Monster Refining System

Chapter 1105: puppet


The words "Central System" passed into the ears of the Lord of Ice, and the Lord of Ice was full of dizziness in his head.

The sound of inhaling cold breath came directly from his body.

He comes from the third universe.

The term "central system" is even more familiar.

The system is already rare.

And the central system is even more rare than the ordinary system, how many times it is rare!


There is a saying from the outside world.

Among the systems, the central system is the king, while the ordinary systems are their subjects.

No matter where the ranking is, the ordinary system is not as valuable as the central system.

the reason is simple……

The central system has its own intelligence...


Only if you have a central system can you have multiple systems at the same time.

Be able to……

Reach the qualifications and conditions to enter the ancestral realm with ten major systems!

And in the cognition of the Lord of Ice.


In his impression.

Only those strong in the ancestral realm have the central system in their bodies.


The Xia Fukun in front of him, but in the realm of quasi-god, how can he have a central system? !

The Lord of Ice is full of disbelief!

"No, it's impossible!"

The Lord of Ice shook his head frantically.

"How can the central system be born in this garbage universe, and the central system will be bound to such a low-level person? Don't be kidding!"

Hear the words of the Lord of Ice.

Bliss System glanced at the opponent.

"If you don't believe me, it can only show that you are uneducated and knowledgeless."

"I originally thought that the main realm of the Third Universe is so amazing. After all, they are homophonic with the ancestral realm, but, I didn't expect it, it's nothing more than that. Haha..."

"It's just a frog at the bottom of the well."

"Originally, I was going to let you provide Xia Fukun with a little energy, but now it seems that the energy in your remnant soul is not much. Moreover, Xia Fukun has smashed me for a little refining point, then you will compensate All right……"

The voice of the Bliss system fell.

The fiery sea of ​​fire directly surrounded the body of the Lord of Ice.

Actually speaking...

in case……

The Lord of the Ice is not arrogant and does not feel confident that if he enters Xia Fukun’s body directly, he can take away Xia Fukun, then, maybe, the Bliss system really has no way to wipe him so easily. Get rid of.

After all, although he is just a remnant soul, at any rate the deity is the supreme powerhouse in the realm of gods!


Just like the world of the ice system, space is the territory of the lord of ice.

In Xia Fukun's body, too...

The site of the Bliss System!

In the opponent's territory, clamor with the opponent.

Not to mention, this opponent still has a hole card that he could not imagine.

The Lord of Ice did not lose to the Bliss System, nor did it lose to Xia Fukun, but instead lost to his own self-confidence.

That one is so self-confident.

It was also when the fiery sea of ​​fire swept all over, and gradually narrowed its scope.

At the place where the Lord of Ice was, there was not even a scream, only a white smoke floated up, and the aura of the remnant soul of the Lord of Ice completely dissipated in this world.

And Xia Fukun's severe headache was also relieved a lot at this moment.


Xia Fukun breathed a sigh of relief.

"It will take some time for the ice system to be refined. After all, it comes from the third universe. I am not particularly familiar with it. However, I feel that if the ice system is refined, you should be able to give yourself Add some life-saving assurance. After all, people in this universe shouldn't know the existence of the ice system, nor the characteristics of that ice system."


Xia Fukun nodded.

In fact, this is why when he knew that the ice system might be at the bottom of the glacier, he had to come down so hard to see if there really is a system here.

the reason is simple.

There are ten systems in the thirty-two universes Xia Fukun is in.

Those powerhouses in the realm of the gods, in fact, have a general understanding of each other's systems.

If you want to be surprised, you can only come up with something new.

And this ice system is the new thing that suddenly appeared. Also, Xia Fukun's life-saving hole card.

Even this ice system will play a certain role against Nabirus in the future.

Of course, these are also Xia Fukun's thoughts.

After all, Nabirus was a monster ancestor realm powerhouse that even the gang leader's father said was not his opponent.

Xia Fukun is now considering the matter of fighting against each other, and it is true that he thinks too far, and thinks too early.

"However, except for the remnant soul and the ice system."

"I have also collected the body of the Lord of Ice, Brother Lian, do you think this body has any effect? ​​Can it be refined?"

Upon hearing Xia Fukun's words, the Bliss System couldn't help but roll his eyes and said to Xia Fukun:

"Hehe, why do you think everything can be refined? According to your idea, is it possible that those humans who are lower than you and weaker than you can become refining points? This is not OK!"

"The body of the Lord of Ice can't be refined. And even if it can be refined, your current level can't refine the body of a strong man in the realm of the gods? You are too high."


Xia Fukun gave a wry smile.

So after a long time, Xia Fukun felt that the body of the Lord of Ice, which was very precious, had no effect?

Fortunately, he is still a physical body in the realm of the gods, but he didn't expect it to be of no use at all!

"However, I can't say that it's useless at all..."

The Bliss system signaled Xia Fukun to release the body of the Lord of Ice.

After releasing it, he glanced at the body of the Lord of Ice.


"Do you want a puppet in the realm of the gods?"

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