Monster Musume chapter 84: Each fight

<Rin´s POV>


While drawing a circle, I run down the air. Tsuchio, where are you!? If he hits somewhere along the way, there must be some sort of trace left. I can't see him so far, that means he fell into the river. From the top of the cliff to the bottom river, there was a good height. Tsuchio was hurt by that golem, so can he stand the landing impact? Anyway, I have to find and treat him quickly.


I finally arrived at the bottom of the cliff. A figure, which is similar to Tsuchio, couldn’t be found immediately under the waterfall. It's not so long yet and the river is fast, but he shouldn't be that far away. Shadow-san should be with him and should have tried to weaken the momentum of the fall. I think it flows downstream....


『Ah, ita!』Rin


A pointed black rope came out of the river and sticks onto the cliff. Shadow-san is holding the rope with Tsuchio in her other hand. Good job, Shadow-san properly helped Tsuchio.


I headed for Tsuchio in a hurry and grabbed his collar to pull him out from the river. His face and legs seems to be problematic, but his torso injury is terrible. A body strengthening talisman which seemed to have been used to withstand the golem's attack was battered by the hit of its fist. Was it effective to increase his physical endurance?... this is Tsuchio´s body. It was good that Tsuchio could protect himself with it. The bones of both arms aren't broken and they may have only cracked, but I don't think it's a complete fracture, because it's not crooked.


But I don't know what's with his torso. He was struck by that fist and is still not safe. I can't use healing magic. For now, he is going to catch a cold as long as he is wet. I have to warm his body....


Raising Shadow-san to the shore, she pulled a cloth on the ground and we lay Tsuchio on it. Next, Shadow-san takes out a piece of wood and I light it with my thunder. What shall I do...I should consult with Shadow-san first. I thought so and I tried to call out, but Shadow-san put her hand on Tsuchio´s body and used magic. Is that healing magic? Shadow-san, you can use healing magic. A black darkness comes out of Shadow-san's hand and wrapped Tsuchio´s body. It doesn't feel strange and disgusting. I don't know what to's a small and dark place, but I feel relieved.


『How worse are Tsuchio´s injuries?』Rin


According to Shadow-san, it seems that many bones are broken and there is minor damage to his internal organs. It seems that healing magic can heal him without aftereffects, but it will take some time. I want to return as soon as possible because there is that golem above, so we heal Tsuchio in this place. Tsuchio is sleeping, but his face is frowning with pain. Well then, I have to tell Ruu that Tsuchio is safe. As it is, the students would be killed by Lime, but if she knows that Tsuchio is safe, then Lime will settle down a little.


『What do you want me to do? Is there something? ...Haa!? Take off Tsuchio´s clothes!? What the hell are you talking about!』Rin


Tsuchio cannot afford to catch a cold, so he shouldn't wear clothes that were drenched in water. Shadow-san says that she is concentrating on the treatment and doesn’t have any room to remove his clothes. I thought that it was only at such a time... that I could remove Tsuchio 's clothes. Shadow-san tells me what to do.


『O, Okay, I'll do it! It's troublesome to take care of Tsuchio who caught a cold!』Rin


I don’t think I want to see a weak Tsuchio catching a cold! Well, Ruu was saddened with lots of things recently...and Tsuchio didn't notice that.


『Th, Then I will remove it...』Rin


I placed my horn on his stomach and split his clothes on top as it is and removed it through his arms. I saw Tsuchio’s deformed torso and felt bad.


『Then, it cannot be helped! It's my first time to see Tsuchio naked! ...He, I also need to remove the clothes underneath!? It, it can not be helped! It's awkward if his body is wet!』Rin


His pants are heavy from being soaked with water and I have to remove it too. That's why I hold the hem of his pants and pull it off quickly. Tsuchio is wearing shorts I really have to take it off? Not good....


