Monster Refining System

Chapter 1153: Lingjian Mountain

The seventh domain...

Here, the seventeen domains where Xia Fukun was previously, are actually very close to some extent.

And at the moment.

At the pinnacle of this seventh domain.

On the top of the mountain called Lingjian Mountain.

Sword Qi lingers.

A figure floated in that sword qi.

Be like a sword.

Around his body, densely packed flying swords were spinning and circling around his body.

Accompanied by his breathing, and ups and downs.

It feels like you are worshipping him.

This person is what Xia Fukun is looking for.

That is, the head teacher of Lingjian Mountain...

The master of the Ten Thousand Sword System.

Wan Jian...

Yes, Wan Jian's name is very uninteresting, but he is indeed called by this name, and there is no way.

And it is different from the Lord of the Hall of Souls, the Sanshui ancestors of the Sanshui Gate and others.

The master of Lingjian Mountain teaches Wanjian. I usually don't like to manage these worldly things.

He is a sword idiot.

Usually, I like to study some kendo.

This is why.

The reason why he was able to obtain this ten thousand sword system.

This system, each one, is not available casually.

Or because of people, or because of chance. Can be obtained.

And these ten thousand swords, because they are addicted to kendo and can't extricate themselves, so they obtained this ten thousand swords system.

And at the moment.

Under this mountain.

Several silhouettes are standing here anxiously.

"The deputy head teacher, do you say, when will the head teacher leave? The news that the Fu Linmen is no longer there must be told to the head teacher, what if this big shrine Shi Lezhi attacks us or something? Isn't it embarrassing?"

Several people are whispering conversations.

And the middle-aged man called the deputy head teacher squinted his eyes.

On the splendid cheongsam he wore, the word "thousand" was engraved.

This thousand does not represent the old thousand.

It represents Qianjian.

That's right, the names of some high-level people in Lingjian Mountain are very careless.

This Master Ten Thousand Swords and Deputy Master Thousand Swords were actually considered good among the crowd.

In addition to them, there are some elders in this Spirit Sword Mountain.

It's called Eight Hundred Swords, Seven Hundred Swords, Six Hundred and Sixty-Six Swords...That name sounds embarrassing.

At this moment, after this Qianjian frowned, he said:

"Then what should I do? According to the character of Master Chief Master, if you and I wake him up from the retreat in advance, maybe he can kill us!"

"Hahaha...Yes, the head teacher is so irritable, then, wait for the head teacher to leave the pass?"

"That's the only way!"

After a few people exchanged, they made a decision, and soon left.

What they didn't find was.

After they left.

A figure with **** resting on his forehead appeared in front of the summit of Lingjian Mountain.

This figure, before and after appearing on the top of the mountain, looked around in a circle.

"Oh, is this the seventh domain? Lingjian Mountain... I didn't expect it to be a long, sword-like towering mountain..."

This figure is Xia Fukun.

At this moment, in front of Xia Fukun, the shape of Lingjian Mountain was indeed like a giant sword.

It is worth mentioning that the shape of the Lingjian Mountain was not carved in later stages. It's just as long as it is. This is also the reason why the Palm Church of Spirit Sword Mountain chose this place as their entrenched place of Spirit Sword Mountain.

In this seventh domain, there are also many nebula powers that are more majestic than this Lingjian Mountain, but there is no way, those places, these ten thousand swords are not pleasing to the eye...

He likes it hard to buy a daughter. Therefore, he chose this place as the base camp of Spirit Sword Mountain...

It was also after Xia Fukun appeared.

That Wan Jian had actually discovered Xia Fukun.

the reason is simple.

The aura that exudes from Xia Fukun's body is the realm of the gods. This Xia Fukun did not deliberately cover up his breath.

So, after being discovered.

The rotating flying swords beside the most majestic sword aura in the mountain flew directly towards Xia Fukun.

Looking at the densely packed with at least tens of thousands of flying swords, Xia Fukun couldn't help taking a deep breath.

The power in these flying swords is actually not particularly strong, and if they are crushed, they will be able to make a sword for a child in the realm of gods.

However, the number of opponents is too much!

These tens of thousands of flying swords came towards Xia Fukun, and Xia Fukun swallowed.

Immediately, the palm of the hand was printed.


A word appeared from his mouth.


The temperature of the entire Lingjian Mountain suddenly dropped.

Then, a little frost accumulated on the flying swords that flew towards Xia Fukun.

Immediately afterwards.

Those flying swords, as if they had lost their target, fell straight from the sky.

Upon seeing this, a soft voice came out from the substantial sword aura.

It was also at this moment that the flying swords that fell to the ground trembled suddenly. Shake off the frost covering the body surface. Then, he floated to the side of Jian Qi again.

Seeing this, Xia Fukun couldn't help but squinted his eyes.

Make sense.

Originally Xia Fukun thought.

Among the three powers in the second, fifth, and seventh domains, the powerhouses of the Celestial God Realm.

It should be the weakest of this seventh domain.

But in fact, the ancestor Wan Jian of Lingjian Mountain gave Xia Fukun the most dangerous feeling!

"Zhongtian God Realm..."

Xia Fukun narrowed his eyes.

The previous Sanshui ancestors and the hall masters of the soul hall were all in the realm of Xiaotian.

But these ten thousand swords are in the realm of Zhongtian God...

It seems that these people who always think about benefits and power are indeed very different from those who are obsessed with kendo and who are all about cultivation.

Even, to a certain extent, they have already been distanced by these ten thousand swords...

And the sudden drop in temperature in Lingjian Mountain caused the disciples in this Lingjian Mountain to also notice it.

Something happened!

After all, it can't be a sudden winter, right?

Therefore, before Xia Fukun broke through that sword aura, one figure after another had already appeared under her body.

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