Monster Musume chapter 93: Imperial Capital

The next day after we came to the Zakurion Empire, we went to the capital with Yukurishisu´s guidance. The neighborhood where there were many aristocratic streets and luxury shops where people gathered are seen from above, while all buildings are shining white. On the contrary, the common town and shopping streets were clumsy. Tyres-san and Toururi-san seem to be working today. Well, I wonder what kind of work they are doing. Yukurishisu said that they will eat dinner together with documents and the nobility… but is that helpful? Or maybe there are orders? Next time I see them, why don't I ask about it.


“Anyway, why does Yukurishisu guide us? Even though you're the empress, can you really guide us?" Tsuchio

“I remember the time when I slipped out in the past. The town hasn't changed much, so it is all right." Yukurishisu


It is natural for Yukurishisu to change her appearance with magic. It seems that she came in front of the people only a few times, but some people may remember. She is the empress, so she should be careful.


“Apart from that, are you alright Tsuchio? You're not feeling sick, or?" Yukurishisu

“No, there is no problem.... Why do you ask?” Tsuchio

“Well, there are only demons around. For humans, they are all enemies. Are not you scared?" Yukurishisu


I knew it before I came here… but after all, it is a demon country. People who are walking along the streets, parents who are standing before stores and soldiers patrolling the town. Everyone was a demon. Some have a human form and others have their beast form.


“I'm not afraid, because there is no hostility. And it's different because of the facial expressions." Tsuchio


Emotions can be seen on their faces. It was a lot different from monsters who act instinctively and it was rude to compare them.


“That's good, then." Yukurishisu

“Even so… after leaving the castle, this is a dramatic sight." Tsuchio

“A demon with a perfect human form is unusual, because only higher demons can be a perfect human type. There are demons who have a human form from the beginning, but those people are reasonably strong as well." Yukurishisu

“Hee… well, what kind of demon is Yukurishisu?" Tsuchio


Yukurishisu is a human type, who is a royal and is powerful enough to become the empress. There is no doubt that she is a remarkably high demon, however there is no big feature in her appearance.... Why?


“Speaking of which, I haven't told you yet. I'm a vampire.” Yukurishisu

“A vampire... but Tyres-san and Toururi-san are giants?”

“In the royal family, half siblings are normal. Tyres and Toururi are blood-related siblings.” Yukurishisu


If a giant becomes a vampire, he would be very strong even among the demons that are in the same classification as dragons. As expected of the royal family, they have good blood veins.


“Perhaps your older brother is a dragon?" Tsuchio


The ancient Great was before the empire and each race fought against each other. Something like a Warring States era.


“Hundreds of years ago when the empire wasn't founded, this was a big cove. That was blown into a bowl shape during the great war." Yukurishisu

“How was the cove blown off?" Tsuchio

“Well, this is a story told by my parents, so I don't really know. However, in the story, I heard that the breath of a dragon and the magic of a powerful demon collided against each other and caused an explosion. It seems that the soil which was blown away at that time was accumulated around the mortar and became the origin of that wall. Thanks to that wall, water came out of the ocean, where there was only a big depression and the empire could be founded. The royal capital is in the middle of a mortar." Yukurishisu


The castle is in the center of a crater that seems to have several large towers connected, unlike the kingdom. The bottom part is a solid building, but as you go up it is divided into towers.


“Is it okay to be in the center of a mortar? If it rains, the water will flow toward the royal castle..." Tsuchio

“Many waterways are stretched in the basement of the capital. Rainwater flows through the waterways and flows to the sea. The town is a mess, but public health is solid. We're in trouble if infectious diseases become prevalent." Yukurishisu


Well, underground waterways. It is possible to make such things with magic… which is pretty good progress.


“There are waterways in all big cities in the empire. If there is no sea, they will sink into a river or lake." Yukurishisu

“A waterway in the basement, the empire is really amazing. The kingdom cannot win." Tsuchio

“That's a different story. Even though the empire is certainly superior in magic, there are things that can't be overcome against the kingdoms and humans." Yukurishisu

“Really… the performance of individuals is quite inevitable, and we humans would be defeated by magic, so you would surely win.” Tsuchio

“It is not so easy. Because each person is very strong, the coordination in military units don't go well." Yukurishisu


Really? When I fought at the fortress, goblins and other demons fought in groups....