Next, I pull off the shorts at once from Tsuchio. I look up at the sky for a while while holding the shorts in my mouth. I saw it, I saw it! I need to forget it… I have to get it out of my head!


『Rin, it's beautiful...these hind legs, really artistic.』 Tsuchio

『Tsuchio...I'm not happy.』Rin

『Rin isn't honest. I'm looking forward to seeing how far it will last.』 Tsuchio

『No way from behind… kya!!!』 Rin


Such a scene was being imagined within Rin´s mind. Of course, Rin was still in her unicorn form.


『What!!! What am I thinking, I!!!』Rin


Shaking my head, I shake off the image I imagined. Wh, what am I thinking in such a state of emergency! It's not like I want to do that! I'm not as naughty as Ruu. This is a love story. Even if Ruu and Lime drown in lust, I would never let that happen to me!


While I was thinking about such a thing, Shadow-san put a blanket on Tsuchio and continued to use healing magic. Even though she should have seen this thing too, why doesn't she think about it? I have never talked about it before. Somehow, I don’t have a problem as I know what I want to say.


After that, I took Tsuchio’s clothes and returned to the top. And the moment I ran up in the air, I felt magic coming from the river. I felt really bad...did demon beasts approach because Tsuchio fell down? Shadow-san has to concentrate on the treatment, so I shall stay a bit longer because of this uneasiness. Although I have to let the others know that we’re safe… it is too dangerous to leave these two alone.


『Shadow-san, demon beasts are approaching. You can't get your hands free, right? I'm going to do it. If we stay here as it is, I think the monsters will come more and more. It's dangerous to stay here for long, therefore just do first aid.』Rin


I can't let Tsuchio get hurt any longer. I'm in trouble if Tsuchio dies, therefore I will keep defending him. If you want to eat Tsuchio so much, be prepared for it!

<Ruu´s POV>


A gigantic golem knocked Tsuchio down the cliff and we can't go to help Tsuchio unless we defeat this guy. Fortunately, only those students are nearby. Since the other students are farther away, we can fight freely if we manage to do it. Only these few students in front are in the way, so we have to hurry.


“Nichrome, move them away before you change your arms. They will get in the way if they are so close." Ruu

“Okay, please attract its attention.” Nichrome

“I can feel that this guy’s body is stone, but the magic of the nucleus cannot be felt. I'm a little concerned, but let's fight for the meantime." Ruu

“That's right. Do you want to strengthen first?” Lime


My fist glows red. If it was a metal golem, this was enough, but...Nichrome said that this was the cause of mass production. This fellow isn't an opponent whom you can be careless with other monsters around. Moreover, because it is necessary to crush him quickly this time, I need to be serious. Because such a demon came out, the practice will end with this. Is it okay to say that I will unleash my full magic?


“Older sister, is your fist ready?” Lime

“You know, we don't have much time, but if we get hurt, then we will have no children. At first, we have to assess its ability." Ruu

“...Well, if we know the location of the nucleus we don’t need to do that." Lime

“There is no use complaining. I will go right, you come from the left, Lime.” Ruu

“At the same time. Either the torso or the head can be considered as the nucleus’ place. The nucleus should have a moderate size because it moves that mass of rock. And, I will not be stingy.” Lime

“Of course, I will also use the worst breath!" Ruu


With that said, Lime and I jump out at the same time and run towards the golem. Nichrome dragged the students at their necks aside. And the golem swung his arm.


I fly into the air and avoid the arm, while Lime retreated once and immediately jumped out again. Then, the Golem swung his other arm. This golem is fast...assistive is gone. A golem is a strong enemy, powerful, sturdy, tiresome and doesn't feel any pain. It is a splendid heavy warrior.


Lime scooped down and quickly stepped in to accelerate, before avoiding it. With just the momentum, she thrust a few blows into the golem's torso. I'm still concentrating on one place, so I'm not sure I can imitate that.


