Monster Refining System

Chapter 1201: Xia Fukun's thoughts

"Huihara, help me find someone..."

Hearing what Conan said, there was a lazy magnetic female voice on the other side of the phone.

"It seems that every time you look for me, there is nothing good, right?"

"Hehe, don't I feel embarrassed when you say that?"

Conan smiled awkwardly, and said to the other side of the phone:

"Okay, you can check that Okamoto for me first."


On the other side of the phone, Hui Yuanai blushed when she heard this name...

Isn't this the brand name of that stuff...

"Um, Okamoto, you can check it, and I will send you the photo."

Previously, the Osaka police station sent some photos of the suspects to Conan, so at this time, Conan directly sent them to Aihara Ai.


Hui Yuanai returned a call.

"Okamoto Okuma's information has been found, you can take a look..."

Conan received the information from Hui Yuanai, glanced at it, his face suddenly changed.

Before, he thought it was Xia Fukun talking nonsense.

However, after seeing the Okamoto bear's message, his whole person couldn't help but tremble.

Because the Okamoto bear has a direct relationship with the victims.

However, at that time, the Okamoto bear had an alibi, and there were people whose suspicions were much greater than that of the Okamoto bear. Therefore, the Okamoto bear was regarded as the Nth suspect and did not receive special attention from the police.

"Is it really this guy...'"

Conan squinted his eyes.

Xia Fukun sneered when he heard Conan's words.

"Of course, I can lie to you? And, not only that, I have even made up the picture of how the criminal committed the crime, but I can't tell you now. After all, you are not known as the No. 1 high school student. A detective? I want to see you how to solve this case. In addition, you can talk to Officer Megumi, and find someone to stare at the Okamoto bear. I guess that Okamoto bear at this time, I should want to get out of this book."

"But, if the police were to follow him, wouldn't it be a surprise?"

Conan squinted his eyes and took a look at Xia Fukun. He felt that this Xia Fukun shouldn't be enough, without such a bit of common sense.

"Ha ha."

Xia Fukun smiled.

"Is Okamoto the first suspect?"

"It's not..."

Conan frowned, wondering why Xia Fukun said that.

"The second suspect?"

"It's not..."

Conan didn't know what Xia Fukun meant by saying that, but he still replied:

"From the case of the police station in Osaka, although Okamoto bears a direct relationship with every victim, he has an alibi in every case, plus this The identity of this big bear is rather special, so the police ranked him as the Nth suspect."

"That's it."

Xia Fukun smiled at Conan, Daoxing said profoundly:

"Now is the time when the police pay the least attention to him. At this time, if he leaves suddenly, then you won't find him at all."

"However, precisely because he is the nth suspect, if the police followed him, he would not only not run away, nor would he have the feeling of being stunned by the grass, on the contrary, he would pretend to be calm and keep his daily routine. . Once we have collected enough evidence for i, we can arrest him."

"What you said seems to make sense."

Conan squinted his eyes.

Seeing Conan lost in thought, Xia Fukun smiled in his heart.

Of course it makes sense!

Just kidding, this is the operation of Conan in the previous anime.

Soon, after thinking about it, Conan called Police Officer Mumu.

Of course, the identity is Shinichi Kudo.

As for Shinichi Kudo, Officer Megume still trusted him.

the reason is simple--

Because in this book, there is cooperation between this kind of police and detectives.

As for Shinichi Kudo, Officer Megure felt that it was much more reliable than Kogoro Mori...

Because he always feels that the silent Kogoro is a bit strange now. No one fell asleep and went to solve the case, but now this Kogoro Moori matter has become an unsolved mystery. No one knows what is going on, so even if he thinks it is strange, it doesn’t. Method. And it just so happened that this Maori Kogoro has a good relationship with him, and he usually calls this Maori Kogoro a Maori brother, naturally, he won't say anything more.

However, I don't seem to know when Kudo Shinichi disappeared from everyone's sight, so when he suddenly received a call from Kudo Shinichi, Officer Megume was also particularly surprised.

As for the case in Osaka, it was originally not the responsibility of Officer Mugure, but it just so happened that Okamoto Okuma is now in the jurisdiction of Officer Mugure, and it is also at the request of Shinichi Kudo, so Officer Mugure He agreed in one gulp and immediately sent out the police.

"It's done, then, let's go to the crime scene."

Hearing Conan's words, Xia Fukun nodded...

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