Monster Refining System

Chapter 1108: That man

This time, Xia Fukun did not procrastinate.

The palm stretched out. Clenched a fist in the void, almost at the same time, the old Xing people did not even scream. Directly in this space, it turns into a little bit of fluorescence and dissipates.


"Really a good thing..."

Xia Fukun glanced at his outstretched palm and couldn't help but smile.

His current strength, even if the power of this quasi-god realm expires, he falls back to the realm of the **** emperor, and he can be fearless when encountering the strong gods such as the ghost.

Although this old star and the others came from the Third Universe, their strength was incomparable with that of the Lord of Ice. They were easily obliterated by Xia Fukun, but it was normal.

And after solving the old star and others.

Xia Fukun was planning to leave this ghost place.

After all, the surrounding glaciers have already begun to crack.

But he pondered for a while, and it seemed unnecessary.

Anyway, it will take a while for the bliss system to refine the puppet of the Heavenly God Realm, and during this time, he can consolidate his cultivation.

After arriving in the realm of the **** emperor, he had not yet consolidated his cultivation.

Just like the previous bliss system said, when the strength reaches a certain height, it is actually difficult to improve.

However, why there are still strong and weak points at the same height? That is because, before, the basic cultivation level was not solid enough.

Although Xia Fukun had reached the realm of the **** emperor now, for the real powerhouse, the realm of the **** emperor was actually just a threshold.

Therefore, at this time Xia Fukun came to consolidate his cultivation, but he still had time...

He glanced around.

Although the surrounding glaciers are gradually melting, it will take some time to melt them all.

And the cold weather on this day is also suitable to cover up his breath. After all, this is the first domain, and Xia Fukun also wanted to keep a low profile. Otherwise, before he went to the great palace, he was first discovered by the powerhouse of the gods in the great palace, and that was the real embarrassment.

After setting up an enchantment around him, Xia Fukun turned around and came to an ice castle.

Then, sit down cross-legged.

On the body, the power of more than a dozen bloodlines slowly floated out of the body...

Immediately after--

The pseudo-barbarians, misty magic, and the ultimate freedom of freedom, etc., are all exported from his body...

The bliss system said before that more than three types of great celestial skills can be merged into genius skills.

Although Xia Fukun does not yet have three great celestial skills, when the ice system is completely refined by the bliss system, Xia Fukun can acquire the great celestial skills of the ice system. In this way, Xia Fukun can also acquire a set of his own magic skills...

Xia Fukun possesses the great celestial skill, so he knows the power of this great celestial skill. And that sacred skill was one level higher than the great celestial skill, and its power naturally didn't need to be described too much.


Xia Fukun was already seated.

Including the battle soul, the holy eye, etc., all floating out of Xia Fukun's body at this moment...

And although Xia Fukun had placed a barrier around him, but at this moment--

The heaven and earth of this first domain are all echoing each other following the small Zhoutian that Xia Fukun revolves.

The Great Shrine...

"what's the situation……"

Feel the changes between this world.

Palace Master Yunliao couldn't help taking a deep breath.

To tell the truth, he rarely encountered this situation. Even in his heyday, when he was running that misty magic, he would at best echo the world. However, there is no way to do this. Let the world follow. Echoing myself...

"This breath seems to be familiar..."

Despite the concealment of the enchantment and the surrounding terrain. However, Xia Fukun's breath still erratic to some extent.

"That kid..."

"It seems that there is another chance..."

In the blessing...

The gang leader's father looked towards the direction of the first domain, his lips moved slightly, and he murmured.

And in that fifth domain.

Xia Xia was also at this moment, couldn't help but look back and glanced at the direction of the first domain.

Although his perception is not as clear as that of the master father and the Yunliao palace master, it is because Xia Fukun's blood is flowing in his body. Therefore, at this moment, his feeling is also very strong.

"That man... is stronger again..."

Xia Xia couldn't resist a wry smile.

He is cultivating continuously and desperately. Just want to surpass that man.

Then, one day, you can stand in front of that man, or beat that man.

Then, tell the man...

I, summer, is not the child in your eyes.

I don't need you to stand in front of me and carry all the suffering on my shoulders.

My shoulders in summer can also move this world...


When Xia Xia followed the helper father to practice for a period of time, he felt that his strength was skyrocketing, and even felt that he might have surpassed that man. He looked back and found that the man was already unconsciously. In, and overtaken again...


Two words came from that summer's mouth lightly. At this moment, that summer's expression was very complicated. And if Xia Fukun was there, he would be extremely excited when he heard the two words spit out in that summer's mouth. Because he has never heard summer calling his father.

in fact……

Many family affections are like this.

One does not speak, the other does not speak.

Although they have each other in their hearts, when they are really together, they are like enemies.

However, only they know each other, and they care about each other. If an enemy appears, they will still fight side by side in the first time...

The first domain...

In a month's time, I walked quietly...

Xia Fukun didn't know that during the month of her retreat.

What happened to the outside world.

I don't even know how much attention my own cultivation has attracted.

However, because of the enchantment he arranged and the influence of the surrounding terrain and topography, even the Yunliao Palace Master and others in the Great Shrine in the first realm did not notice it. This let them Where did the frightened breath come from? Where did it come from...

And in a dry well in a remote village in the first domain...

"Has the system buried in that iceberg been discovered..."

A imaginary figure flickered in the darkness.

Immediately, as if a thunder whip was pumping on the illusory figure, the illusory figure in the dark twitched its body abruptly.

Immediately, the fangs at the corners of the mouth were exposed.

"Damn it, give me another hundred years. I want this **** thirty-two universes to pay for my suffering over the years..."

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