Monster Refining System

Chapter 1178: Speed ​​up refining

"Why? It wasn't very bloated just now, didn't you, do you still have to fight me?"

Hearing what the gang of master fathers said, he grinned.

He who owns the system is not the opponent of that gang of master fathers.

Not to mention……

At this moment, all of his own systems are all in the possession of that group of master fathers.

At this time, if he doesn't recognize the wave of counseling, he won't mention whether he can beat the master father.

If the father of the gang refuses to return the system to him, who will he cry?

Therefore, Xia Fukun gave a grumpy smile.

"Hehe, wasn't it because of excitement..."

"But, by the way, helper father, you have run out of this system..."

When the fathers of the gang heard Xia Fukun's words, he gave Xia Fukun a blank look, and immediately spoke:

"Why, how long does it take to lose the system? I can't wait? Your performance, I can hardly return the system to you!"


Xia Fukun exclaimed.

He originally thought that this group of main fathers shouldn't be fooling around. After all, what status and role is this group of main fathers? How can the given system still make sense to go back?

But judging from the current situation, the fathers of the gang really don’t want to return the system to themselves...

"Eh, hehehe... Father, what is your identity, how can you have some insights with me as a junior?"

After Xia Fukun finished speaking, the master father glanced at Xia Fukun.

"Then Xiaocui, are you still looking for something about her?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback.

Immediately, his expression changed slightly.


"Then this system, I won't return it to you."

Xia Fukun gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Helper father, let's not bring this kind of thing!"

"Then how to drop? If you are not convinced, you can beat me, beat me, this system, you take it back."

"Or, I just promised that in the future, don't trouble Xiaocui and the others. After all, they are all seniors in the same discipline. It's unnecessary."

Xia Fukun: "..."

Gritted his teeth.

Surprisingly, this Xia Fukun did not ask for pity.

after all--

That Xiaocui hurt Ye Qingwan earlier.

This is something he cannot forgive.

It is impossible for him to say something to the master father in order to get back to the system, willing to spare Xiao Cui's words.

This person Xia Fukun...

Although many times they are laughing and laughing.

But sometimes...

If the world hurts the people around him...


It is impossible for him to reconcile with the world...

This is Xia Fukun...

A person who is extremely short-term...

The exchanges with that group of master fathers did not reach any reconciliation...

Xia Fukun squinted his eyes and watched the gang of master fathers open up the space created by Birus, and then headed out of the space.

Reluctantly, Xia Fukun could only sniff, and followed the group of master fathers back to the third domain.

And in that third domain, at this moment, the disciples of Fulinmen are still in a state of bewilderment.

Including the head teacher of Tsing Yi, also shivering.

the reason is simple……

Because the talented ones are beyond his imagination...

He knew that the main fathers were very strong, but he had never thought that they could be so strong...

He asked himself that he couldn't take the skill Xia Fukun released earlier.

However, the gang of master fathers are so easy to follow...

This Tsing Yi head teacher is like this.

Not to mention other disciples.

Fortunately, the courage of this group of master fathers is also present.

After coming out of the space of Lord Nabirus, all the disciples of Fulinmen were stabilized in a few words.


After this matter is over.

Xia Fukun also didn't have the arrogance and domineering that he had before.

after all--

At this moment, he, just like the master Tsing Yi, has no system in his body.

There is no system in the realm of the gods, which is a bit ugly, and there is no soul...

This Xia Fukun is the soulless person...

Despite the way his power is presented, it is the power of the sea of ​​stars. But the same is true.

During this period of time, Xia Fukun didn't want to go to find Xiao Cui's troubles.


That group of master fathers seemed to know Xia Fukun's mind.

Na Xiaocui and others were directly taken to the top of the peak by the helper's father.


A sign was still standing outside the peak of the main fathers of the gang.

"Xia Fukun and the dog are not allowed inside!"

When Xia Fukun saw this brand, he vomited blood in anger!

What do these master fathers mean? Are you secretly calling yourself a dog? !

Can this be tolerated? Of course you can't bear it, okay? !

But there is no way.

If you can't bear it, what can Xia Fukun do? He is not the opponent of these master fathers either!


The cowardly Xia Fukun chose to yield.

And because Ali and Zhang Ling'er didn't play before, they didn't get injured either.

As for the injuries on Ye Qingwan's body, under the repair of the Bliss system, he has basically healed.

During this period of time, Xia Fukun wondered **** Xiao Cui, while on the other hand, he was wondering how to get his system back from the gang of master fathers.

With the company of the three daughters, this day passed quickly.

One month later...

Xia Fukun's short leisure time is over.

That group of master fathers took the initiative to find Xia Fukun.

Looking at the peachy Xia Fukun in front of him, he cast a glance at the other person.

"Xia Fukun."

"Did you have a good time during this period?"

Xia Fukun glanced at the helper's father, but did not speak.

"I have always felt your breath outside of my mountain recently. Why, are you always wondering, do you want to come to my mountain to do something?"

Xia Fukun's eyelids twitched when he heard the helper's father say so, and immediately said in embarrassment;

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

Indeed, this time Xia Fukun did groping a lot during this period. He wanted to see how he could sneak into the mountain of the master father without being discovered by the master father.

But after going there, he discovered that the mountain where the master father is located is covered with the breath of the master father everywhere. Indeed, after all, these master fathers are super strong in the ancestral realm.

If there is no such means, then there is no need to confuse it.

"Did you come to see me making a joke?"

After the helper father came, Xia Fukun let Ye Qingwan and other women leave. I asked that group of master fathers.

And hearing Xia Fukun's words, the fathers of the gang also smiled.

"If you want to see the joke, I've seen it a long time ago. I came this time to tell you that the Bliss system has refined all of your remaining systems. Now, you can go back to your systems. "


Xia Fukun was taken aback when he heard what the father of the gang said.

He originally thought that the master dad didn't want to give himself a system. Unexpectedly, the master dad took his system over to help him refine those systems more quickly...

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