“Well, goblins and other weak individuals are good at battle in groups. But it is only with family members they follow cooperation. They cannot fight with other tribes well together." Yukurishisu

“Well, a weak race is a drag for a strong race. It's a weakness unique for a multiracial nation." Tsuchio

“In that respect, human strategy is excellent. I think that if you can imitate even a sufficient one on one, I think that it will lead to a considerable strengthening...but I can't accept it internally." Yukurishisu


Well, what do I think? Even if a demon imitates a human, it is doubtful whether it will work well. I think they need to think about strategy and collaboration.


“Well, let's forget such a story and enjoy the sightseeing of the imperial capital. Yukurishisu took a day off for it." Tsuchio

“That's right! Well then, Tsuchio, I will take you to where you want to go! What kind of place would you like to see?" Yukurishisu


We follow Yukurishisu and step into the crowd in the street. I wonder if there are paper specialized shops...there is a demand for magic, so there should be a good one. Well, we will visit other cities as well. Therefore, let's not hurry up and believe that we should be able to find it by the time we go home.

“The imperial capital was amazing. Especially the magic shops, they sold cheap magical tools which don't even exist in the kingdom." Tsuchio

“We develop magical tools that can be use to live normally in our country. Even if the capital has been the most popular so far, most magical cities have these kind of things in their homes." Yukurishisu

“If you open a shop in the kingdom too, then you would sell very well. Speaking of the so-called magical city, I was told that the paper I bought at that specialty shop was made from grass cultivated in a magical city." Tsuchio

“Oh, that's expensive paper. You cashed in with coins of the kingdom, was the empire money not enough?” Yukurishisu

“Somehow. But I only bought a little, because I want to go to the magic city and buy it directly. It is cheaper than buying in the capital, because there is no transportation fee involved." Tsuchio

“We will definitely go to a magical city as well." Yukurishisu

“That's good. Or, even if I have money from the kingdom, why did you pay for it? I am really thankful for this..." Tsuchio

“The next time I go to the kingdom, I won't have any money. I had a little, but everything ended up into Wo-kun´s belly." Yukurishisu

“Yes, while walking around, I ate a lot. That snack was delicious, too” Wo-kun

“It is my favorite. Melt flour with water and bake it with eggs and ingredients. It has outstanding compatibility with hot sauce!" Tsuchio


Before the evening, we returned to the royal castle. On the way, we found a shop selling materials for making magical tools and bought paper for magical tools sold there. It isn't much, but it seems to be able to tolerate far more magical power than high class paper. I showed it to the shopkeeper and confirmed it, so there is no doubt. The overlap limit was two pentagrams, but now we could lay even more pentagrams. Well, my magical power isn't so much, but...there is no loss in making it. Later, I will probably rebuild the rock snakes and the hornets. Since I can use more magical power than before, I can increase their function. As expected, it becomes very exciting when I think about such things. It's exquisite to make it.


“Oh, it is elder sister and Tsuchio. Have you already come back?" Tyres

“Oh Tyres, have you finished your work?" Yukurishisu

“Because sister took a rest, we finished the big ones. We only handled those that were fine. It wasn't that much." Tyres


On the way back to Yukurishisu´s private chamber, we met Tyres-san and Toururi-san who finished their work in the hallway. Are they also involved in the work of the country?


“What kind of work do the two of you do?" Tsuchio

“We're my sister's assistants. When my busy elder sister can't do it, we become her substitute in that matter.” Tyres

“You two may become emperors in the future. You'd better get used to it now." Yukurishisu

“Eh, won't the next emperor be Yukurishisu's child..." Tsuchio

“I'm a vampire, we rarely get a child." Yukurishisu


Because vampires bite humans to suck blood, isn't it necessary to make children? Or is Yukurishisu another original demon? Or, what kind of demons were her parents?