The golem was attacking Lime, so I have some space. I drove an overwhelming blow that added my falling momentum to its head that suddenly dropped down. From the place where the fist hit, a crack was visible. Will it break any moment? I thought it was pretty hard, because my bones seemed to break. When I look at Lime there is also a crack in the place where she hit. Breaking with a few blows of Lime, isn't this huge golem the same as an ordinary stone golem? Because the stone head seems to crack, let's pull a little and see what will happen.


“Older sister, that golem…” Lime

“It's the same as a stone golem...or just bigger? However it doesn't seem like it will break by touch." Ruu

“I agree. The rock has cracks, but the impact wasn't transmitted to the back." Lime


The huge golem's head cracks. Coming out of the rock was a egg-shaped head. The surface has a dull glow reflecting the steel and sunlight, while it has a red monocular stone in the middle. ...Because the stone was stuck to the main body, was it wearing it to mimic the stone golems? Perhaps, it has the same material on its whole body, which will make its body thinner. Even in that state, it was fast for a golem, but if the rock could be totally removed, the movements would be even faster.


“...That body, as it is now, doesn’t have a decent attack." Lime

“I think that's fine. However, it seems to be very hard. It's not a case of fighting...I only want to know what kind of attack we need, but I can't tell it." Ruu

“Thank you for waiting, the shape of the opponent has changed. Did it cover itself with rock?" Nichrome

“Does Nichrome's attack seem to pass through that body?" Ruu

“The attack with the heavy machine gun can be judged to be ineffective. If it's the short-range combat gauntlet, it's a blow, so it's easy." Nichrome

“Well then, shall we fight melee?" Ruu

“Well, let's cut it first. We don't have to wait for Nichrome´s preparation, right?" Lime


Lime's magical power starts to concentrate on her right arm. It is full of killing intent, well I understand that feeling a bit too. Even if Tsuchio isn't here, we are able to operate our magical, we can't operate it freely like Tsuchio! It's only concentration.


The golem is peeling the rocks on his body by hitting its arms against its feet and body. I wonder if the other side will be serious the meantime I also prepare. I concentrate my magical power into both my arms. First of all, I apply the same strengthening magic as I did to my fist. My arms, which emit red light, will change from here. Even when Tsuchio helped me, I had trouble grasping the sense of the moving magic. I think that Tsuchio, who can grasp this naturally, is amazing. He said that he had such a skill by chance, but that's not the only way to control it. To evolve us, we were fighting quite a lot...and that would be the result of it.


My red magical power which covered my whole arms start to deform gradually. Originally, it was like a dragon with both arms humanized, although there are claws and scales, it was able to touch me. My arms completely transformed into dragon arms again. The claws are tighter and sharper and the scales are growing on my back. On the exterior of my arms, a deformed scale blade grows and horn-like spikes poke the heavens from my shoulder. I wonder if I can say that this is a part of a dragon. I don't want Tsuchio to see this appearance so much...because it is scary. The scales are very sharp, untouchable and very muscular....


“You became a heinous figure, elder sister." Lime

“I haven't lost Lime, I guess I will be disillusioned if I'm seen by Tsuchio.” Ruu

“Surely, this figure is fearful for humans. It's just a human appearance, which became a monster." Lime


Lime is a real monster that I cannot defeat. Her right arm where her magical power was concentrated was enlarged and her fist turned into a complete nail. Her entire arm has become a weapon now, while the whole shape is jagged. A person is spurring more horror with its left arm.


“I believe that this figure will also be accepted by father. Father can't refuse me." Lime

“If you think so, I'm happy. Well, this is certainly acceptable. Let's get it done quickly." Ruu

“I know. Let's have this guy a taste of my nail filled with grudge." Lime

The golem also has finished peeling off the rocks on its body and is already in a position to fight. As expected, its body that has been stoned was slurried before. This guy surely got stronger, which is really troublesome. However, we can't spend much time, so I will knock it down with all my power! Wait a second, Tsuchio, I will come to help right away!

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