Monster Refining System

Chapter 1164: Family Fun

"President Kun, don't look at me, anyway, I will go wherever you go."

Chang Yuxuan was the first to speak.

During this period of time, without Xia Fukun by his side, his cultivation has not progressed.

Even the stinky tofu that was summoned seems to be a bit worse than before.

Although in the space container of that group of master fathers, Chang Yuxuan's strength has also advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching the realm of gods. But to be honest, this Divine Envoy Realm is nothing in the top ten domains, let alone in the eyes of real masters.

If Lord Birus really came out of the seal, let alone his own consciousness, even if he sneezed unintentionally, Chang Yuxuan would probably be cold.

Fortunately, Chang Yuxuan doesn't need anything like combat power either.

He was originally a summoning player, and under the influence of Xia Fukun, it was a bit wrong to even describe him as a summoning player.

To be precise, he is a gourmet...

"Chang Yuxuan..."

After Chang Yuxuan's statement, Xia Fukun was moved.

After pondering for two seconds.

He directed at Chang Yuxuan:

"Why don't you summon some stinky tofu out again? To be honest, I kind of miss the smell of your stinky tofu!"

Hearing Xia Fukun's words, Chang Yuxuan's eyes lit up.

Previously, his Chang's stinky tofu did not do well in the underworld of those seventeen realms.

the reason is simple……

There are very few people who can sit down in the Chang's stinky tofu shop against the stench of the stinky tofu and insist on finishing it...

Most people wear gas masks when they are far away...

It was also after Xia Fukun finished speaking.

Chang Yuxuan said something in his mouth.

"President Kun, stinky tofu is here!"

With the voice of his mouth "Boom!", a huge black thing appeared in front of everyone.

As soon as the black object appeared.

A foul smell came from above.

After this foul smell appeared, the surrounding flowers, plants and trees all withered...

Xia Fukun stared at the huge black thing in front of him in a daze.

Surrounding them, Na Ali, Ye Qingwan and the others were already pale. Seeing that, it seemed that they were about to fall down at any time.

It's also this time.

The fathers of the gang appeared sullenly.

"Have you made gas bombs?"

His face is also very ugly at the moment.

He was just about to take a break when he smelled this smell.

I noticed that the source of the breath came from when Xia Fukun and the others were here. Without a word, the fathers of the gang came directly to the place where the breath appeared. Staring at the dark mass of things. He held his breath and said with a sullen face.

"Hehe, helper father, what are you talking about..."

Although Xia Fukun is already very strong now, there is still a big gap between him and this group of main fathers. Therefore, when speaking with this group of main fathers, I still retain a certain amount of respect...

After all, what if you say too much about yourself, what should you do if you are beaten by these master fathers?

And hearing Xia Fukun's words, this group of master fathers became even more angry.

What does he say?

The inside of this Fulinmen is now smoggy, and many disciples can't breathe, okay?

Isn't this a biological weapon? !

"That black tuft, what is it!"

That gang of master fathers talked a little disgustingly.

"Smelly tofu! Do you want to try it for my father?"

Xia Fukun grinned at the group of master fathers and asked the former.


Seeing that Xia Fukun was going to pick up the **** tuft and hand it to herself, the father of the group stopped quickly.

"Hurry up and disappear this thing for me, otherwise, I will let you disappear first!"

After that, the helper father may be a little unable to breathe, so he quickly left.

And Xia Fukun also looked at Chang Yuxuan with a complicated face.

"Chang Yuxuan, you stinky tofu..."

"Haha, Mr. Kun, I am now a strong man in the realm of the gods, and the food I summoned is naturally more plump."

"Hehe, the word plump..."

Xia Fukun glanced at Chang Yuxuan with a smile.

"Don't talk about it, put away this stinky tofu first."

Xia Fukun looked at A Li and other women pale, and smiled sadly at Chang Yuxuan, and said.

"What's wrong, Mr. Kun, don't you want to eat stinky tofu? If you can't eat it, you can put it back in the space container!"

Listening to what Chang Yuxuan said, Xia Fukun strongly resisted the urge to take a deep breath. After all, with this breath, he would very likely suffocate...

"Let you take it back, then take it back! Don't be babbling."


Chang Yuxuan glanced at Xia Fukun with a bit of resentment, and reluctantly put away the stinky tofu.

After the stinky tofu was put away by Chang Yuxuan, Xia Fukun waved his sleeves.

Suddenly, a sense of coolness spread out in this blessing.

The previous foul smell was quickly washed away.

Before Yang Yao, Liu Feiyang, Zhukong and others could speak, Xia Fukun drove them away.

"Ali, Awan, and Ling'er, let's take a stroll in this Fulinmen?"

Xia Fukun smiled awkwardly at the three women.

Although it seems that Xia Fukun is enjoying family happiness.

But in fact, Xia Fukun's back was already saturated with sweat at this time. After all, this is not being alone with one of the three women...

Fortunately, at this time, the three women’s feelings are already very good, and in the hearts of the three women, Xia Fukun is always the first place. Therefore, when they heard Xia Fukun say this, the three women nodded, and immediately, Follow Xia Fukun for a walk into this Fulinmen...

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