“Then, Yukurishisu was bitten by a vampire?" Tsuchio


Yukurishisu might be strong, but there is still a top.... How much strength does the highest-ranked vampire have? It's unimaginable.


“There is still time until dinner...shall we move our bodies for a while?" Tyres

“That's right, you have worked all this time. Shall we do it here? If you don't mind, do you want to join Tsuchio? You won't have much opportunities to do a mock battle with demons like us." Yukurishisu


A mock battle with Yukurishisu...I have never fought with anything other than my familiars or devil beasts. Nichrome would also like to get data, that's why there is no reason to refuse.


“Then, please.” Tsuchio

“Then I will join too. Fighting a human in a 1 vs 1 mock battle seems interesting." Toururi


Toururi, who kept silent for a while since we met, glared at me and said that. 1 vs 1...why does she show her fists? In that case, my head is going to be blown off by one hit.


“I'm a talisman art user, therefore I'm not good at 1 vs 1. However, let's do it.” Tsuchio

“Don't make excuses when you lose." Toururi

“Of course, you'll be challenged from the front fair and square." Tsuchio

“It's a shame to give up from the beginning." Toururi


Very harsh.... I think it's because I'm human, but what is said so far, I'm going to lose silently. Even if I don't win, I will give my best.

We head towards the training ground in the castle. Several Knights trained inside, but as soon as they saw us, they cleaned up and left. Well, if three royals are available, they will run barefoot.


“Older sister, Tyres. Don't intercept." Toururi

“Shadow-san, you're also waiting this time, it's a mock battle so it's fine." Tsuchio


Toururi-san has a large axe with a single blade with a length of 3 meters in her hand. Because the blade is crushed, it is a hammer rather than an axe. Well, in my case it doesn't matter.


“I don't mind about Tsuchio fighting alone. However, even though it is a mock battle, you won't just escape by receiving minor injuries with Toururi-san as opponent." Ruu

“I am worried, but Tsuchio will do it. I respect your decision."

“Even if you don't like it, he won't be killed. Besides, there is Lime..."


I, who is preparing for the mock battle, is approached by Lime. When she arrived at my side, she took something out of her body and handed it to me.


“It is a mock battle and this time my opponent is Toururi-san. It's only a mock battle.” Tsuchio

“...Mock battle. You won't be killed or injured badly. However there is still a huge difference in your abilities." Lime

“Do you think she will wipe the floor with me only because of her height?" Tsuchio

“Father, a battle is a battle, even if it is a mock battle. In case of emergency, please take this." Lime

“What is's pretty heavy, this can’t be kept in my pocket." Tsuchio


It is a silver lump on the palm, but contrary to its appearance, there is a good weight. You might get out if you put it in your pocket.


“In that case, you should swallow it! Now, go, go!" Lime

“Eh, you want me to swallow it!?” Tsuchio


Suddenly, the lump flew out of my palm and stuck into my face. It crawled into my mouth shortly and went down my throat while rampaging.


“Haaaaa.... My body is inside father...finally..." Lime

“Geho geho! This is harmless, isn't it? It isn't any of your poison?" Tsuchio

“I'm not going to do that to father. If medicine is too old, it becomes poisonous and vice versa." Lime

“No, I don't know what it is. Uwaa, something's spreading!” Tsuchio

“Uhuhuhu, you are pregnant for a while. It's a rare experience." Lime


Lime's body that came into my belly shrinked as soon as I thought it was inflated. Even if I look around as usual, there is no discomfort.


“What did you really do..." Tsuchio

“It is an insurance for emergency, but I guess this is enough for the time being. I would like to enter more into father, if possible, but... it would be on another occasion" Lime


I don't want this to happen again.... However, what was this pink lump, Lime is silver.


“If you are ready, let's start quickly. I'll crush you thoroughly.” Toururi-san

“Such lines suit you...let's start." Tsuchio

I'm without my familiars and I'm only a normal person from a different world. I will challenge with the intention of training with a stronger opponent!

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