Monster Refining System

Chapter 1175: Stop playing

Although only a clone.

But at the moment.

This Lord Birus is like a leisurely stroll.

Very easy.

On the other hand, that group of master fathers fell directly into the disadvantage in the hands of Lord Birus.

It was also when Lord Billus kicked him into the sky.

The bodies of the master fathers turned over in the air, and immediately, a touch of silver light bloomed on them.

"Is it easy to work hard..."

Lord Nabilus narrowed his eyes when he saw the silver light appearing on the gang leader's father.

Immediately, on his body, a dark red light also emerged.

These two rays of light appeared on the bodies of two people. It shines directly.

This space was directly filled by two rays of light.

The whole space began to fight fiercely.

at the same time.

Lord Nabirus, sticking out his tongue, licking his lips, the next second—

The figure once again ransacked towards the master father...




In this space, there were continuous muffled noises.

And at the moment.

Xia Fukun was brought into this space by Master Nabirus.

Although his consciousness was confused, he also slowly opened his eyes.

He gritted his teeth and watched the duel in the sky.

to be frank.

Just now, when I was thinking of fighting against the leader's father, it was because of the great freedom of cultivation at work.

He knew...

In this realm of gods, he basically doesn't have too many opponents.


If you meet the strong man in the ancestral realm, you are still far away...

At this moment, he raised his head and looked into the sky.

However, it was hard to find the traces of the clones of the master father and Lord Nabirus.

Only barely able to see the two vague figures colliding in the sky.

Then, listening to this space, there were continuous muffled noises.


At this moment, Xia Fukun was at a loss.

Own arrogance.

One's arrogant self-defeating.

And, my own insignificance...

In Xia Fukun's heart, it seemed to plant a seed.

"Brother Lian, am I really that weak..."

Xia Fukun took a deep breath, and after gritting his teeth, he asked about the Bliss system in his body.


Bliss System pondered for two seconds, then nodded.

"For those master fathers and Billus, you are indeed a weak scumbag."

"However, there is no alternative."

"How long have you been cultivating, do you know, how long have the master father and Nabirus cultivated?"

"I'm afraid that these thirty-two universes have not yet been born, and the gang of master fathers and Nabirus have already begun to practice."

Although the bliss system's remarks meant to belittle Xia Fukun.

However, I don't know why, after hearing this bliss system, Xia Fukun was better off.


How long have I cultivated myself...

Nabilus and the father of the gang leader were already old monsters who hadn't known how long they had cultivated.

If you can compare with them, that's hell.



It was also at this moment, a figure, like a cannonball, fell from that high altitude like a meteor.

Xia Fukun glanced at him.

It was only then that the people who fell down were the fathers of the gang.

Just about to come forward to exchange a few words.

I saw the avatar of Lord Birus floating in the air, above the palm of his hand, a series of dark purple energy balls, tossed towards the gang of master fathers.

Upon seeing this.

This Xia Fukun shrank his neck, and was full of agitated spirits, staying in place honestly. Don't dare to go forward.

Accompanied by the falling of those dark purple energy balls.

In this space, there are also huge mushroom clouds rising up.


Although the main fathers of the gang have no system in their bodies, they are not so easy to deal with. Moreover, Na Birus, after all, is just a clone, not the deity's personal presence.

and so--

Before the mushroom clouds had completely dispersed, a figure rose into the air.

Immediately, broke through the choking mushroom cloud.

Straightforwardly, he appeared in front of the clone of Lord Birus.

The fist wrapped in the silver light, green light and other radiant rays of light, fiercely slammed the punch on the chin of Lord Birus.


Nabirus-sama's whole body flew upside down in an instant.

While flying backwards, his slender tail, cutting through the space, actually acted as a buffer, stopping his body abruptly in the high altitude.


Nabirus-sama's clone spit out.

Immediately, he wiped his mouth and looked at the helper father in front of him.

"Without a system, it's still so tricky. It looks like it can be my hunting target. You are not bad, helper."


The father father sneered.

"I never said that it is my honor to be your hunting target."

"The farce should be over, you, after all, are just a clone. There should be no way for you to release that sacred skill, right?"

Upon hearing the words of the master fathers, Lord Birus frowned.

It's also this time.

This space trembled completely.

The hands of those master fathers were raised above their heads.

At the same time, in the palm of his hand, a terrifying force slowly rose and spread.

Upon seeing this, Lord Nabirus narrowed his eyes.

Immediately, a strong smile appeared on his face.

"Have you used all the magic skills?"

"Forget it, today, I won't play with you anymore. A hundred years later, let's see you again. As for Xia Fukun, I can just take it away first!"

Speaking of this, Lord Birus flashed his figure and came to Xia Fukun's side, with his palms grabbing towards Xia Fukun's neck...

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