Monster Refining System

Chapter 1111: Was found


Yang Yang was still sitting cross-legged in his seat.

Inexplicably, his brow furrowed slightly.

Immediately after--

The face of the bliss **** appeared half of his face.

"Yunliao and the others are here."

Yang Yang squinted his eyes when he heard the words of the blissful god.

"I feel their breath too."

"It seems that there is more than one celestial realm here."

Hearing Yang Yang's words, the God of Bliss gave a wry smile:

"This time, I'm dragging you down."

"Hehe, we have been in friendship for hundreds of millions of years. If you say this, don't you just see it?"

Yang Yang stood up from his seat.

"It doesn't matter to me, so many reincarnations are just to fit you to a greater degree. I have already put life and death out of the picture. But with so many disciples in the Yangdian, I am afraid that with that Yunliao's mind, I will not Let them go..."

"At this time, if you want to disperse them, I'm afraid it will be too late."

The bliss **** gave a wry smile. Speaking helplessly.


"The power is life and death..."

Yang Yang glanced out the window.

over there.

The breath of the three heavenly gods is getting closer...

On the other side...

Another corner of the first domain.


The place where the strong aura radiated from before.

A thin figure slowly opened his eyes.

"The puppet refined by the body of the Lord of Ice, with your current strength, can drive about three hours, and if it exceeds three hours, it will automatically return to your body."

"Moreover, this puppet is different from the summoned beasts previously refined for you. If it is destroyed, it will really be destroyed. It will not be restored again after a period of cooling."


Xia Fukun nodded.

At this moment, he seemed to have an extra astrolabe in his mind.

And that astrolabe is the control astrolabe of the contract puppet.


In front of Xia Fukun.

A figure of an old man in plain clothes slowly floated.

The old man's body exudes bursts of rotten aura, but in his body, he can't feel any energy fluctuations. Moreover, in his eye sockets, they were empty, and looked a little frightening.

"Forget it, you should close your eyes first..."

Xia Fukun was a little embarrassed with a touch of the eyes of the puppet made from the body of the Lord of Ice.

Suddenly, the puppet's eyelids closed.

"Anyway, you can also be aware of the outside world. From now on, try not to open your eyes. Otherwise, it will be too scary..."


If it weren't for lack of intelligence, this puppet would have to teach Xia Fukun well. What does it mean that opening eyes is too scary?

"In addition, I have thoroughly refined the Frost Ice System. You should feel that the Frost Ice System has brought you benefits, right?"

Xia Fukun smiled and nodded when he heard the words of the Bliss system.

At this moment, his strength had already reached the realm of the Great Perfection in the late Divine Emperor after the ice system was refined.


The power of the galaxy in his body, in terms of length, has also caught up with the length of the power of the galaxy previously displayed by the Master Tsing Yi.

Xia Fukun even wondered if he had reached the realm of the gods that day, would the length of his galaxy power surpass that group of master fathers.

Of course, this is also Xia Fukun's casual thinking. That group of master fathers, after all, are strong in the ancestral realm, it may be unrealistic to surpass that group of master fathers, but it is for sure to surpass the Yunliao Palace Master.

Moreover, now that Xia Fukun has the ice system in his body, he can clearly feel that between his own gestures, everything can be frozen within a hundred miles...

"Brother Lian, what you said earlier, that magical skill..."

After the Bliss System successfully refined the Frost System, Xia Fukun began to count on that magical skill.

After all, according to the previous statement of the Bliss system, that god-level skill, I am afraid, only the strong of the ancestral realm can have it. After all, only the strong ancestors can have multiple systems.

And if you have that god-level skill ahead of time, can you sling other powerhouses in the Celestial Realm?

"Hehe, do you think I am a robot? Don't I need to rest? I'll talk about it later!"

After the bliss system finished speaking, he returned directly to Xia Fukun's body.

Xia Fukun: "..."

After a little embarrassment, Xia Fukun was just about to leave.

Suddenly, he noticed that in the cloud not far behind him, there seemed to be a pair of eyes, observing himself in secret.

Xia Fukun grinned.

"It's all here, why do you want to sneak in, be a thief?"

After a sneer, Xia Fukun's figure suddenly disappeared.

It was also watching that Xia Fukun's figure disappear.

The figure in the cloud exclaimed.

"Fuck, trough! Where did you go?"

Looking at the place where Xia Fukun disappeared with a bit of astonishment, the figure was still searching around, and suddenly he felt a forty-two size shoe print on his face.


The figure in the mist was confused.

Is that Xia Fukun?


Isn't it that Xia Fukun is just a strong man in the realm of God Emperor?

When will a strong man in the realm of **** emperor be so fast that he can't detect it in a strong man in the realm of heaven?

Not bad...

This secretly observing Xia Fukun's figure was the ghost sent by the Yunliao Palace Master.

The reason for not attacking Xia Fukun in the first place is simple.

This Gui Luo wanted to see Xia Fukun's strength first, and secondly, he would take a look at the surroundings to see if there was a breath of helper father. If the leader's father was around, then he wouldn't dare to shoot Xia Fukun to death. The reason is simple. Isn't this looking for death?

"How did you find me? And, why are you so fast?"

Gui Luo was kicked by Xia Fukun, and after he stopped embarrassingly in the air, he frowned and asked Xia Fukun.

"Hehe, you have a lot of questions. How about Yun Liao, why don't you dare to come here in person?"

Xia Fukun grinned and asked the ghost.

"Boss-spoken junior, palace lord, can you actually be blunt?"

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