Monster Refining System

Chapter 1197: Xia Fukun's helplessness

"what is this……"

When this light appeared on Xia Fukun's body.

The corpse king was stunned in an instant.

Because after the ray of light on Xia Fukun appeared, the whole world was divided...

And Xia Fukun's body, also at this moment, moved towards the division of the world.

It seemed that Xia Fukun was not ready to let her go, so Xia Fukun hooked her finger at herself. Suddenly, his body floated away with that Xia Fukun.

"what's the situation……"

The corpse Wanglong was a little shocked, and hurriedly asked Xia Fukun.

However, Xia Fukun's eyes were indifferent at this moment.

"Don't let anything happen, you dominate this world, and when you meet others, you may not care about you, but you are lucky enough to meet me. So—"

"Look at this world one last time, and then say say-goodbye to this world."

By the time Xia Fukun finished saying this, his body had gone beyond the cross section. It was also at this time that the body of the corpse Wang Longqi was driven by Xia Fukun and left the world of Bai Xiaofei directly...

And when the bodies of Xia Fukun and that corpse king Longqi disappeared, the world, at this moment, returned to peace.

The bodies of those corpses are all annihilated in this world at this moment.

In the blessing of the third realm...

The fathers of the gang looked at Xia Fukun's direction in a daze.

"This guy……"

"How... well, destroyed a world..."


If there is no corpse brother in Bai Xiaofei's world, then Bai Xiaofei's world will also become worthless...

At this moment, Xia Fukun didn't know that Bai Xiaofei's world... had been removed from the Ten Thousand Realms System.

At this moment, he returned to the Ten Thousand Realms system, and in front of him, there was still that confused corpse Wang Longqi.

At this moment, Xia Fukun had restored the strength of the Heavenly God Realm.

He moved his wrists and ankles.

Looking at the bewildered corpse Wang Longqi in front of him.

"Hehe, are you immortal?"

Xia Fukun sneered, and immediately, the barren three fingers pointed at the corpse king dragon randomly.


The body of the corpse king and dragon, in front of Xia Fukun, turned into powder and dissipated.

This time, the body of the corpse king Longqi never recovered.

the reason is simple.

His so-called immortal body can only resist attacks that are weaker than himself or similar to his own strength.

And this Xia Fukun...

From the moment it was restored to the realm of the gods that day.

The strength gap between the two is too far apart.

and so--

It is also a matter of course to be killed by a single blow.

Xia Fukun took a deep breath.

Turning around, looking at the wavy mist in this Ten Thousand Realm System.

"Myriad Realms System, how long have I been in that Bai Xiaofei world?"

"Host, you have been in Bai Xiaofei's world for less than two days, and to the outside world, it is only more than an hour."


Xia Fukun breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that everything was simpler than expected.

It is also at this time.

The sound of the bliss system reached Xia Fukun's ears unhurriedly.

"Xia Fukun, guard against arrogance and rashness. Those worlds in the Ten Thousand Realm System can't be solved by brute force alone. Sometimes, other aspects also occupy a large part..."

"other aspects?"

Xia Fukun was taken aback for a moment.

Other aspects, what are they referring to? ?

Without responding to the Bliss system, Xia Fukun knew that now he, time is waiting for no one, so he hurriedly spoke to the Ten Thousand Realms System.

"Teleport me to the next world."

"Ok, host..."

The Ten Thousand Realms System nodded.

Immediately after--

There was a flower in front of Xia Fukun's eyes, and soon he came to a new strange world.

What Xia Fukun didn't expect was that this world is still modern, still, in that city.

Moreover, it is different from that of Bai Xiaofei's world.

This world seems to be more appropriate to the earth Xia Fukun was on before, there is no corpse brother, and no strangers.

Everywhere, there is a lot of traffic...

And what made Xia Fukun even more surprised was--

At this moment, on the shops in front of him, it was written--

"コンビニ" (convenience store)

Seeing this, Xia Fukun couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water.

So, for this kind of text, I am very familiar with it.

and so……

Have you come into the world of anime?

Thinking of this, Xia Fukun couldn't help licking his lips, and the saliva flowed down.

After rebirth, he had seen a lot of beautiful women, such as A Li, Ye Qingwan, and Zhang Ling'er. Almost every woman has its own merits, each with its own beauty, and points for extra points.


Xia Fukun has never met a girl in this kind of manga or anime...

This has always been Xia Fukun's dream.

after all--

Two-dimensional and real people are still impossible to reach.

Even those cosplays are just imitations, not completely transformed into the characters in the second dimension.

Therefore, at this moment, Xia Fukun was extremely excited and excited.

So much so that he forgot to look at the top of this world, what is the task on that cross section.

It's also this time.

Xia Fukun looked in front of him with a bit of astonishment, a figure two heads shorter than him, and walked towards him with his hands in his pockets.

That figure, with a big head, above the bridge of the nose, was framed with a pair of black-framed glasses, a small suit, and a bow tie at the neckline. A pair of sneakers was stepped on his feet.


When he saw this figure, Xia Fukun was astonished.

Isn't it Detective Conan?

and so--

I have traveled to...

It's also this time.

The voice of the Ten Thousand Realms System slowly reached Xia Fukun's mind.

"Congratulations to the host for entering the world of Detective Conan. The world of Detective Conan, the holder of the list, the father of the helper, assisted Conan in solving a major case in three days. The host only needs to assist Conan in solving one within three days. You can become the top of the list with just one case."

Xia Fukun: "..."

How boring are these master fathers?

Enter the world of Detective Conan and help Conan solve the case?

Although Xia Fukun felt that he had a high IQ, he helped the detective Conan solve the case, haha, and it was within three days. If Conan hadn't encountered any cases during this time? What do you do? Are you staring at playing with Conan?

However, this is the task of the list after all, and the time only lasts for three days. In the outside world, it is only about three hours. Xia Fukun felt that he could still consume it.

Thought of this. Xia Fukun sighed and chose to follow behind Conan. Fortunately, he stepped on a pair of Aj at this time, and he was also wearing casual clothes. It was not much different from the detective Conan in the world, so he didn't particularly attract the attention of people around him. .

Raising the collar, Xia Fukun followed behind the detective Conan.

Conan still had his hands in his pockets at first, but after seeing Xia Fukun behind him, he moved his glasses.

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