate magical power are also magical, but my right arm screams from the overload of magical power. Like an explosion on my arms, pain and heat rush through my body.


A fine laceration covers my entire arm like a worn-out vinyl glove. Each one is small, but if connected together it is big. Blood spouts and drips, and fierce pain and burning fever dominates my right arm. There is no sense already, but you can manipulate magical powers if you have arms. Operations that are soaked in the body aren’t crazy if the sensation is gone. Rather, it is much easier to reduce unnecessary noise. Well, despite hitting such a big mouth, sweat is floating on my forehead and my knees are trembling. It seems that I'm enduring somehow by whipping a whip that is likely to get caught now. A mass of heat has already appeared in Ruu’s palm and after taking aim at me with her hand, she released it. After, 3...!


『Now, wake upppp!!!』Tsuchio


A small lump of water occurs in clusters, and they move together in a clockwise direction all at once and gather together in the center. The shape is what I and Tsuchino are most familiar with, that some rays combine and become huge. What matters is that I don't have the power to waste.

From Ruu's hands, narrower than usual, a 1m in diameter heat ray radiates. At the same time, a mass of water gathered at the center of my right hand and was released. Both water and flames collide against each other in the middle between Ruu and me. Both are strong magic that cause intense light and wind, which is wrapped up by evaporated water.


Both attacks are antagonistic to each other. Compatibility is supposed to be advantageous, but isn't Ruu pushing too much? Damn it...I won't give up so fast.


『Daa, Damnn!!!!! (Uraaaaaaa!!!)』Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


I further push my right hand forward. From the bone marrow to the outside, a feeling that something is going to come out. Even the heat and pain I felt a little while ago is gone, the laceration turns into cracks. Are my white bones visible from the meat? When I saw it colored with blood meat, I thought it was pretty somehow.


I guess that's the final conclusion. My water flow swallowed the heat rays and hit Ruu directly. The momentum of water overran Ruu and slammed her into the tower. ...Okay, Ruu is safe!?


『(Tsuchio wait! Your right hand, it's a terrible injury! We need to get it cured right away!) You can do that later! Ruu is the first priority now!』 Tsuchio/ Tsuchino


Lowering my right arm, I go into the tower. Apparently, it seems that Ruu landed at where we were fighting before. While smoke rose up, I search for Ruu. Whether drugs in the brain are secreting or not, I don't feel any pain.


“There is, Ruu! Tsuchino, call the others here!” Tsuchio

『Tsuchio! Damn, I'll treat you as soon as I call the others!』Tsuchino


Ruu lay in the middle of a crater. Her cheeks are wet with blood throwing up, but no abnormalities are seen on her arms and legs. It seems that there were no injuries...that's good. When I crawled up, the transformation with Tsuchino broke down and my body got heavier, but those are trivial things. I’m more worried that Ruu's consciousness hasn't come back.


With somehow moving my left arm, I hold the waist of Ruu. There was no strength in her body when I hold her up and her head fall back down.


“Ruu, you okay!? If you're okay, open your eyes! Ruu, Ruu!” Tsuchio


I am full of fear that Ruu may have died, therefore I desperately call. After calling for a while, Ruu's body trembled. Did she notice?


“Hey Ruu, are you okay!? Does it hurt or do you feel bad!?" Tsuchio



Ruu's eyelids open. Her eyes that see me turns awkward and eventually turns into a firm conscious awakening. She doesn't have those cold eyes anymore. It was good...that she got up properly....


“Ruu, you okay? Sorry, I got a lot of injuries. I'll call the others right away, so wait a minute.” Tsuchio


My words are obstructed by the blood spiraling up and down. What...? Im, impossible? That's strange, something is very hot at my stomach....


“...Ru, Ruu?” Tsuchio


On my belly are red arms. The arm of Ruu is shining brightly, reflecting the sun's light that attacked me. Ruu again has an expressionless expression which means that she is still manipulated.


“Why...I did so much, so why didn't you faint?” Tsuchio


Handed beasts are the most dangerous, that was often heard. It would be perfectly applicable to the current Ruu. I felt such a thing while feeling a warm life being lost. It is Ruu who stabbed me in this way, but it seems that there is no power to do anything more than that. It was literally the last blow. Injuring my body, she used her remaining magical power. Was it the limit, inserting only one finger?


