Monster Refining System

Chapter 1115: The result you want?

"Let's see! You also said that if the little fairy can tell Mr. Kun, we will go back. Mr. Kun, who has a temper, is very scary!"

Behind a big tree not far from Xia Fukun.

Wu Jiecao and Long Aotian were whispering, and they saw the scene where Xia Fukun kicked the little fairy just now.

Originally, both of them wanted to follow Xia Fukun.

Although both of them are masters in the realm of gods, in the land of the first domain, to be honest, the realm of gods is everywhere. Wherever he goes, it is God’s envoy and king. These two got married in Xia Fukun's space bracelet.

I originally thought that following Xia Fukun, I could get a great opportunity.

But seeing Xia Fukun like this, it seemed that he was determined to drive them away.

No way, they can't follow Xia Fukun stubbornly!

"Hey, I don't know what Kun is always thinking about, wouldn't it be the same as putting us in the space bracelet? Anyway, we won't be in any danger..."

Long Aotian gave a wry smile, he still wanted to follow Xia Fukun.

Although his strength is not very good, he is extremely accurate.

He could see that this Xia Fukun would become a great weapon in the future!

So I want to follow Xia Fukun and be a horse boy for Xia Fukun.

Although he couldn't help Xia Fukun much, it was not a problem to serve tea or water.

"I still wanted to be a pony for Mr. Kun..."

Long Aotian smiled bitterly at Wu Jiecao.

"Hehe, you just have that ambition!"

That Wu Jicao mocked Long Aotian.

"Otherwise? How about you?"

"I was going to be a book boy for Mr. Kun..."

Long Aotian: "..."

Xia Fukun had actually discovered Long Aotian and Wu Jiecao, but he didn't pay attention to the two of them, and with a touch of the soles of his feet, he went directly to the Yangdian...

It was also when Xia Fukun was getting closer and closer to Nayang Temple.


At this moment, the Yangdian, almost all the buildings, have been dumped down.

The disciples in the Yang Palace suffered countless deaths and injuries.

Tens of thousands of disciples, at this moment, can keep standing, and there are still less than one percent of the power to fight.

On the ground, blood flows into a river.

The smell of blood was everywhere in the air.

There is no other reason...

Caused all this causally.

Just because of the three figures floating in the sky at this moment.

"Palace Master Yunliao, you really are getting alive and going back."

"Now, are you starting to attack these ordinary disciples?"

That Yang Yang's body was also floating in the air at the moment, facing the three people on the opposite side.

At this moment, he frowned.

"Hehe, Yang Yang, you don't need to talk about it."

"I've already said it just now."

"Hand over the Bliss System."


"Every minute, I will kill a hundred disciples in your Yangdian."

"At this moment, your Yang Temple is still alive. It is estimated that there are fewer than a few hundred people, right?"

"If you don't want you to be the Queen of the Yang Palace, just hand over the Bliss system honestly."

The Yunliao Palace Master looked at Yang Yang and smiled coldly.

"I know, you should have some hole cards to escape. But if you are willing to watch these disciples under your door fall, then you run."

The Yunliao Palace Master stroked the streamer in the cuff, sneered and said to Yang Yang.

"Hall Lord! You go first, we will hold you time!"

Below that Yang Yang, the **** Li Kui and the remaining disciples and elders of the Yang Temple stopped in front of Yang Yang, looking dead.

There is no fear of death on the faces of the people in these Yangdians.

in fact--

Before joining Yangdian, they had already thought that there would be such a day.

It’s just that I never thought that the people from this great palace would come so quickly, and the Yunliao Palace Master would be so impatient.

"A bunch of fools."

Yang Yang's eyes turned red unconsciously.

He looked at the Yangdian disciples and elders who stood a little unstable in front of him.

"Have I ever said..."

"You want to protect me?"

Yang Yang looked at the three Yunliao Palace Masters in front of him.

"and so--"

"Are you not going to let go of the remaining disciples in my Yang Palace?"

The Yunliao Palace Master laughed when he heard Yang Yang's words.

"Why, do you think you still have the capital to negotiate with us?"

"I know, you have that bliss system."


"The bliss system can't save you either."

"We have three powerhouses in the realm of gods. Do you think that a mere bliss system can make you one enemy three?"

The voice of Palace Master Yunliao was full of arrogance, but he had to admit it.

It is true that the ordinary strong man in the realm of the gods is difficult to achieve one enemy three.

"it is good."

Yang Yang nodded.

Looking at the group of Yangdian disciples who were about to stop in front of him.

"I don't regret taking you."


"Some grievances, it's time to end it."

When Yang Yang's voice fell.

The facial features on his face began to distort.

"Something to pretend to be a ghost."

"Since you refuse to hand over the Bliss system, then go to death!"

The Yunliao Palace Master sneered, stretched out his palm, and almost instantly, in his cuff, a streamer flew towards Yang Yang.

It's also this time--

Then Yang Yang, the corner of his mouth quietly raised.

Immediately after--

His body showed an irregular movement, which turned out to be directly avoiding the blow of the Yunliao Palace Master.


Palace Master Yunliao glanced at Yang Yang.

It's also this time--

His expression started to panic.

Not only him, but also the dog and Zhong Jieyi's two gods of the Great Shrine beside him, at this moment, their faces are also full of astonishment.

the reason is simple……

Because at this moment--

Yang Yang in front of them, above his face.

Two faces appeared.

Half, it was Yang Yang.

There is another half...

They will never forget it anyway...

That is--

Originally, another Heavenly God Realm powerhouse in the Great Shrine...

Between this world, disappeared for hundreds of millions of years...

Bliss God!

"Tsk tsk."

"Meeting old acquaintances, but looking at your expressions, it seems that you don't miss me so much?"

There was a strange voice from Yang Yang's mouth.

He glanced at the **** Li Kui and others on the ground.

With a casual wave of the palm, Li Kui and others were put into the space container by him.

"What you have done is enough."

"Originally, I didn't want to expose my identity prematurely, but there was no way. The gangsters in the Grand Shrine were too pressing."

"and so--"

Yang Yang, no, it should be said that Yang Yang at this moment is already a composite of Yang Yang and the Heavenly God of Bliss.

"This is the result you want, isn't it?"

Yang Yang grinned, throwing away the three of the Yunliao Palace Masters who were already blank and surprised in front of them, and asked with a light smile.

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