As my excitement is going down, my stomach pain is getting stronger gradually. And, because of massive bleeding, my consciousness is starting to faint away. Oh yeah, I will die before freeing Ruu. I don't want that, but I absolutely can't do anything. I have to take back Ruu now. Fortunately, there is no power for Ruu to resist further. Chances are a choice that I should never make a mistake with once.


It seems that humans will become calm at such times. Abdominal pain eliminated the fluffy feeling until a while ago. My mind is at its best right now. So, what should I do? It is impossible to make Ruu faint and if I don't do shocking things, Ruu's consciousness won't return. As a content, it would be nice to have Ruu back. If I make an opportunity, she can surely return by herself, because its Ruu. What, what can I do? I have nothing else than my body right now! How to wake up this sleeping princess...there is only one thing I can think about. My romantic feelings.


I wipe off the blood from my mouth with my hands, before spitting out fresh blood. Its steadily rising from my throat, so I have to finish it quickly.


“...Ruu. I didn't want to say it in this way, but I can only say it now. I love you, I'm so glad to have you Ruu.” Tsuchio


Whispering that, I kissed Ruu's lips. Along with that, I pour my blood into Ruu. She used to say that she wants to eat me. I can't give her my meat yet, but at least my blood. There are things like blood contracts.


When I take my face away, Ruu´s eyes, vividly decorated with my blood, looked into my eyes. Yeah, Ruu is beautiful after all. She would be prettier if she doesn't have that expressionless face right now. I am sorry for a moment...but it seems to be my limit soon.


Next, I vomit blood again and fall down towards Ruu. My body was caught and I never fell to the floor. Oops, there was something I need to give her before I faint.


I take the choker out of my chest pocket and place it on Ruu's hand. At the end, it is good that it retains its shape.


“...u, a” Ruu


Looking at that choker, Ruu's face distorted. Like suffering or fighting something. Her body trembled once and she looked at me with tears in her eyes.


“...Tsuchio?” Ruu

“...Good Morning, Ruu. You woke up very late.” Tsuchio

“Eh, what's wrong with that face!? Full of blood...what, this hand." Ruu


The awakened Ruu sees her hands that were bloody. Looking at my face, the belly wound and the blood on her face. Oops, Ruu is misunderstanding.... I have to tell her the truth!


“Lie, I to Tsuchio...? Why, why!? A lie, lie, lie, lie, lie, lie..." Ruu

“Ru, Ruu, calm down. Calm down, try to talk to me..." Tsuchio


I paint my blood firmly on her face and Ruu scratches her head with empty eyes. Well, consciousness.... Shit, I'm bored! Don't get stuck here! Show your guts!


“I, Tsuchio? This is ridiculous...yes, this is a dream. This isn't reality." Ruu

“Calm down Ruu! Look at me!” Tsuchio


I grab Ruu´s face and forcibly turn her towards me, but she tries to look away, which I can prevent.


“Haahaa.... I will explain it briefly. You were manipulated and fought against us. At that time, you became like this. That's why, it isn't your fault." Tsuchio

“B, But, Tsuchio..." Ruu

“Although it hurts, it doesn't itch! You were manipulated, so nobody blames you nor will I blame you. You understand!" Tsuchio

“Un, Understood. Sorry, Tsuchio. Sorry..." Ruu


Ruu cried and apologized, but my consciousness which disappeared told me that I´m going to fall to the bottom of the darkness at a stretch. ...Damn, it is useless. Indeed, my limit.


“Tsuchio!? No, don't die!” Ruu

“Ruu calm down, I won't die.... Anyway, let Shadow-san give first aid. She evolved, but you will see it when she appears..." Tsuchio

“Understood, Shadow-san!” Ruu

“Yes…. Later, follow the instructions of Yukurishisu. It's not like I didn't listen to what she said..." Tsuchio

“Uh! ...Tsuchio? Tsuchio! Don't die, don't die...!" Ruu

With this, it's all right now.... I'm sorry, Yukurishisu, Tyres-san, Toururi-san. Let's talk later....

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